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CC-2831, nicknamed "Keck", was a Clone Commander within the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. He served as the commanding officer of the 606th Legion, and thus the 31st Nexu Battalion. He served during the First Battle of Geonosis, and was soon after appointed to serve under Jedi General Ralos Velense. He participated in many other battles after Geonosis, including the Battle of Ansion and the Battle of Telos IV.


Early Life[]

Grown on the planet Kamino, Clone Commander CC-2831 was a clone of the infamous bounty hunter Jango Fett created to serve the Grand Army of the Republic. He was given the name "Keck" for his retched personality and brutal battle tactics, being a no-nonsense and often cruel commander. Keck was given command of the 606th Legion and appointed to serve under Jedi General Ralos Velense during the Clone Wars.[6]


Phase 1 armor and weaponry[]

During the first months of the war, Keck used a suit of plastoid Phase I clone trooper armor that was customized with the red, gray and white of the 31st Nexu Battalion. His polarized T-visor helmet sported red and gray marking, and was equipped with a fold-down rangefinder scope that included a night vision filter. For supplemental head gear, he used a visor with an inbuilt telemetry system and a pair of removable spot lamps that boasted a viewing range of forty feet. His helmet systems included infrared vision; an array of sensors; an internal comlink; visual and auditory buffers; and a heads-up display with thermal imaging and biosign indicators.

To complement his body armor, Keck sported a traditional kama half kilt, constructed out of leather and thick anti-blast armor, to repel low-flying shrapnel and debris. He also wore over his left shoulder a semi-red pauldron armor plate, which was reserved for clone officers. Besides boots with magnetic gripsoles, Keck used a variety of other tools: a vibroblade in one of his gauntlets; a wrist comlink for his left gauntlet; a medpac and high-calorie dry rations in his utility belt; and a rappel line with a winch control motor for climbing during combat. His armor suit had an airtight seal and a limited oxygen supply, which allowed him to survive in the vacuum of space for brief intervals. During the Battle of Sajun, he donned cold-weather armor—including a thermal suit and rebreather hood—for protection from the cold.

Keck used a variety of weapons in combat. He preferred to wield a pair of DC-17 hand blasters for their speed, a trait that he shared with the dual pistol–using Jango Fett, the bounty hunter from whom he was cloned. Although his two DC-17s were his signature choice of weaponry, he sometimes used a DC-15S or a DC-15A blaster rifle.

Transition to Phase 2[]

When the Republic began to have its clone soldiers transition to the Phase II set of clone trooper armor, Keck changed to Phase II clone trooper armor, bearing a customized BARC helmet along with his previous equipment, albeit re-visioned. He added more red markings to his armor to further separate himself from other clones.
