Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

AFT-21, usually referred to as "Aft", was one of the eldest clone troopers of the Great Clone Forces during the Second Clone Wars. He was closest to the two other "Old Breeds" nicknamed Arc and Longman. Apart from being well-known as the third clone ever in the army, Aft was an expert with electricity and electronics. Other than that, he was always the first mechanic in Division One, and he was good in handling shotguns.

From the famed trio, he was the only one who didn't survive the war. During the issuing of Order 50-1, Aft was killed in the Battle of .



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Order 50-1[]

Just after the beginning of the issuing of Order 50-1, in the Battle of, Aft and the rest of Division One were attacked by a gigantic scorpion-like alien. After a little while of fighting, the alien surprisingly pierced Aft's chest from behind when no one was looking. The others eventually killed the alien and proceeded off the planet.


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He always wore a white clone trooper armor painted with red markings.
