Användare:Frankie Fouganthin
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Bokläsare. Textkreatör. Bildskapare. Projektledare.
Några bilder jag laddat upp för fri användning av vem som helst, finns i fotodatabanken på Wikimedia Commons
Använd gärna mina bilder men glöm inte min byline; Foto: Frankie Fouganthin. Tack.
(Bilderna får enbart användas under CC-licens för erkännande)
Några sidor att börja läsa för dem som vill hjälpa till på Wikipedia:
Nybörjarkursen – Grundläggande information om Wikipedia.
Grundprinciperna – Information om Wikipedia sammanfattat i fem punkter.
Deltagarportalen – Länkar till informationssidor om Wikipedia samt förslag på vad du kan göra för att hjälpa till här.
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Allt användande av Wikipedia sker på egen risk! |
In English:
My pictures are mainly taken in and around Stockholm where there have been cultural and political events of various kinds. The pictures are primarily informative and illustrations to the articles.
As a great book reader, I have met over a thousand authors from all over the world between the years 1987-2002 at the Gothenburg Book Fair and on other places, but never taken a single picture of anyone. I'm not a celebrity photographer. At that time, Wikipedia didnt exist. If that were the case, Wikipedia today would have had hundreds of authors who are no longer alive today. It is important to document while there is time. Sadly more than 70 people have passed away of those I photographed in the last 10 years.
However, I´ve been documenting places, buildings and objects all over the world for 40 years and I am a big fan of Street photography. I only shoots portrait photos on behalf of Wikipedia when I visit various cultural events.
A selection of my-pictures can be found at
Wikimedia Commons All portraits are snapshots taken in the moment.