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Who's Zooming Whom? is the second episode of Survivor: Africa.


Day 4[]

After their first Tribal Council on Night 3, the Boran tribe agreed that eliminating Diane was the best move, but also considered that Clarence should have left to pay for the lost can of beans. Clarence then approached Jessie of what she thinks about the situation, telling her that Diane was the real culprit, and betrayed him when the tribe started berating him for the incident. Jessie commented, "I understand the decision that was made to keep Clarence and not me; he is much stronger than I am. I just want to tell that I love him." With lack of sleep, Samburu found themselves sore after sleeping in the sand. With this, Frank again started to bark orders in a militaristic manner, much to the ire of Kim P. and Lindsey. Throughout the day, the erratic division of labor caused the tribe to be divided by age, with the elders (Frank, Teresa, Linda, and Carl) doing almost all the work, while the younger members (Silas, Kim P., Lindsey, and Brandon) halfheartedly helped on camp chores. Brandon observed, "We are almost like two completely different teams. For some reason, our camp is split right down the middle by age."

Day 5[]

At the Reward Challenge, the tribes were evenly matched, but Boran's Kim J. tripped while carrying the final peg, making room for Samburu to lead and eventually win their second consecutive challenge. After Boran's second loss, Kim J. felt that she was next to go. "Falling down in the challenge, and all things being equal among us, it's a reason to vote me off," she said. Later, Jessie and Clarence felt worried by the lack of potable water. "I never thought drinking water would be this hard," Jessie mumbled to herself before going weak and faint. "I will be the first to admit that the water does not taste great, but you look past it because you need it. Not only that, if you don't drink it, how are you going to help us in challenges? It hurts us all because it wears everybody down," Clarence added.

Over at Samburu, Silas was approached by the elder members to join their voting bloc. Frank even rebutted that Silas should not align himself with the younger members, stating that he is siding with the weaker members. Unknown to Frank, Lindsey was secretly listening to their conversation. With Silas feeling secure about his place, he asked Lindsey about making their own alliance with Brandon and Kim P. Lindsey agreed, but she said that the younger alliance must get rid of Frank first. After managing the beans fiasco on Day 3, Lex and Big Tom started to emerge as Boran's leaders and both decided to have an alliance with each other. They then approached Ethan to join their pact. Ethan agreed, but later expressed, "Everyone trusts Lex, and for all I know he is playing both sides, and that's why I am a little paranoid."

Day 6[]

The tribes convened for their second Immunity Challenge, where Jeff showed with some local tribesmen and a cattle. Before the challenge, Jeff explained that the local people rarely eat meat and only relied on their blood and milk. Then moments later, the tribesmen drained some blood and left the cow unharmed. Then Jeff said that their next challenge is a blood-drinking contest. With everyone having drunk every shot, the challenge ended with a tie. Kelly was chosen to compete for Boran while Samburu will have Linda as theirs. With Kelly having trouble swallowing, Linda managed to finish first, thus bagging Samburu's third consecutive victory.

Knowing that they would be sent back to Tribal Council, Boran felt unsure of who to eliminate. Despite still harboring ill feelings for Clarence, Tom approached Clarence and agreed that they must set aside their conflicts and vote off their weak links first, though at Tribal Council, Tom ultimately decided to vote for Clarence once again. But in the end, despite being well-liked, Jessie's weaker state was enough to eliminate her, and she was next to go in a 5-2 vote.


Challenge: Stairway to the Stars
Each tribe has five logs. The goal is to transport the five logs from the start position through a series of obstacles to a tower, where they must build a staircase. The first tribe to successfully build the staircase and have one member race to the top of the tower wins.
Reward: Blankets, an extra supply of canned food, lamps, water containers, and some items that they have left on the truck in Day 1.
Winner: Samburu

Challenge: Safari Supper
One at a time, members from both tribes must drink a shot of cow's blood. If at any time a person declines to drink or does not finish, that team is disqualified. If all members of both tribes complete the task, a tiebreaker is set. Each tribe must pick a member from the other tribe to chug a full glass of cow's blood. The first to finish the full glass wins.
Winner: Samburu

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 2:
S3 jessie t
Jessie (5 votes)
S3 clarence tS3 ethan t
S3 kelly tS3 kimj tS3 lex t
Clarence, Ethan, Kelly, Kim J., Lex
S3 clarence t
Clarence (2 votes)
S3 jessie tS3 tom t
Jessie, Tom
S3 jessie bw
Jessie Camacho

Voting Confessionals[]

S3 jessie t
(voting against Clarence) Last time I wanted to vote for Clarence and I didn't get the chance, so I figure tonight I'm going to say my piece and vote for the person who I really wanted to vote for last time.
S3 kimj t
Kim J.
(voting against Jessie) I hate to lose her because she's so nice, but she's having trouble holding up in these horrible, hard conditions and if she's still like that on Day 5 or 6, I don't think she's going to be able to hold on for the long haul. We need all the strength we can get.
S3 tom t
(voting against Clarence) I forgive, but I don't forget. This is still another reminder.

Final Words[]

S3 jessie bw
I know why the guys made the decision they made. Obviously, they felt that, um, they needed Clarence to stay in the challenge. He's a little bit stronger than me anyway. Um... and that's the decision they made, and I am okay with that. And I just wanted to tell Tom that I love him.

Still in the Running[]

S3 diane bw
S3 jessie bw
S3 brandon t
S3 carl t
S3 clarence t
S3 ethan t
S3 frank t
S3 kelly t
 Kim J.
S3 kimj t
 Kim P.
S3 kimp t
S3 lex t
S3 linda t
S3 lindsey t
S3 silas t
S3 teresa t
S3 tom t


  • Jessie Camacho became the first castaway to never win a challenge and not be the first person voted out in their season.


Survivor: Africa Episodes
"Question of Trust" · "Who's Zooming Whom?" · "The Gods Are Angry" · "The Young and Untrusted" · "The Twist" · "I'd Never Do It to You" · "Will There Be a Feast Tonight?" · "The First 21 Days" · "Smoking Out the Snake" · "Dinner, Movie and a Betrayal" · "We Are Family" · "The Big Adventure" · "Truth Be Told" · "The Final Four: No Regrets" · "Reunion"