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War Is Not Pretty is the ninth episode of Survivor: Winners at War.


Night 21[]

S40 michele t
I am really, really annoyed. I hate getting blindsided, to be perfectly honest. And the fact is that I wanted Wendell out. I've told these people that I was on board with that, and yet here we are, me blindsided, on the wrong side of the votes again. I feel like déjà vu from Day 2.
S40 nick t
I feel like Wendell was kind of the first shot. This is ruthless and cutthroat, and... there's gonna be bloodshed. And I'm gonna like it. I'm-I'm gonna get on that train now, to where I love blood.
S40 nick t
I feel like it is now my duty to take every one of these people out that have double-crossed me. I'm ready for some revenge.
S40 adam t
Oh, man. Tribal Council tonight, my heart was beating so fast. Literally, like, out of my chest. It was outrageous. I was so incredibly nervous. But I'm here. I'm here. Right now, Michele is feeling incredibly low. But I see it as an opportunity.
S40 adam t
I think that there may be an idol in Jeff Probst's podium. I recognize the fleur-de-lis symbol from the idol that Denise found, so the fact that there is a fleur-de-lis right in front of us at Tribal Council makes me think that that might actually be a live idol. In the chance that I'm right, it'd be a pretty epic way to save myself!

Day 22[]

S40 amber t
So we got a clue that said something about history repeats itself. So we're all thinking, "Oh, it's all the past clues that we've been given while we're here on the Edge." It's maybe the combination boxes, you know, maybe it's the trails.
S40 natalie t
Once we were at the top of the mountain, I was like, "Let's go split off into groups," because if we find tokens, I want to spend it to buy food. Wendell just had a merge feast, so he's good, and Yul just got here. He hasn't been suffering like the rest of us. And so I just wanted to make sure that Wendell and Yul are completely left out of this advantage.
S40 danni t
As a fan, the wheels started turning, and I thought, "Maybe this is something from a past season on Extinction"-- when Aubry stepped back and looked up at the steps and found where the clue was.
S40 parvati t
Oh, my God! I did something! Survivor-- I'm playing the game! I feel like a mouse trapped on this mouse experiment. And finding the prize was, like, my piece of cheese.
S40 parvati t
It was, like, a safe or unsafe coin. And if you flip and it lands on "Safe," you have immunity. That's huge. For a moment, I was thinking, "We could keep this just between us and then we could have a jar of peanut butter just for me and Danni." (chuckles) But then I was thinking... "I've got people out here who I trust, and a lot of people have been here way longer than me." So I'm like-- my heart just can't not want them in on the secret. Now we have to sell it to someone in the game. I know that you can buy peanut butter with Fire Tokens, and we have six people in our group who are looking to eat something.

S40 adam t
Sarah made a mistake by switching out with Nick. Look, Sarah came into this game with quite a reputation. The way she played Game Changers, she blindsided friends left and right. So if Sarah's move puts a bigger target on her back, fine with me. I don't trust her as far as I can throw her. And I can't throw very far.

S40 sarah t
I gave Nick my reward as a human being to a human being. There was-- no gameplay was in it. It was a complete genuine decision. Nick's birthday was yesterday. Nick got completely blindsided yesterday. This game is very tough. We're all away from our loved ones. He just got engaged. So I hope it taught everybody a lesson. Just as a world, we can be nicer to each other.
S40 tony t
Wow. Sarah got caught up in the moment, and that one moment on Survivor is what costs you the game sometimes, when you can't get out of that emotional, realistic, humane moment to be that barbaric survivor that you need to be.
S40 jeremy t
Sarah gives up her reward and gives it to Nick, one of the main guys I want to talk to because he's on the outs. I'm like, "Come on, Sarah." And I've done that before. I've given up reward. And you know what they did? They voted me out.
S40 nick t
Sarah gives me the reward. And I appreciated it, but I don't feel like I owe her anything. I don't trust her any more than I already did, and it wasn't much, because I know the game Sarah plays. And if Sarah was told to write down my name tonight, she would. But, hopefully, there are some clues hidden somewhere for a Hidden Immunity Idol or a Steal a Vote advantage or something... and hopefully I can find it.
S40 michele t
This game has been such an emotional roller coaster. Last night was a seriously low point in the game for me. And then, this morning, I received Wendell's Fire Token, which puts me at four Fire Tokens. And I think that makes me the richest person out here. So, I get back to camp and I notice something in my bag. So I scurry off and I pull out... Dun, dun, dun... this beautiful 50/50 Coin advantage. (chuckles)
S40 michele t
This coin is 50/50, and I truly feel 50/50 on whether or not I should take the advantage.
S40 michele t
But at the reward today, we had fortune cookies. And two of mine were, "As the purse is emptied, the heart is filled." And the other is, "Don't be afraid of taking that big step." So now I feel like the Survivor gods came down and put these fortunes in my fortune cookie to say, "Michele, jump on this and get yourself some god-darn power in this game of Survivor." So I'm gonna trade in my four Fire Tokens for this beautiful advantage.

Day 23[]

S40 tony t
My big concern from Day 1 was that the lower-profile players, as I would call the hyenas of the game, will all start coming after the higher-profile players and pick us off one by one. So right now I want to try to get rid of the hyenas because they're gonna wait for the lions to go at it, and then they're gonna come in and clean up shop.

S40 kim t
Feels amazing to have the Immunity Necklace walking into Tribal tonight. But really, tonight's vote is not, like, a huge, crazy vote unless something goes down and an idol gets played.
S40 kim t
What appears to be the easy vote tonight would be sticking with this larger group of people, and then you've kind of got Nick, Adam, and Michele that are a bit outcasted from the group. And I think if that large group of people were to stick together and vote out one of those, everybody makes it through the night. I think Nick's just not to be trusted, from my perspective. I don't have a relationship with him. I think he's also a-a challenge threat moving forward. So Nick would be my preference tonight.
S40 nick t
I'm gonna take this game over. I'm tired of being told what to do, and I'm tired of my name getting thrown out as a easy vote. If there's gonna be tons of chaos, that's good for me. I want more and more names thrown around. I want more and more people to turn on each other.
S40 nick t
Sarah gave me the reward, but she's tighter to a lot of people than she is to me. So I don't feel bad if I can send Sarah home.
S40 tyson t
We agree to Sarah, but I think Adam's more dangerous as a player. So I think, "Okay, I have to do something." I've never loved confusion in the game of Survivor. I've always wanted it to be straightforward. But I'm learning that if you create enough confusion, people start forgetting about you a little bit.
S40 sarah t
Literally, a bomb went off when my name came out of someone's mouth, and now I'm like, "Hold up. This is not happening." Adam, you threw my name out. Mistake, brother. You don't throw my name out, okay? And you're gonna learn the hard way, and you're gonna learn why you don't throw my name out, because your ass is gonna go home.
S40 ben t
It's hard to rope a bunch of winners into a single direction. The group's decision has changed today. I think the group's decision will change more times today. I think the group's decision will probably change at Tribal tonight, too. So... I just hope the target doesn't end up on me tonight.
S40 adam t
Ben talks to me like I'm a child that needs to be scolded. And he plays a lot more like Boston Rob than he would ever want to admit. This conversation pisses me off more than any other conversation I've ever had on Survivor. Then all hell breaks loose.
S40 adam t
My plan right now is to vote Sarah unless these guys are coming up with a new plan at camp as we speak. So, then that means that I need to go for what I think might be an idol. I don't even know if it's anything. I could be completely wrong. (groans) Oh, my God. I am imagining myself watching myself, and I'm going like this... "He's playing with so much fire. Please, don't let it burn him!" This is a high stakes game, and I'm playing it on the edge. I just don't want to be on the other Edge.

S40 adam t
I made one too many mistakes. Three strikes and you're out in this game, and, uh, the thought that there was an idol at Tribal allowed me to play more aggressively than I should have, and it cost me.


Challenge: New School
Divided into two teams of five, three members of each team would swim out and untie a net with fish puzzle pieces. After taking the net back to the shore, they must untie the puzzle pieces from the net and hang them on hooks, then carry the log with the hooks to a puzzle station, where the last two tribe members would use the puzzle pieces to complete a puzzle. The first team to solve their puzzle wins.
Reward: Chinese takeout delivered to camp.
Winners: Blue Team (Ben Driebergen, Kim Spradlin-Wolfe, Michele Fitzgerald, Sarah Lacina, and Sophie Clarke) (Sarah gave up her reward to Nick Wilson)

Challenge: Bermuda Triangle
Perched on a roof-shaped structure, castaways must balance on narrow beams. After five minutes, they will move up a level, and after ten, they will have to balance on a single beam on the top of the structure. If at any point they lose their balance or fall off the structure, they are out of the challenge. The last person left standing wins.
Additional Stipulation: The winner of the challenge would earn 1 Fire Token.
Winner: Kim Spradlin-Wolfe

Edge of Extinction[]

Edge of Extinction Inhabitants
S40 amber tS40 danni tS40 ethan tS40 natalie t
S40 parvati tS40 rob tS40 wendell tS40 yul t
Amber, Danni, Ethan, Natalie, Parvati, Rob, Wendell, Yul

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 11:
S40 adam t
Adam (8 votes)
S40 ben tS40 jeremy tS40 kim tS40 michele t
S40 nick tS40 sophie tS40 tony tS40 tyson t
Ben, Jeremy, Kim, Michele, Nick, Sophie, Tony, Tyson
S40 nick t
Nick (2 votes)
S40 denise tS40 sarah t
Denise, Sarah
S40 sarah t
Sarah (1 vote)
S40 adam t
S40 adam t
Adam Klein
(sent to Edge of Extinction)

Voting Confessionals[]

Adam was shown writing Sarah's name on the parchment. Denise's vote was not shown during her confessional.

S40 denise t
(voting against Nick) Most chaotic day ever.

Still in the Running[]

On Edge
S40 natalie t
On Edge
S40 amber t
On Edge
S40 danni t
On Edge
S40 ethan t
On Edge
S40 rob t
S40 sandra bw
On Edge
S40 parvati t
On Edge
S40 yul t
On Edge
S40 wendell t
On Edge
S40 adam t
S40 ben t
S40 denise t
S40 jeremy t
S40 kim t
S40 michele t
S40 nick t
S40 sarah t
S40 sophie t
S40 tony t
S40 tyson t


Secret Scenes[]

  • "Hopefully It Works Out for Me" (Day 22)
  • "Peanut Butter and Yoga" (Day 22)
  • "Wendell Keeps Busy on Extinction" (Day 22)

Behind the Scenes[]



Survivor: Winners at War Episodes
"Greatest of the Greats" · "It's Like a Survivor Economy" · "Out for Blood" · "I Like Revenge" · "The Buddy System on Steroids" · "Quick on the Draw" · "We're in the Majors" · "This Is Where the Battle Begins" · "War Is Not Pretty" · "The Full Circle" · "This Is Extortion" · "Friendly Fire" · "The Penultimate Step of the War" · "It All Boils Down to This"