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Saanapu is a tribe from Australian Survivor (2016). Their tribe color is blue.


Bianca Anderson
36, Melbourne, VIC
Private investigator
AUS3 bianca t
Brooke Jowett
23, Melbourne, VIC
Sales executive
AUS3 brooke t
Conner Bethune
23, Canberra, ACT
Law student
AUS3 conner t
Flick Egginton
23, Gold Coast, QLD
AUS3 flick t
Kylie Evans
38, Melbourne, VIC
AUS3 kylie t
Matt Tarrant
29, Adelaide, SA
AUS3 matt t
Peter Fiegehen
62, Canberra, ACT
Air traffic controller
AUS3 peter t
Sam Webb
28, Sydney, NSW
Charity CEO
AUS3 sam t

 Brooke Jowett
AUS3 brooke t
 Flick Egginton
AUS3 flick t
 Kylie Evans
AUS3 kylie t
 Matt Tarrant
AUS3 matt t
 Nick Iadanza
AUS3 nick t
 Tegan Haining
AUS3 tegan t

 Brooke Jowett
AUS3 brooke t
 El Rowland
AUS3 el t
 Flick Egginton
AUS3 flick t
 Jennah-Louise Salkeld
AUS3 jennahlouise t
 Kylie Evans
AUS3 kylie t
 Lee Carseldine
AUS3 lee t
 Matt Tarrant
AUS3 matt t
 Nick Iadanza
AUS3 nick t
 Sam Webb
AUS3 sam t

 Brooke Jowett
AUS3 brooke t
 El Rowland
AUS3 el t
 Flick Egginton
AUS3 flick t
 Jennah-Louise Salkeld
AUS3 jennahlouise t
 Kylie Evans
AUS3 kylie t
 Lee Carseldine
AUS3 lee t
 Matt Tarrant
AUS3 matt t
 Nick Iadanza
AUS3 nick t
 Sam Webb
AUS3 sam t
 Sue Clarke
AUS3 sue t

Tribe History[]

Saanapu started off well after winning the opening Reward Challenge, where they won fire for their camp. However, this reward almost resulted in an early medical emergency after Conner burnt his hands handling the fire. Brooke and Flick quickly became a close pair and brought Conner into their budding alliance along with Sam and Matt.

Saanapu lost their first challenge at the Day 5 Immunity Challenge, at which point Peter announced to the tribe that he would wish to be voted out due to sickness. However, plans changed when the majority alliance decided to blindside Bianca instead at Tribal Council for playing too aggressively. Peter would eventually quit the game five days later.

On Day 12, the tribe would attend a Double Tribal Council with Vavau after losing the Immunity Challenge. Kylie found a Hidden Immunity Idol and displayed it at Tribal Council in an attempt to divert the vote away from her. Conner began to suspect that Flick was double-dealing and plotted with Sam and Matt to split up what was becoming a potentially dangerous pairing with Brooke. He eventually called her out at Tribal Council in an attempt to turn the rest of the tribe against Flick, but instead it caused Matt to turn on him causing the vote to become deadlocked after a tie. It was then revealed that it was a fake vote-out with the person voted out actually being swapped to the other tribe. Feeling remorseful for causing trouble earlier that night, Conner volunteered to swap to Vavau in order to avoid a rock draw and took Sam with him. In his place, Nick joined from Vavau bringing Tegan with him.

The new Saanapu would go back to Tribal Council on Day 16, where Kylie played her idol. This helped her avoid the revote in an otherwise 2-2-2 vote with Nick and Tegan. Tegan was voted out on the revote due to Nick's willingness to help the tribe and an impressive challenge performance despite their loss.

On Day 19, Saanapu would win a challenge that gave them the privilege to pick four new members from the other two tribes. They picked Lee and El from Aganoa and former member Sam for their challenge strength, and Jennah-Louise from Vavau as an easy boot in the event they had to attend Tribal Council. On Day 29, Saanapu was allowed to send one member to eavesdrop on Vavau's Tribal Council. Brooke attended, and it was later revealed that night that she would decide which Vavau member Saanapu would kidnap. She chose Sue as a potential easy boot.

The post-swap game became very one-sided due to Saanapu's dominance in the challenges, succeeding in winning every single one until the merge, resulting in the tribe having a vast 10-3 majority.

Challenge History[]

Episode Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out Result Eliminated
1 Race for Fire Reward None Won Tribe Immune
Throw One Over Reward/Immunity None 1st
2 Sacrificial Lamb Reward/Immunity Peter Lost Bianca
2nd Voted Out
Day 5
3 Supply Ships Reward None 2nd Tribe Immune
Caught in the Web Immunity None 2nd
4 Crab Pots Immunity Peter 1st Peter
(no vote)
Day 10
5 Build It Up, Break It Down Reward None 1st Conner
Sent to Vavau
Day 12
Nutslinger Immunity None Lost
Tribes Switched, Day 12
6 Breakout Immunity None 1st Tribe Immune
7 Barrel Bridge Reward None 1st Tegan
5th Voted Out
Day 17
Pull Your Weight Immunity None Lost
8 United We Stand Reward None Won
Tribes Switched, Day 19
9 Up Close and Muddy Reward None Won Tribe Immune
Basketbrawl Immunity None Won
10 Log Handler Immunity Brooke Won Tribe Immune
11 Hot Pursuit Reward Flick, Jennah-Louise Won Tribe Immune
Sack Attack Immunity El, Nick Won
12 Coconut Immunity Brooke,
Jennah-Louise, Matt
Won Tribe Immune
13 Shut Your Trap Reward El, Flick, Kylie, Lee Won Tribe Immune
Boats Tug of War Immunity Brooke, Jennah-Louise,
Matt, Sam
Kidnapping, Day 29
14 Spinning Stars Reward/Immunity El, Flick, Kylie,
Lee, Nick, Sue
Won Tribe Immune
Tribes Merged, Day 32
^1 A tie occurred. Per Australian Survivor rules, a second vote was held where the castaways involved in the tie would not vote and the remaining castaways could only vote for those involved in the tie.
^2 Per Australian Survivor rules, in case of a deadlock tie, the non-immune players would have an open discussion to eliminate one of the tied players. If no consensus is reached, the non-immune castaways would be forced to draw rocks.
^3 In a surprise twist, Vavau and Saanapu were subjected to a mock vote, where the players voted out were switched to the other tribe. Those voted out were given the right to take a tribemate to join them on their new tribe. Conner chose Sam to join him on Vavau.
^4 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played, negating all votes against its user.

Voting History[]

Original Tribes Switched Tribes Absorbed Tribes Post-Kidnap Tribes
Episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Voted Out Tribe
AUS3 bianca t
AUS3 peter t
Tie Deadlock Mock
Tie AUS3 tegan t
Vote 5-2-1 No vote1 3-32,3 2-22,3 4-03 2-2-04 4-0
Lee On Aganoa On Aganoa
El On Aganoa On Aganoa
Flick Bianca Conner None None Nick Tegan
Matt Bianca Conner Conner Conner Tegan Tegan
Sam Bianca Flick Flick Conner On Vavau
Brooke Bianca Conner Conner Conner Nick Tegan
Jennah-Louise On Vavau On Vavau
Sue On Vavau On Vavau On Vavau
Kylie Peter Flick Flick Conner Tegan Tegan
Nick On Vavau Kylie None
Conner Bianca Flick None None On Vavau On Vavau On Vavau
Tegan On Vavau Kylie None
Peter Kylie Quit
Bianca Peter
^1 Although Saanapu won the Immunity Challenge, Peter opted to quit the game, thus allowing Aganoa to visit Tribal Council without voting off one of their own.
^2 A tie occurred. Per Australian Survivor rules, a second vote was held where the castaways involved in the tie would not vote and the remaining castaways could only vote for those involved in the tie.
^3 In a surprise twist, Vavau and Saanapu were subjected to a mock vote, where the players voted out were switched to the other tribe.
^4 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played, negating all votes against its user.



  • Saanapu currently holds the record for most challenge wins at 18.
  • Every member of the jury was on the Day 29 Saanapu tribe.


Australian Survivor Tribes
Australian Survivor (2002) Celebrity Survivor Australia Australian Survivor (2016) Australian Survivor (2017)
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