The following is a list of how the surfaces can effect gameplay.
Can Kill You - 3 Spikes (ground) Piranha plant Minecart
Can Hurt You - 3 Spikes (sides) Rockets Fireballs
Contain Wall(s) -5 Bricks Singing guy Whale Boat Large slanted line with eyes
Other - 16 Clock Side flags Swinging platform Five slanted lines Ranch thing Middle platform thing with flag Platform with ladders Fourteen small platforms Side springs Blowing face Pine trees House Platform ferris wheel Two slanted platforms Umbrella stand Tree
Mention?Smoreking(T) (c) 00:20, 22 June 2009 (UTC)
Pikachu "Glitch"[]
There's a pikachu glitch here (i believe it's on the extensions) where you can mess up thunder (It kind of breaks apart and moves so it still hits the ground) what's it called?--Marqoose (talk) 20:37, 29 July 2009 (UTC)