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Mr. Game and Watch doesn't have a voice. What's the point of saying it removes voices with the exception of him? JalYt-Xil-Vimescarrot 14:30, 7 August 2008 (UTC)

Well, his voice can refer to the sounds he make while moving, attacking, etc. Xeze (talk) 14:34, 7 August 2008 (UTC)
Those are sound effects. The equivalent of sword-swinging sounds made by swordsmen, or sparcky electric sounds from Pikachu. I'll change the article accordingly. JalYt-Xil-Vimescarrot 14:52, 7 August 2008 (UTC)

The article says that being Metal decreases the jumping height, but I figured out it actually increases it. If you want to test it do the following: go to training mode and choose the same character as the player and opponent. (for ex. two Mario's). Go to Battlefield and set the opponent stats to "Control". Place both characters under a platform and use it as a reference line. Spawn a Metal Box and grab it with one of them. Then perform a single jump with both (not simulaneously). You will notice that the metal one jumped higher. Try it and tell me your results. It applies for both Melee and Brawl. Xeze (talk) 22:47, 23 September 2008 (UTC)

Japanese text[]

Wouldn't the English translation of "Metal Box" (according to the original Japanese text) be 'Green block' instead of Green Box? 23:13, January 5, 2013 (UTC)