
Side Special (also commonly called Forward B, and Side B in iterations prior to Super Smash Bros. Brawl) is a Special Move first introduced in Super Smash Bros. Melee. It is performed by pressing the Special Move Button while holding "left" or "right" on the control stick (or control pad on the Wii Remote). Many Side Special Moves cause the character to rush forward to cover long distances between them and a foe or horizontally recover. Some Side Special Moves are different depending on whether or not the control stick (or pad) is "smashed" or simply tilted to the side. An example would be Samus' missiles, where a "tilt" yields a weak homing missile, and a "smash" yields a stronger, faster missile.

List of Side Specials[]

Character Side Special Description Image
Banjo & Kazooie Wonderwing Banjo & Kazooie charge in front of them with one of Kazooie's wings out. It can only be used 5 times in one Stock. Wonderwing
Bayonetta Heel Slide/After Burner Kick Slides on the ground with her heels forward. If used in the air, it becomes After Burner Kick and can be aimed at a downwards angle with specific directional inputs. 8977658F-EC1E-4FCC-88E6-035A06D481FD41DFF7E8-281E-4305-B2DB-D2D95D6E2B07
  • Flying Slam: Grabs any opponent in front of him, jumps into the air, and body-slams them into the ground.
  • Koopa Klaw: Grabs opponents close by and damages opponents farther away.
Bowser Jr. Clown Kart Dash The Clown Car sprouts wheels, and Bowser Jr. can speed down the stage, ramming into opponents. Junior1
Byleth Areadbhar Goes forward and swings their lance. Byleth Side B SSBU
Captain Falcon Raptor Boost Rushes forward a small distance, giving opponents in front of him a fiery uppercut if on the ground and meteor smashing them in the air. Captain Falcon SSB4 (1)
Cloud Cross Slash Traps opponents and attacks them with a barrage of slashes. Each slash must be inputted normally, but all hits come out at once while under Limit Break status. Cloud 5
Corrin Dragon Lunge Drives his blade diagonally towards the ground. If it hits the ground, Corrin will stop in midair, though can follow up with other moves. D571A931-C2D0-439F-81C0-D305891030F6
Dark Pit Electroshock Arm Rushes forward and uppercuts with the namesake weapon. Deals electrical damage, reflects projectiles, and possesses Super Armor. Electroshock Arm SSBWU
Diddy Kong Monkey Flip Flips forward, and grabs the opponent, which can be followed up with a slap or jump. Can transition into a kick while flipping forward. Monkey Flip Grab SSBWU
Donkey Kong Headbutt Headbutts any opponent in front of him, which will bury them on the ground and meteor smash them in the air. Headbutt SSBWU
Dr. Mario Super Sheet Redirects opponents and projectiles like Mario's Cape, but reaches longer and does more damage, though has more lag. Super Sheet SSBWU
Duck Hunt Clay Shooting Throws a flying disc from his mouth, which travels in an upward curve. Clay Shooting SSBWU
Falco Falco Phantasm Rushes forward a considerable distance in a short amount of time. Travels a farther distance than Fox Illusion. Falco Phantasm SSBWU
Fox Fox Illusion Rushes forward a considerable distance in a short amount of time. Fox Illusion SSB4 Wii U E3 2013
  • Flame Choke: Rushes forward and grabs opponents by the neck, then slams them into the ground. If used in the air, Ganondorf will drag the opponent down until they hit ground or die.
  • Gerudo Dragon: Rushes forward and gives opponents a dark magic uppercut on the ground and meteor smashes them in the air, much like Captain Falcon's Raptor Boost, but is slower and more powerful.
Greninja Shadow Sneak Disappears momentarily, then reappears somewhere else. Goes farther the longer it is charged, and can be charged while moving. Greninja shadowsneak
Hero Zap/Zapple/Kazap Unleashes lightning from your sword. It grows stronger when charged, but the charge cannot be stored. Hero Side B SSBU 1Hero Side B SSBU 2Hero Side B SSBU 3
Ice Climbers Squall Hammer The two Climbers spin forward, repeatedly hitting opponents. Ice Climbers Squall Hammer SSBB
Ike Quick Draw Rushes forward and performs an outward slash. Quick Draw SSBWU
Incineroar Alolan Whip Lunges forwards with its arm outstretched, if it grabs an opponent, a set of boxing ring ropes will appear behind Incineroar. Incineroar will then throw the opponent into the ropes, attacking them when they bounce back to him. Incineroar Side B SSBU
Inkling Splat Roller Moves forward while rolling the Splat Roller on the ground, coating the ground she moves over in paint. Inkling-6
Isabelle Fishing Rod It acts as both a grab and type of tether for recovery, however it is not a command grab as opponents can shield it. IsabelleUsingFishingRod
Jigglypuff Pound Leaps forward a small distance and throws a punch. Jigglypuff Side B SSBU
Joker Eiha Casts a projectile which can do continuous damage for a while after hitting a target, similarly to a poison effect. Eiha
Kazuya Devil Fist A charged punch that will pass through the opponent it hits. If the beginning of the attack hits, it will immobilize the opponent. Devil Fist SSBU
King Dedede
  • Gordo Throw: Throws only a Gordo.
  • Waddle Dee Toss: Throws between a Waddle Dee, Waddle Doo, Gordo, or a Capsule.
King K. Rool Crownerang Takes his crown off of his head and tosses it forwards, the crown flies in a straight path forwards, and after travelling a set distance it will fly back to King K. Rool. King K Rool Side B SSBU
Kirby Hammer Swings his hammer. If used in the air in Super Smash Bros. Melee, Kirby will swing vertically, but in Super Smash Bros Brawl, it launches horizontally. In Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, Kirby can now charge the move; this is known as the Hammer Flip. Kirby Side B SSBU
  • Gale Boomerang: Throws a Boomerang which pushes other characters when it comes back to Link.
  • Boomerang: Throws a Boomerang which returns to him.
Little Mac Jolt Haymaker Leaps forward and throws a downward punch. LittleMacJoltHaymaker
Lucario Force Palm Thrusts its paw in front of itself, briefly charges up aura, then unleashes it in a large area in front of its palm. If it is used when standing within grabbing range of an opponent, Lucario grabs the opponent and unleashes a blast of aura through its chest. Force Palm SSBWU
Lucas PK Fire Fires a yellow, lightning-bolt shaped projectile, that travels in a straight line until it hits an enemy or destructible portion of a stage, at which point it explodes into flames. Lucas PK Fire SSBWU
Lucina Dancing Blade Performs a four hit sword combo. Can be varied by tilting the control stick. Lucina Dancing Blade
Luigi Green Missile Launches sideways like a rocket, the distance and damage being based on how long it's charged. Cn randomly misfire for increased damage and distance. Green Missile SSBWU
Mario Cape Swings his cape forward. It has the ability to reflect projectiles and spin characters in the opposite direction even if they are shielding. Mario Cape SSBWU
Marth Dancing Blade Performs a four hit sword combo. Can be varied by tilting the control stick. Marth SSB4 (8)
Mega Man Crash Bomber Fires a blinking explosive in front of him, which explodes after a short time. The bomb can be attached to characters and walls, and also can passed between them, much like the Gooey Bomb. Screen-4-1
Meta Knight Drill Rush Leaps backward via a brief backflip, and whirls forward in the fashion of a drill with his blade outstretched. Geadagsd
Mewtwo Confusion Psychokinetically whirls the opponent in front of it around, and lets the opponent land clumsily on the ground, doing some minor damage in the process. Confusion SSBWU (Opponent got hit)
Mii Brawler
  • Onslaught: Rushes forward with knee outstretched; if they hit an opponent they will barrage them with kicks.
  • Burning Dropkick: Launches forward feetfirst in a fiery blaze.
  • Headache Maker: Jumps and strikes downwards with both fists.
  • Suplex: Suplex had the Mii dash to grab another fighter. Once a fighter has been grabbed, the Mii will jump backward, hitting the other fighter's head on the ground.

OnslaughtBurning DropkickHeadache Maker23BA1AEF-98B3-4E4C-84F6-675A09D7F3AC

Mii Gunner
  • Flame Pillar: Launches fire at the ground, which creates a pillar of fire that hits multiple times.
  • Stealth Burst: Fires a small and difficult to see bullet that creates a small explosion.
  • Gunner Missile: Fires a missile from their arm cannon.

Flame Pillar SSBWUStealth BurstGunner Missile

Mii Swordfighter
  • Airborne Assault: Jumps and spins in the air, dealing a large blow to whatever they hit.
  • Slash Launcher: Dashes forward, striking any opponent they hit.
  • Gale Stab: Launches forward and unleashes a stab. Charging runs farther and deals more damage.
  • Chakram: Throws a chakram whose direction can be influenced.

Airborne Assault SSBWUSlash Launcher SSBWU61A82CD1-BFAF-4A2E-9C01-30B001803D83Chakram

Min Min Punch Same as her Standard Special, but she moves forward. Min Min Neutral A SSBUMin Min Neutral B SSBU
Mr. Game & Watch Judge Attacks with a hammer, and a card holding a random number between 1 and 9 is shown. What the attack does is dependent on the number. Mr. Game & Watch Judge 5
Ness PK Fire Throws a lightning-shaped projectile in front of him, which will envelop the enemy in a barrage of flames. PK Fire Luigi
Olimar Pikmin Throw Throws the first Pikmin in line forward; what it does depends on the type of Pikmin. Olimar-3
Pac-Man Power Pellet Sets a path of pellets and eats them, damaging anyone in his path. If he makes it to the final pellet, his attack strength will increase. Pac-ManWiiUscreen-4
Palutena Explosive Flame Surrounds the opponent in front of her in a ball of flame. Palutena-explode
Peach/Daisy Peach Bomber/Daisy Bomber Leaps forward with her butt forward, and damages anyone in her path in an explosion. (Fire in Melee, Hearts in Brawl, 3DS/Wii U, and Ultimate) (Daisies for Daisy Bomber) Peach Bomber SSBWUDaisy-Bomber-Special-Move-SSBU
Pichu Skull Bash Launches forward headfirst. Hitting an opponent with this fully charged can cause a One-Hit KO, but also causes recoil damage. Pichu's Skull Bash Move
Pikachu Skull Bash Launches forward headfirst. Can be charged. Pikachu SSB4 (1)
Piranha Plant Poison Breath Spits a slow-moving poison mist. The longer it's charged, the more damage and range it has. Piranha Plant Side B SSBU
  • Upperdash Arm: Rushes forward and deals a large uppercut. Can also reflect projectiles.
  • Angel Ring: Spins his blades at a high speed. Can be used to reflect projectiles.
Pokémon Trainer
  • Withdraw: Withdraws into his shell and spins around the stage. Cannot be damaged while using this.
  • Razor Leaf: Throws a leaf forward, causing minor damage.
  • Rock Smash: Smashes a rock with his head, causing a large amount of damage to anyone hit.
  • Flare Blitz: Charges forward headfirst in a fiery blaze. Causes a large amount of damage to opponents but also causes recoil damage.

WithdrawIvysaur Razor Leaf Close SSBBRock Smash SBBBZlCfzR7A3VQiZAiJ1k

  • Blazing End: Throw the sword forward and spin it at a new location. Flick the stick to throw it even farther.
  • Photon Edge: Charge forward and jump at high speed, slashing five times. This is an effective way to recover after being launched off the stage.
Pyra Side B SSBUMythra Side B SSBU
Ridley Space Dragon Rush Smashes an opponent into the ground then drags them along. Tilting up or pressing attack throws them forward. Ridley Side B SSBU
R.O.B. Arm Rotor Leaps forward and spins its arms around at a very fast rate. ROB5
Robin Arcfire Throws a ball of fire forward, which will engulf and repeatedly strike the enemy. Robin-arcfire
Rosalina & Luma Star Bits The Luma shoots out two Star Bits, causing minor damage. Starbits
Roy/Chrom Double-Edge Dance Performs a four hit sword combo. Can be varied by tilting the control stick. Double-Edge Dance SSBWU
Ryu/Ken Tatsumaki Senpukyaku Spins around in a whirlwind with his leg outstretched. Performing the original input will increase the distance gained and damage dealt. Ryu Side B SSBUKen Side B SSBU
Samus/Dark Samus Missile Fires a missile. Can vary from a Super Missile and Homing Missile, depending on the input of the move. Samus Side B SSBUDark Samus Side B SSBU
Sephiroth Shadow Flare Release a small burst of energy. If an opponent is hit, the energy will move around them for a short time and then detonate. Shadow Flare
  • Burst Grenade: Throws a grenade forward and afterward pulls the pin, causing a small explosion.
  • Chain: Throws a chain forward, causing small electrical damage. Can also be used as a Tether Recovery.
Shulk Back Slash Leaps forward and slashes the opponent, dealing higher damage if striking from behind. Shulk5
Simon/Richter Cross Throws a spinning cross that goes back to them. Cross
Snake Remote Controlled Missile Fires a missile which can be guided. Snake is immobile while doing this. Snake Missile
Sonic Spin Dash Gets into a ball, does a small leap, and then spins forward or backward. Spin Dash SSB4
Sora Sonic Blade You can enter up to two inputs while charging forward. Directional inputs send you that way, while the special-move button sends you toward opponents. Sora Official Pic 4
Steve Minecart An iron minecart will travel along the rails. Powered rails can be placed with the right materials. If empty, the minecart will carry an enemy away. Minecart
Terry Forward tilt special: Charge forward, fist extended. Backward tilt special: Jump forward with a downward heel kick. Screen Shot 2020-02-01 at 11.25.09 PM
Toon Link Boomerang Throws a boomerang, causing minor damage. Toon Link Boomerang SSBWU
Villager Lloid Rocket Launches the Lloid Rocket, which flies straight and causes major damage. Villager can also ride on it. Lloid Rocket (Wii U)
Wario Wario Bike Rides a motorcycle down the stage. He can jump off it and throw it at other players. Wario Bike SSBWU
Wii Fit Trainer Header Heads a soccer ball, which will bounce and remain on the stage awhile to be used again. Super-Smash-Bros.-Wii-Fit-Trainer-Soccer-Ball-Screenshot
Wolf Wolf Flash Rushes forward in a short amount of time, also gaining some vertical height. Causes massive damage if sweetspotted and can be used as a meteor smash. Wolf Flash
Yoshi Egg Roll Retreats into his egg and rolls around the stage. Egg Roll SSB4
Young Link Boomerang Throws a boomerang forward, causing minor damage. Young Link's Boomerang Move
Zelda Din's Fire Sends a ball of fire in front of her, which can be detonated. Dinssb4
Zero Suit Samus Plasma Whip Shoots the Plasma Whip forwards, which can be easily sweetspotted at the tip. Plasma Whip SSBWU