Rise up into the air while twirling. Move slightly left or right by inputting either direction. You can use a side special at the end of this move too!
—Description from Ultimate's Move List.

Aerial Sweep is Sora's up special move.


Much like Link, Young Link, and Toon Link's Spin Attacks, Sora will rise up into the air while performing spinning slashes with his Kingdom Key Keyblade, while his ascent can be aimed with the control stick. However, unlike Spin Attack, Sora will always rise into the air and it cannot be charged. It can be used in conjunction with Sonic Blade to create an even more effective recovery option; with careful timing, the player can cancel into Sonic Blade at the end of Aerial Sweep's animation right before Sora falls into a Helpless state. However, it can only work if Aerial Sweep was performed first; if Sonic Blade is executed first, Aerial Sweep will not activate afterwards.


Aerial Sweep original

Aerial Sweep as it appears in Re:coded

Aerial Sweep is one of Sora's combat abilities in the original Kingdom Hearts. Its depiction in Smash is virtually identical to how it functions in the original games, more specifically from Kingdom Hearts II-onwards where it became an action ability and dealt multiple hits.


Sora's Special Moves
Standard Special Magic
Side Special Sonic Blade
Up Special Aerial Sweep
Down Special Counterattack
Final Smash Sealing the Keyhole