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The Winchesters season 1 is currently streaming on The CW and HBO Max.


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Who We Are is the 22nd episode of Season 12. It aired on May 18, 2017, followed by All Along the Watchtower.


Dean Purgatory Blade.png There was something about being there... It felt pure.

This episode summary is an official CW press release. It may contain errors.

Caught in a dangerous situation, Sam and Dean only have each other to rely on. Meanwhile, the fight between the American Hunters and the British Hunters comes to a head.


The Winchester brothers and Toni remains trapped in the bunker

The Winchesters and Toni remains trapped in the bunker with the Winchesters

After she kills a hunter, Mary checks in with Arthur Ketch and receives a list of new targets that includes Jody Mills. Meanwhile, in the sealed bunker, Dean, Sam, and Lady Toni Bevell discuss possible escape methods. When Dean proposes killing Lady Bevell to conserve air, she counters, saying that she is the only one who can undo Mary's brainwashing. Toni says that the only way that they can get out of the bunker is by activating the manual override, but it's located outside the bunker's walls. Sam suggests they look for a spell that could magically undo the lockdown. After their attempts at a ritual fail, Dean decides that there's only one way out; to bust down the walls.

Sam and Dean use sledgehammers to break the concrete, but the walls are too thick and heavy and the brothers make very little progress. As the oxygen runs out, Dean and Sam slump against the shattered wall and come to terms with the fact that they may not escape after all. When all hope seems lost, Dean remembers the grenade launcher. He disappears and reappears moments later, launcher in hand. Dean blasts a hole in the wall, badly injuring his leg, but he still manages to escape and pull the override switch.

After turning the power back on and escaping the bunker, Sam and Dean search for one of their numerous cell phones, hoping to warn other hunters that a brainwashed Mary is after them and that they may be in danger. Dean is able to reach Garth, but Sam is unable to contact Jody. The brothers head for Sioux Falls and when they get to Jody's, they burst through her door and see Mary tied up in the kitchen. Sam goes to get Lady Bevell out of the car and orders her to reverse Mary's brainwashing, but Toni admits that she was bluffing; there is no way undo the damage. Lady Bevell tells the brothers that their mom, the real Mary, is trapped behind impenetrable walls in her own mind. When Sam and Dean turn on Toni, she pleads for her life, saying that the British Men of Letters won't stop killing hunters until all of them are dead. She tells the brothers that they should run, but Sam insists that they should fight.

Sam and Dean assemble all of the nearby hunters, and Sam begins to explain his plan to take down the British Men of Letters. Sam addresses the hunters and admits that he tried to work with the British Men of Letters because their mission was supposedly the same. Sam asks the other hunters to follow him and take the fight to the British headquarters. Jody, Walt, Roy, Jerry, and two others agree, and the group packs up and prepares to leave. Dean tells Sam that he is too injured to accompany them and says he believes in Sam's ability to lead the hunters and win the fight. Dean plans to stay behind and try to find a way to help Mary. The boys hug and call each other "bitch" and "jerk". Alex tells Jody to "kick it in the ass."

Arthur Ketch has Paige checks on Mary's location

Arthur Ketch has Paige discreetly check on Mary's location

Sam and the other hunters drive to the British Men of Letters compound. Inside, Arthur Ketch tracks Mary's phone to Lebanon, Kansas, where Lady Bevell is setting up a psychic link between Dean and Mary. Toni tells Dean that both he and Mary will need to be sedated and Dean handcuffs Lady Bevell to the table to prevent her from escaping. Dean enters Mary's subconsciousness and finds himself at their old house in Lawrence, months before the fire and Mary's death. Baby Sam lies in his crib while Mary makes lunch for Dean. Everything seems perfect, but Mary doesn't acknowledge the modern Dean's sudden appearance.

Roy with Sam and a blonde hunter 1

Hunters Sam, Jody, Walt, Roy, Jerry and a blonde hunter storm in the complex and shot guards

Meanwhile, back at the compound, Sam and the team of American hunters storm in, guns blazing. Dean continues his attempts to get Mary to notice him, but he realizes that she is purposefully ignoring him, choosing to live in a fantasy instead of accepting the consequences of her deal with Azazel. Dean tells Mary that he hates her, describing all of the things that happened to him and Sam because of her deal. Dean declares that he hates Mary twice more, then says that he also loves her. Dean says that he understands the love that drives people to do what they do and tells Mary that he forgives her for everything that she's done. Dean says that he, Sam, and Mary can start over, but only if she will fight for it and see him. Finally, Mary turns around and faces her son. As she begins to speak, the psychic link is broken by Ketch, who tracked them to the bunker and killed Lady Bevell. Ketch attacks Dean, but as he pulls out his gun he is shot in the back, then the head, by Mary.

Jody shots Doctor Hess in the head

Jody shoots Doctor Hess in the head, killing her

As the Americans continue their attack on the British Men of Letters compound, Sam, Jody, and Walt find Doctor Hess in her office. In a final effort to save herself, Dr. Hess reveals that she has information on Lucifer and his unborn child, saying that Sam will need the help of the British Men of Letters if he wants a chance at dealing with the nephilim. Sam, however, is unconvinced, and when Dr. Hess lunges for her gun she is shot in the head by Jody. The three hunters set up explosives and blow up the compound before leaving.

Mary shoots Arthur in the arm with a gun

Mary, frees from brainwashing, shoots Arthur in the arm, saving Dean's life

Back in the bunker, Dean and Mary clean up the library and the bodies of Arthur Ketch and Lady Bevell. Dean assures Mary that they will be able to get past what's happened. Mary apologizes for avoiding the brothers and acting distant. She states that it was too hard to be around them because of her past mistakes. Dean says that her choices made the brothers who they are. Mary says that she is afraid that Sam won't be able to forgive her for what she's done. At that moment, Sam enters and tells Mary that she doesn't have to be afraid. The three Winchesters share a group hug in the bunker and the scene fades to black.


Main Cast[]

Recurring Cast[]

Guest Stars[]


Featured Supernatural Beings[]



  • Antagonists: Doctor Hess and Arthur Ketch.
  • The episode was watched by 1.70 million viewers and got a 0.6 rating.
  • This is the first part of the two-part season finale.
  • Jensen Ackles stated in AHBLCon that this episode was so big, it could be considered as the season finale.
  • This is the second episode of Season 12 where Jody appears, making this the first season since Season 9 where she's in more than one episode.
  • This episode marks the first time we see a young Dean Winchester since season 11 episode, Just My Imagination and a baby Sam Winchester since All Hell Breaks Loose - Part 1.
  • Lady Toni Bevell revealed that Arthur Ketch has put a mystical dampener that makes the Men of Letters bunker resistant to any magical spell while his lockdown is in place.
  • Lady Toni Bevell reveals that the bunker has a manual override outside that when pulled, will reset a lockdown. The Winchesters were previously unaware of this feature.
  • Dean has finally used the Grenade Launcher to blow up the door of the Men of Letters bunker.
  • It was revealed by Lady Toni Bevell that the Mary Winchester the Winchester brothers have been interacting with is a fake, reprogrammed version and the real Mary is imprisoned somewhere within her mind where the walls are "impenetrable".
    • Dean has mentioned the time Mary had a deal with Azazel, when Sam was possessed by Lucifer, when he was tortured in Hell and lost his soul (Season 6) to Mary as an attempt to free her.
  • Some of the main antagonists of this season have been killed in this episode.
  • All of the enemies in this episode were human. Aside from mentions of Garth, Devla and Lucifer, no supernatural creature appeared in this episode at all, a rare occurrence on Supernatural even when the enemy is human.
  • This episode marks the final appearances of Doctor Hess, Lady Toni Bevell and Roy.
  • When the American hunters confront Doctor Hess, she addresses Sam as "Dean", indicating that she never met and therefore didn't know the brothers. While this was probably done to further show Sam's change into a strong, independent hunter, with everyone expecting his brother to be the leader, as he always was.
    • This doesn't make sense however. Even if Hess never knew the looks of an enemy of such a high priority, she can be seen standing in front of all the targets' information - including looks and names - in this same episode.
      • The best explanation for the mix up despite that, is that in her panicked state she simply didn't have time to, or think to, look at the monitors.
  • In a deleted scene, Arthur Ketch reports Toni as collateral damage of his attack on the bunker to Doctor Hess. Ketch lies that Sam killed Toni. In another deleted scene as Toni checks on the equipment tying Dean and Mary's minds together, she turns around to find Ketch behind her with a knife.


Yippee ki-yay mother...!
Dean finally gets to use the Grenade Launcher
You're lunatics. Action movie loving, cheese burger eating, moronic American lunatics.
Lucifer is back.
Bitch... Jerk...
Dean and Sam saying goodbye to each other.


International Titles[]

  • Hungarian: Akikké lettünk (Who We Become)
  • Italian: Chi Siamo (Who We Are)


Promotional Pictures[]

Behind the Scenes[]



Two in One

