Beings killed by Gadreel.
Higher Angels[]
- Himself - Using a rock from the floor of Heaven's dungeon and the Energy Focusing Sigil, Gadreel sacrificed himself to blow up Heaven's dungeon and allow Castiel to escape.
Regular Angels[]
- Abner - Throat slit with an angel blade on Metatron's orders.
- Hannah's friends - Killed on Metatron's orders.
- Malachi - Killed on Metatron's orders.
- Thaddeus - Stabbed with an angel blade on Metatron's orders and to get revenge.
Regular Demons[]
- Jason and two of Abaddon's other demons - Stunned with a flash of white light and then killed with the demon-killing knife during the Battle of Eugene, Oregon.
- Ian - Smote when collecting ingredients for the Horn of Gabriel.
- Kevin Tran - Smote after being ordered by Metatron to assassinate Kevin.
- Corey - Pop singer used by Thaddeus as his vessel and killed with Thaddeus.
- Alexander Sarver - Vessel of Abner, killed when Gadreel killed Abner.
- Hannah's friends vessels - Killed when Gadreel killed the angels possessing them.
- Gadreel's vessel - Killed when Gadreel killed himself.
- Malachi's vessel - Killed when Gadreel killed Malachi.
- Jason's second vessel - Killed alongside Jason.
- Soliders demon's vessels - Killed alongside the Soldiers demon.