“ | With Lucifer risen, this child grows strong. Soon, he will do more than just make a few toys come to life—something that will draw the demons to him. The demons will find this child. Lucifer will twist this boy to his purpose. And then, with a word, this child will destroy the Host of Heaven. | ” |
Jesse Turner (b. March 29, 1998) is a young, but powerful "cambion" or "katako", being a half-human, half-demon creature. According to Castiel, he was destined to become the Antichrist and aid Lucifer in the war against Heaven.
Early life[]
Jesse Turner was conceived when a virginal human woman named Julia Wright became possessed by a demon. She managed to regain control of her body long enough to exorcise the demon from her body during labor. She contemplated killing the newborn Jesse, for fear that he would be evil, but instead gave him up for adoption.
Jesse was adopted by the Turner family in Alliance, Nebraska. Jesse's adoptive parents spent a good deal of time outside their home, with him mostly taking care of himself. He was unaware of his birth history or even of the fact that he was adopted. Despite his heritage, he was a fairly normal boy: he attended school, liked soup and believed in many common child-age misconceptions and myths, like the Tooth Fairy.[1]
Season 5[]
After investigating Jesse's history and finding demonic involvement, hunters Dean and Sam Winchester call Castiel in for help. Castiel explains to them that the chaos Jesse has been causing is nothing compared to what it could be if he were to get angry. He then reveals that as the Antichrist, Jesse is destined to align with Lucifer and, "with a word", destroy the forces of Heaven. Refusing to allow such a risk, Castiel resolves to kill Jesse, with or without the brothers' consent or help. Before he could be killed, Jesse instinctively transforms the angel into an action-figure version of himself.

Jesse with the Winchesters.
In the moments that follow, Dean and Sam arrive and tell Jesse that he is a superhero and they are going to train him in an X-Men-esque fashion. Julia interrupts while possessed by Jesse's demonic parent; she tells him the brothers are lying and that his whole life has been a lie, which angers him. She promises to show him a world without lies. Sam admits to lying to Jesse and promises to tell the truth - when Julia tries to stop him, Jesse intervenes by releasing Sam and immobilizing her so he can hear Sam out. Jesse is overwhelmed by the fact Julia is his real mother and he's half-demon but Sam reminds him that he is still half-human and thus can still be good. Jesse promptly exorcises the demon from Julia.
Later, Jesse asks the Winchesters what he should do and they tell him it's his choice. He asks to bring his parents with him and they tell him he can but it would put them in danger because both angels and demons will be trying to find him. He says he's going to say goodbye to his parents but instead he goes to his room and writes them a letter, repairs the damage he caused around town (except for the dead), and vanishes to another place. He has not been seen since.
Powers and Abilities[]
“ | The demons will find this child. Lucifer will twist this boy to his purpose, and then, with a word, this "child" will destroy the Host of Heaven. | ” |
Jesse was one of the most powerful beings the Winchesters had ever encountered at the time. While Lucifer is on Earth, Jesse is so powerful that he could accomplish most things by verbally saying it, whether it be shushing a low level demon or exorcising it, just by commanding it.
- Reality Warping - He was able to achieve very high feats through thoughts or iteration. He grew in strength exponentially with the rising of Lucifer. Castiel claimed that, at the peak of the cambion's power, Jesse could destroy the Host of Heaven "with a word". Before he disappeared, he undid anything he unconsciously did to all the people who still were alive, however was unable to resurrect the ones who died.
- Biokinesis - He showed this ability when he accidentally and unwittingly gave several children severe stomach ulcers, caused a person's face to become frozen in a silly manually generated expression, and caused Dean to grow hair on his palms.
- Conjuration - He can create things or beings like the Tooth Fairy, just by believing in them.
Jesse turns Castiel into an action figure.
- Conversion/Transformation - He also turned the angel Castiel into an action figure toy, with just a thought and back when asked.
- Terrakinesis - He caused a minor earthquake when he became angry and clenched his fist.
- Demon Control/Exorcism - He was able to exorcise a demon simply by verbally commanding the demon to leave their host, and was able to immobilize and silence one with a command.
- Supernatural Concealment - He is hidden from angels, humans, and demons, unless he wants to be found.
- Telekinesis - He was able to move a seat by simply ordering a demon to sit down.
- Teleportation - He could teleport anywhere on Earth with a thought. When Jesse went upstairs to "say goodbye to his parents," he vanished, and he has not been seen since.
- Clairsentience - Jesse was able to sense what happened to the people in town because of his powers, in order to fix it.
- Demon-Killing Knife (possibly) - Castiel attempted to kill Jesse with this blade. The actual effectiveness of the knife, if any, is thoroughly unknown.
- Lucifer's absence - Jesse's powers were activated and strengthened when Lucifer was present on Earth.
- Power Limitation - Prior to learning of his true origins, he couldn't use his powers consciously, e.g. he wasn't able to wake his parents with his powers when he called out for them or immobilize Castiel when he told him to stop, although it did turn him into a toy. And he couldn't reverse the deaths of the people in the town caused by his powers.
The definition of a Cambion has been reimagined through the centuries and differs in traditions. The original tradition of a Cambion during the Medieval era was a demon born from the union between two demons (no human involvement). The demon parents would then hide the demon offspring among humans (not unlike a Changeling) until it grew up or it was discovered by humans.
In the early 19th century Dictionaire Infernal, had this entry about cambions:
CAMBION, -- Enfants des Demons. Delancre et Bodin pensent que les démons incubes peuvent s'unir aux démones succubes, et qu'il nait de leur commerce des enfants hideux qu'on nomme cambions...
English translation:
CAMBION, -- Children of Demons. Delancre (Pierre de Lancre, 15th-16th century occultist) and Bodin (Jean Bodin, 15th century demonologist, philosopher, and occultist) believe that incubus demons can unite with succubus demons, and that born of their exchange are hideous children which are called cambions...
In the late 19th century to early 20th century is when the most famous tradition of a Cambion appeared in mainstream folklore, being the half-human/half-demon offspring known in pop culture today.
The Antichrist, also known as the Man out of the Sea or Little Horn, takes the throne in the third temple in Israel and claims to be God, forcing the great and small of all nations to worship him and get his mark in the right hand or forehead or be executed.
- In Season 3, Gordon Walker mistakenly believes Sam Winchester is the Antichrist, stating several times his belief that Sam isn't human.[2]
- Jesse and Sam are similar in that they are believed to be destined to be evil and aid Lucifer. Sam himself recognizes this, and encourages Jesse not to make the same mistakes he did.
- Jesse's counterpart, Jesus Christ, is said to have been conceived by a virgin just as Jesse was. Ironically, the prophet, Luke, named the Biblical Jesse as an ancestor of Jesus.[3]
- It is possible that he went to Australia, as he was looking at a poster of it when he teleported away.
- Castiel mentioned that with a thought Jesse could be halfway around the world.
- Jesse is a Cambion, which is a human/demon hybrid, and therefore can be classified as the demonic counterpart to a Nephilim, which is a human/angel hybrid.
- The way in which Jesse uses his powers to subconsciously manipulate reality is similar to how Fred Jones does it in Hunteri Heroici.
- As Lucifer has been released a second time, it's unknown if Jesse has gained his powers again. However, it's most likely the case.
- Jesse shares the same last name as fellow cambion Cole Turner, who appears on "Charmed".
- The Antichrist was thought by most humans to be the half-human spawn of Lucifer, but in LOTUS, the actual half-human child of Lucifer was conceived.
- After Lucifer's death it's unknown if he's permanently powerless.
- Castiel states that the "Bible gets more wrong than it does right" when stating the Antichrist is not Lucifer's spawn. However, nowhere in the Bible does it state the Antichrist is born of the Devil.