“ | Time is fluid Dean. It's not easy, but we can bend it on occasion. | ” |
Chronokinesis is the ability to manipulate the passage of time, including stopping time, speeding it up, or travelling through it to end up in the past or an alternate future.
Time Travel
Time-travel is a highly advanced chronokinetic method for transporting someone either back or forward in time. Angels can achieve it, and according to Castiel, it's not easy to perform, but for Archangels it's incredibly simple. Angels who have been disconnected from Heaven have a very difficult time doing it, and it can be quite damaging to the de-powered angel.
Time-travels So Far.....
Gabriel Creates a Time Loop
In 2008, Gabriel, acting as The Trickster, let Sam witness the same day over and over again. On each day Dean died. After many days of this, he was discovered by the brothers, but decided to resume Sam's life after Dean was killed once more, however this time he stayed dead. Only a few months later Gabriel decided to set Sam back to the first time and let him live his life further. Gabriel said that he wanted to teach Sam a lesson about losing his brother.
Dean sent back to 1973
In 2008, Castiel transports Dean back in time to the year 1973, telling Dean only that he "has to stop it." Dean meets young versions of his parents, John Winchester and Mary Campbell, and infiltrates the Campbell family. Learning that the demon Azazel is after Mary, Dean presumes he is there to alter his family’s tragic future. But the past cannot be changed: After Azazel kills Mary’s parents and John, Mary grants the demon permission to enter her home in 10 years in exchange for John’s resurrection. When Castiel returns Dean to 2008, he tells Dean that the past cannot be changed, but that Dean now knows all that the angels know about Azazel’s plans. He then tells Dean that Sam is heading down a dangerous path, saying Dean “has to stop it,” or the angels will.
Dean sent to the future
In 2009, Zachariah brings Dean to the future (2014) so he can see what will happen if he says "no" to Michael. In this apocalyptic future, Sam is Lucifer’s vessel, and the Croatoan Virus spreads unchecked. After Dean confronts Lucifer, Zachariah returns Dean to his own time, where that future is changed when Sam, Dean, Bobby, and Castiel defeat Lucifer.
Anna, Castiel, Dean and Sam sent back to 1978

Anna time travel back to 1978 to kill Mary so Sam can never be born
In 2010, Anna travels back in time to kill Mary Winchester so Sam can never be born. When Castiel finds out, he brings Sam and Dean to 1978 to stop Anna. Castiel is weakened by the time travel and cannot not join the brothers on their mission. During the ensuing battle, Michael intervenes, killing Anna but also erasing John and Mary’s memories, so they will not remember their sons’ visit or their warnings. Michael sends both brothers back to the future; Castiel eventually travels back to the present on his own.
Balthazar unsinks the Titanic

In 2011, Balthazar goes back in time and saves the Titanic. Though Balthazar tells Sam and Dean that he hated the movie Titanic (and that the Celine Dion song from the soundtrack makes him want to smite himself), he has actually changed the ship’s fate on Castiel’s orders. The survivors and their descendants mean 50,000 new souls to be used in the angelic civil war. The change alters reality in other ways (e.g. Ellen is alive and married to Bobby), but it also angers Atropos (one of the three Fates), who begins to kill off descendants of the Titanic survivors. When she threatens the Winchesters, Castiel agrees to restore history.
Sam and Dean go back to get Phoenix Ashes
In 2011, after doing some digging in Samuel's library, Dean finds out that using phoenix ashes, Eve can be killed. So with the help of Castiel, Sam and Dean head back to the Wild West. Castiel beings them back to the present after they kill the Phoenix with The Colt but before they can gather its ashes. However, Samuel Colt packs up the ashes and they are delivered to Bobby's house in 2011, making the mission a success.
Dean tackles Chronos back to 1944
In 2012, Dean chases a man who has been killing people by rapidly aging them. He tackles the man and finds himself in 1944 Chicago. There he meets Elliot Ness, who happens to be a hunter. The two of them are hunting the sam man: Chronos, god of time. Dean is brought back to 2012 by Sam and Jody, who figure out that they must summon Chronos while Dean is touching him.

Henry Winchester comes from 1958
In 1958, Henry Winchester, John's father and Sam and Dean's grandfather, uses a spell to come forward in time to 2013 to escape Abaddon. However the demon follows him, presumably through the same spell.
Abaddon goes back to 1723
In 2014, Abaddon—using the same spell Henry Winchester used to travel to 2013—goes back to Scotland in 1723. She is there to get Crowley's son, Gavin MacLeod, so she could use him as a bargaining chip. After Dean Winchester kills Abaddon, he and his brother Sam intend to return Gavin to his own time so that his presence won't mess with history, but Crowley teleports him away to live a new life in the present, uncaring of the consequences.
Dean goes back to 1943
After discovering Delphine Seydoux's mission to retrieve the Hand of God, Sam and Dean call upon what they believe to be Castiel but is in fact Lucifer for help. Dean suggests going back in time to 1943 before the Bluefin sank to retrieve the Hand of God. While Lucifer is able to get Dean onto the Bluefin, a special warding keeps him outside of the ship. Dean is able to convince Delphine to give him the Hand of God, but the Bluefin comes under attack by a Nazi warship commanded by one of the Thule. Delphine unleashes the power of the Hand of God, destroying the Bluefin and the Nazi ship as Lucifer returns Dean to the present.
After banishing Lucifer, Sam and Dean discuss the events on the Bluefin and Dean tells Sam that he did nothing but witness the events on the ship. Dean asks Sam what happened to the Nazi ship after he returned to the present and Sam confirms that it sank as its wreckage was found, unlike that of the Bluefin with a giant hole ripped through it.
Gavin returns to 1723
After discovering the vengeful spirit of Fiona Duncan, the Winchesters and Gavin MacLeod learn she became vengeful after she was brutalized on the Star without Gavin there to protect her due to his displacement in time by Abaddon. To save Fiona and reverse her murders, Gavin has the Winchesters use the Blood Sigil to return him and Fiona's ghost to 1723 to board the ship together and die together. After Gavin returns to his own time, the Winchesters find evidence that Fiona's victims are alive and well.
John Winchester travels to 2019
In Lebanon, after finding the Baozhu amongst Terry's extensive collection of occult items, Dean attempts to use the wish-granting pearl to get rid of Michael. However, Dean's greatest desire is to see his family reunited, causing the Baozhu to transport John Winchester from 2003 to February 7, 2019. The Winchester Family is happily reunited, but John's disappearance in 2003 alters the timeline, creating a timeline where Sam runs his own law firm, loves kale and is Internet famous, Dean is still a hunter but is wanted for multiple crimes, Mary Winchester remains dead, the Apocalypse and all subsequent events never happened Zachariah is still alive and Castiel is still an unquestioning and loyal soldier to Heaven. Sam, Dean and Mary remain intact as the timeline shifts, but it is expected that Mary will eventually fade away and Sam and Dean will eventually fully become their alternate selves.
Heaven detects the tampering with time and send Zachariah and Castiel to investigate, leading to a fight between the Winchesters and the alternate Zachariah and Castiel. The Winchesters manage to kill Zachariah and banish Castiel, but the fight highlights for them the dangers of having altered time by bringing John to 2019. The Winchester Family decides that they must return John to 2003 to set things right. Sam destroys the Baozhu, returning John to his own time and immediately erasing the alternate timeline from existence with only Sam, Dean and Mary remembering it. Upon awakening in 2003, John is left thinking that the entire experience was just a great dream.
Sam Winchester travels to a possible future
In The Trap, Chuck make Sam Winchester travel to multiple points in an alternate future. He claps his hands, and Sam gets a vision of April 17, 2020. He and Eileen are in the bunker, and Eileen discovers that all of the cases they're checking out have natural occurrence. Dean is dozing off nearby, wakes up, and insists that he's resting his eyes. Castiel comes in with beer and Dean suggests that they call it. Jody calls and tells Sam that Claire and here went in to deal with a small nest of vampires. It turned out that there were more than expected, and they killed Claire.
January 6, 2021, Sam and Dean drive past bonfires. Dean tells his brother that they did everything they could. Sam doesn't believe it, but Dean says that they had to wait because the place was crawling with werewolves. His brother points out that the victims all bled out, and if Castiel was there he could have healed them. Dean angrily says that Castiel isn't there, and the monsters are winning.
November 3, 2021 at the bunker, Future-Sam tells Future-Dean that they have to move before the nest moves on. Dean tells him that it doesn't matter and it's time to stand down. Sam wonders what has happened to Dean, and Dean reminds him that they've lost everyone they care about. The Mark made Castiel go crazy, and Dean had to bury him in a Ma'lak box. Dean tells his brother that the monsters are everywhere and they don't save people. All of their friends are either dead or have packed it in. He reminds Sam that Bobby and Jody have death wishes, and so does Sam after what happened to Eileen. Sam asks Dean what happened to going out swinging, and Dean tells him that they lost and he's done. Dean walks out.
November 3, 2021, future-Sam finds future-Dean sitting in the kitchen. He says that he's raiding the nest with or without Dean, and Dean takes a drink. He then says that he doesn't have a choice, gets up, and goes out with Sam.
December 9, 2022, future-Sam and Dean barricade the door of the apartment they're holed up in. Dean tells his brother that if they go down then they'll go out together. Present-Sam watches as Jody, Bobby and two other Hunters enter the building. Bobby reminds Jody that it's Sam and Dean, and asks if she wants to do it. Meanwhile, future-Sam and Dean turn into vampires. The Hunters break into the apartment, and Sam and Dean attack them. Jody shoots Sam, and future-Dean rips out her throat as Sam goes down. Bobby comes up and cuts off Sam's head.
Characters with Chronokinesis
- God
- Angels
- Seraphs
- Castiel - Castiel was able to slow down the rate of an explosion to save Sam and Dean from Fate. He also slowed down time to stop Crowley's demons from killing Sam, Dean and Bobby when they were investigating him.
- Archangels
- Deities
- Jack
- Reapers
- Seraphim
Characters with Time Travel abilities
- God
- Archangels
- Seraphim (formerly)
- Angels (formerly)
- Deities
- Knights of Hell (through spells)
- Humans (through spells)
- Since its introduction in Season 4 (though first appeared in Season 3), there has been at least one time-travelling episode per season, except in Season 10 and Season 13.
- Dean Winchester is the person to time travel the most in the series.
The times in which time time travel, and the ability to freeze time itself, appeared.
- Season 3
- Season 4
- In The Beginning
- Wishful Thinking (mentioned only)
- Season 5
- Season 6
- My Heart Will Go On
- Frontierland
- The Man Who Would Be King (Chronokinesis)
- Season 7
- Season 8
- Season 9
- Season 11
- Season 12
- Season 14
- Season 15