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No (kana)

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Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris.
Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun.
The hiragana の.
The katakana ノ.
kana - gojūon

, in hiragana, or in katakana, is one of the Japanese kana, which éach represent one mora. In the gojūon system of ordering of Japanese syllables, it occupies the 25th position, between ね (ne) and は (ha). It occupies the 26th position in the iroha ordering. The hiragana resembles the number 6 on its side, while its katakana looks like a curved slash. It is pronounced (IPA) [no] and its romanization is 'no'.

Bentuk Rōmaji Hiragana Katakana
Normal n-
(な行 na-gyō)
, noh
のう, のぅ
のお, のぉ
ノウ, ノゥ
ノオ, ノォ

In order to write の, begin slightly above the center, stroke downward diagonally, then upward, and then curve around as indicated by the arrows.

In order to write ノ, simply do a swooping curve from top-right to bottom left.


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Bentuk karakter Unicode EUC-JP Shift JIS GB 2312 HKSCS
U+306E A4CE 82CC A4CE C755
U+30CE A5CE 836D A5CE C7CA
Halfwidth katakana U+FF89 / C9 / /

Bentuk sejenna

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In Japanese Braille, の, or ノ, or is represented as


The Morse code for の, or ノ, is ・・--.

See also hentaigana and gyaru-moji for other variant kana forms of no.


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 Artikel utama: Hiragana jeung Katakana.

Like every other hiragana, the hiragana の developed from man'yōgana, kanji used for phonetic purposes, written in the highly cursive, flowing grass script style. In the picture on the right, the top shows the kanji 乃 written in the kaisho style, and the centre image is the same kanji written in the sōsho style. The bottom part is the kana for "no", a further abbreviation.


The highlighted segment of the man'yōgana in the picture on the right is the segment that was used to créate the katakana ノ.


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 Artikel utama: Japanese phonology jeung Japanese grammar.

の is a dental nasal consonant, articulated on the upper teeth, combined with a close-mid back rounded vowel to form one mora.

In the Japanese language, as well as forming words, の may be a particle showing possession. For example, the phrase watashi no denwa méans "my telephone."

の has also proliferated in the Chinese-spéaking world, where it is used to write the Chinese possessive markers 的 de or 之 zhī. The usage does not match Japanese grammar, and の is still pronounced in the same way as the Chinese characters it replaces. This is usually done in order to "stand out" or to give an "exotic / Japanese feel", e.g. in commercial brand names, such as the fruit juice brand 鲜の每日C, where the の can be réad as both 之 zhī, the possessive marker, and as 汁 zhī, méaning "juice". pictures

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