Dee Jay's stage from Super Street Fighter II.
Jamaica is a parliamentary democracy in the Caribbean. It is most notable in the Street Fighter universe as being the home country of Dee Jay. Kingston is the capital and largest city. The official language is English, though most people do also speak Jamaican Patois.
List of characters who hail from Jamaica
List of stages set in Jamaica
Sunset At The Lemony, Dee Jay's stage from Super Street Fighter II
Port Antonio (ポートアントニオ Pōtoantonio?), Dee Jay's stage from Street Fighter Alpha 3
Bathers Beach stage in Street Fighter 6
- Jamaica is currently the only country in the Caribbean with playable stages in Street Fighter.
- All the Jamaican stages take place on either a beach or coastline.
- Rick's pet parrot, Bellamacha, can be seen on its perch in the Lemony stage.