Street Fighter Wiki

Street Fighter 6[]




  • "Is... something the matter?"
  • "Do you need to take a rest?"
  • "Is this fight not what you wanted?"


Drive Gauge[]










Round Wins[]

  • "Very good... Very good indeed!" (Health <= 25%)
  • "Oh! Is that it, then?"
  • "Hm... I expected your story to be more interesting." (Health >= 80%)
  • "Heheheh... Hahahahaha!" (Perfect)


  • "You...filthy..."
  • "Nyo..."


  • "Very well."

Game Over[]

  • "I suppose I must retire."
  • "ここは退くべきか…"

World Tour[]

JP's Style: Mastery[]

JP: "This I impart unto you: Strength... is meaningless. You must be disappointed."

  • "He was obsessed, you see...with finding an appropriate vessel for this power."
  • "Physical combat is such an irrational thing. In attempting to strike down your foe, you open yourself to attack as well. If your goal is to see another human laid low, there are far better methods available, and yet."
  • "I have a question for you. Do you believe this world to be just?
    • (Answer: I do.) "Then we are in agreement. The world is a good and righteous place."
    • (Answer: I do not.) "Ah. so you're a realist? A noble perspective."
  • "There are exceptions, of course. But I believe man is fundamentally good. By trusting each other and building mutually supportive societies, humanity has prospered. Goodness inspires amity and trust in others. It is a survival tactic employed by the human race. Which raises the question-what is evil? Perhaps evil refers to expropriating the goodness of others for one's own ends. Myself? I am merely one of the world's minuscule many, striving everyday to do good. Not unlike everyone else. Heh heh."
  • "We may have discussed this before, but it bears repeating. Physical combat is an irrational act. You work tirelessly to master that irrationality. It's all quite alien to me, I must concede. But if this is what you want, I won't stop you."
  • "Have you ever owned cats? I have one by the name of Cybele. When he was a kitten, so winsome and charming. he picked up a curious habit. He would chase his own tail endlessly. Around and around in circles. And what do you suppose Cybele did one day? He caught the tail he had been chasing all that time...and bit it clean off. Indeed, his own tail. His thought process in this endeavor confounds me. Did he not realize the tail was his own? Or perhaps he was keenly aware, and continued in the act regardless?...... A bobtail he may become... But he remained winningly handsome. Stunningly so." (A Bond With JP: 1)
  • ""Master?" If that is what you wish to call me, by all means, go right ahead."
  • "Looking for meaningless banter, are we?"
  • "Was there something you wished to ask me?
    • (Answer: Tell me about the terror attacks in Nayshall) "Ah yes. The terror attacks. An organization financing the Suval'hal Martial Arts Tournament sought to make fraudulent financial transactions. To do so, they worked with anti-government forces to cause a bombing scare in the city. I suspect you already know this, but the organization in question is the US-based Masters Foundation. In the midst of all that chaos, it seems Ken Masters, the foundation's vice chairman, resigned from his position. Was he driven to commit such heinous acts out of blind lust for power?"
    • (Answer: Tell me about the alleged money laundering.) "My, straight to the point, I see. Allow me to provide a straight answer, then. Nayshall's financial infrastructure is built upon cryptocurrency technology. If you're inquiring as to whether it's possible to use such a system to launder money...the answer is yes."
  • "Regrettably, what I've told you is the extent of my knowledge on the subject. All I can say for certain is this: People seek the answers they wish to hear."
  • "The desire to become stronger is a curious thing indeed. For living things, it may very well be a natural inclination. Strength is outwardly useful for survival, for one. That being said, it is not necessarily the strong who survive. In reality, to to adapt."
  • "Ask, and I'll be the first to tell you. I do not believe my skills in combat to be particularly exceptional. Of course, I don't believe them to be entirely lacking, either."
  • "What would I do if someone asked me to teach them my that they could beat me with them? I would teach them, of course. Do you take issue with that?
  • "My apologies, but I'm not one for small talk. I struggle to keep track of the topics of gossip, you see."
  • "The Suval'hal Martial Arts Tournament? What of it?"
    • (Answer: Tell me about Bosch.) "Ah, you refer to the individual who brought a bomb to the awards ceremony. He detonated himself while the entire world looked on. Truly shocking. That incident spurred further pressure against the anti-government forces. Hardly surprising, considering innocent children became collateral damage. Such acts cannot be condoned."
    • (Answer: Tell me about the Champion Belt bomb.) "The bomb was likely intended for the master of ceremonies. That is to say...myself. Anti-government forces believe that eliminating me will return Nayshall to its former glory. They are mistaken."
  • "But what's done is done. This may very well be the end of the tournament. Or perhaps it will continue. Either is fine by me."
  • "There was a man who went by the name M. Bison. Those who sought strength inevitably encountered him. Such was his power. He wished to bring all things on this Earth under his control, entirely of his own strength. He earnestly believed he could attain this goal. This force I command--this so-called Psycho Power... Bison researched it, seeking a means to amplify his own strength, you see."
  • "Ah, yes. Victory. The masses delight in victory, do they not? Those who ruminate upon what victory truly means, however, are a far rarer breed."
  • "I don't particularly care what manner of individual you are. So long as you don't impede me, that is."
  • "Why do I fight? Amusing. I don't consider what I do "fighting," per se. But if that's how you perceive things, I suppose I may be a fighter after all."
  • "You said you...wanted to grow stronger, yes? You have Psycho Power now. Use it to your heart's desire." (Pre-Mastery Fight)
  • "I'm hardly an expert when it comes to Psycho Power. With that said... I sense in it something akin to bloodlust. To wit, your savagery outstrips my own." (Master Achieved)
  • "You came to me seeking strength. A rapacious greed motivates you. I suggest you acknowledge that. You are a heretic, driven by greed, living entirely within obsessive extremes."
  • "As its name suggests, Psycho Power is influenced by the strength of one's psyche. Without a strong mind to support it, great power will always remain out of reach. A heart subjected to power beyond its control will shatter. We discussed M. Bison, leader of Shadaloo, did we not? I worked under him, managing the organization's financial matters. A financial officer hardly requires martial prowess. And yet... I desired Psycho Power. And I attained it. Why, you ask? I suppose I wanted to see the world through the same lens as Bison. But what of you? Bison sought to rule the world through violence and fear. Once you make his power yours... How will the world look to you then, I wonder? Hahahaha..." (A Bond With JP: 2)
  • "You selected me as a teacher of your own volition. Or so you think. Isn't that right? Reflect upon the human will for a moment. To what extent are your actions conscious acts? There's a famous experiment. A person thinks, "I wish to move my arm," and does just that. But in reality, it is only after moving your arm that your brain thinks upon it. Fascinating, is it not? The sensation of willfully choosing something only occurs after the choice has been made. In which case...what do you believe you've chosen by studying under me? "I wish to become stronger," perhaps? Was it truly you who thought that?" (A Bond With JP: 3)
  • "Once, there was an organization called Shadaloo. They ran an experiment. It attempted to imbue a large number of test subjects with Psycho Power. By force, in most cases. Goodness, Shadaloo was simply dreadful. Subjects without a propensity for Psycho Power were broken by it utterly, and perished. Only a select few had this aptitude, and even fewer endured the training necessary to master such power. You are one of those lucky few. Or perhaps... Perhaps Psycho Power chose you. But you are free to interpret things as you please." (A Bond With JP: 4)

Master Missions[]

Monied Interest[]
  • "Have you ever given any thought to this thing we call "the economy"? Formless though it may be, its very existence drives the lives-and deaths-of billions. To know what drives others to action is one of the fundamentals of combat. Now go on. Consume. knowing."
  • "Well done. So? Any impressions?"
    • (Answer: I think I've made a realization.)
    • (Answer: I'm not sure I understand.)
  • "Splendid. Whether you've gained something from this matters little. At times, an expected profit exerts more power over individuals than the profit itself. And the world's economic engines are no different." (After spending 100000 zenny)
A Capital Idea[]
  • "You're aware of the insurgent group within this country, are you not? Intel I've acquired suggests money to fund their operations will be changing hands... What do you suppose we should do about that? For now, allow me to show you where the exchange will be taking place."
  • Aditya: Wait, did you-know-who send you? This money's for an important cause! Just let us walk, all right?
    • (Answer: Fine. I'll let you go.)
    • (Answer: Sorry, but I have to stop you.) "Rgh! The money's ours, dammit!"
  • "You found the scene of the exchange? Goodness. So. How much was there?
    • (Answer: 200,000 zenny.) "Quite the impressive sum. You can go ahead and keep it. It's only fair compensation for a job well done.
    • (Answer: Zero zenny.) "So you let them get away? A shame, that. I was considering offering you the money, but alas."

Master Assist[]

  • "Practical hands-on combat experience is a splendid way to learn. Let us study together, if you are so inclined."
  • "Very well. Seeing one's own moves wielded by others is quite fascinating."

Learning a new technique[]

  • "Very well. Commit to memory the following move."
  • "I have a new kind of power for you. Go ahead. Try it."


  • “You wish to test your mettle?”
    • (Answer: Yes) "Very well. Be my guest."
    • (Answer: No) "By all means, think on it."
  • “How is your Psycho Power progressing?”
    • (Answer: Yes) "Show me, would you?
    • (Answer: No) "Not quite ready, are you?"
  • “Hm. It seems to be time.”
    • (Answer: Yes) "Allow me to test you."
    • (Answer: No) "Perhaps my expectations were misplaced."
  • “I believe you may now prove a match for me. Would you agree?”
    • (Answer: That I do.) "Very good."
    • (Answer: I'm...not so sure about that.) "Is that so? Very well, then."
  • "Well, that's that, then." (Post-Sparring)
  • "That will do." (Post-Sparring)


  • "Why. thank you" (Giving a gift to JP)
  • "Thank you. I humbly accept." (Giving a gift to JP)
  • "Appreciated. I suppose I should thank you.: (Giving a gift to JP)
  • "Yes, quite impressive. I'm sure there's someone out there who would enjoy this." (Reaction to Gift)
  • "Oh? you're giving me trash? A good luck charm, you say? Hrm." (Giving JP Antique Playing Cards)
  • "In any card game, using old cards is forbidden. That's a fundamental rule, I'll have you know." (Giving JP Antique Playing Cards)
  • "You're giving me a check? I used these all the time for work, once upon a time. A check can be used in all manner of ways.. Even if it bounces." (Reaction to Absurd Check)

Character Guide[]

Arcade Mode[]

Versus Mode (Character-Specific)[]
