Street Fighter Wiki

This article is a list of all the characters move lists in Super Street Fighter IV from H-Z. The moves are based on the English controls of the home console version.


Hakan art


Move Name Input
Oil Shower Shoryuken motion+Kick
Oil Slide (and Body Press) Quarter circle forward+Punch (followup with Punch)
Oil Rocket 360+Punch
Oil Dive 360+Kick (Hold Kick to change timing)
Super Combo: Flying Oil Spin Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Kick
Ultra Combo: Oil Coaster 360360+Punch x3
Ultra Combo: Oil Combination Hold Arcade-Stick-DownArcade-Stick-DownArcade-Stick-Down+Arcade Button Kick x3




Move Name Input
Kunai In AirQuarter circle forward+Punch
Tsujigoe Shoryuken motion+Punch
Neck Breaker Half circle forward+Punch
Raida Half circle back+Punch
Kasumi Gake Quarter circle forward+Kick
Kazegiri Shoryuken motion+Kick
Tsumuji Quarter circle back+Kick
Hien Reverse Shoryuken motion+Kick
Super Combo: Kasumi Suzaku In AirQuarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch
Ultra Combo: Yoroitoshi Half circle backHalf circle back+Punch x3
Ultra Combo: Hashinsho Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Kick x3




Move Name Input
Fuhajin Quarter circle forward+Kick
Shikusen In AirQuarter circle back+Kick (followup with Kick, Kick)
Senpusha Quarter circle back+Kick
Kasatushi Quarter circle back+Punch (only against certain attacks)
Super Combo: Fuharenjin Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Kick
Ultra Combo: Feng Shui Engine Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch x3
Ultra Combo: Kaisen Dankairaku Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Kick x3




Move Name Input
Hadoken Quarter circle forward+Punch
Shoryuken Shoryuken motion+Punch
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku/Airborne Also possible in airQuarter circle back+Kick
Super Combo: Shoryureppa Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch
Ultra Combo: Shinryuken Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch x3
Ultra Combo: Guren Senpukyaku Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Kick x3




Move Name Input
Fukiage Shoryuken motion+Punch
Hayate Quarter circle forward+Punch (Hold Punch for power, Kick to cancel)
Oroshi Quarter circle back+Punch
Karakusa Half circle back+Kick
Tsurugi In AirQuarter circle back+Kick
Super Combo: Tanden Renki Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch
Ultra Combo: Seichusen Godanzuki Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch x3
Ultra Combo: Abare Tosanami Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Kick x3

M. Bison

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M. Bison.

Move Name Input
Psycho Crusher Charge backRight motion+Punch
Double Knee Press Charge backRight motion+Kick
Head Press Charge down then up+Kick
Devil Reverse Charge down then up+Punch (+Punch)
Bison Warp Shoryuken motion or Reverse Shoryuken motion+Punch x3 or Kick x3
Super Combo: Knee Press Nightmare Charge leftRight motionLeft motion then right motion+Kick
Ultra Combo: Nightmare Booster Charge leftRight motionLeft motion then right motion+Kick x3
Ultra Combo: Psycho Punisher Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Kick x3 (Charge leftRight motionLeft motion then right motion+Punch x3 in Arcade Edition)


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Move Name Input
Soul Spark Half circle forward+Punch
Soul Spiral Quarter circle forward+Kick
Soul Reflect Quarter circle back+Punch
Soul Throw Shoryuken motion+Punch
Super Combo: Aura Soul Spark Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch
Ultra Combo: Illusion Spark Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch x3
Ultra Combo: Soul Satellite Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Punch x3




Move Name Input
Messiah Kick Quarter-circle forward + Kick (+ Light kick, Medium kick or Heavy kick for followup)
Galactic Tornado Quarter circle forward+Punch
Snake Strike Shoryuken motion+Punch
Super Combo: Spectacle Romance Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch
Ultra Combo: Space Opera Symphony Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch x3
Ultra Combo: Big Bang Typhoon Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Punch x3




Move Name Input
Hadoken Quarter circle forward+Punch
Shoryuken Shoryuken motion+Punch
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku/Airborne Also possible in airQuarter circle back+Kick
Super Combo: Shinku Hadoken Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch
Ultra Combo: Metsu Hadoken Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch x3
Ultra Combo: Metsu Shoryuken Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Kick x3




Move Name Input
High Tiger Shot Quarter circle forward+Punch
Low Tiger Shot Quarter circle forward+Kick
Tiger Uppercut Shoryuken motion+Punch
Tiger Knee Shoryuken motion+Kick
Angry Charge Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Punch (EX)
Super Combo: Tiger Genocide Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Kick
Ultra Combo: Tiger Destruction Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Kick x3
Ultra Combo: Tiger Cannon Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch x3


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Move Name Input
Hadoken Quarter circle forward+Punch (Hold to change effect)
Shouoken Shoryuken motion+Punch
Shunpukyaku/Airborne Arcade Modifier (Air)Quarter circle back+Kick
Sakura Otoshi Shoryuken motion+Kick (+Punch up to 3 times)
Super Combo: Haru Ichiban Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Kick
Ultra Combo: Haru Ranman Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Kick x3
Ultra Combo: Shinku Hadoken/Shinku Tengyo Hadoken Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch x3 or Kick x3


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Move Name Input
Sonic Boom Quarter circle forward+Punch
Shoryuken Shoryuken motion+Punch (can be performed up to 3 times in a row.)
Hyakuretsukyaku Quarter circle back+Kick
Tanden Engine Quarter circle back+Punch
Spinning Piledriver 360+Punch
Yoga Teleport Shoryuken motion or Reverse Shoryuken motion+Punch x3 or Kick x3
Super Combo: Tanden Storm Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch
Ultra Combo: Tanden Stream Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch x3
Ultra Combo: Tanden Typhoon Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Punch x3

T. Hawk


T. Hawk.

Move Name Input
Mexican Typhoon 360+Punch
Tomahawk Buster Shoryuken motion+Punch
Condor Dive In AirPunch x3 (in Arcade Edition, In AirKick x3 for EX)
Condor Spire Reverse Shoryuken motion+Punch
Super Combo: Double Typhoon 360360+Punch
Ultra Combo: Raging Typhoon 360360+Punch x3
Ultra Combo: Raging Slash Half circle backHalf circle back+Punch x3


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Move Name Input
Rolling Crystal Flash Charge backRight motion+Punch
Scarlet Terror Charge down backRight motion+Kick
Sky High Claw Charge down then up+Punch
Flying Barcelona Attack Charge down then up+Kick (+Punch)
Izuna Drop Left motion or Right motion+Punch (after Flying Barcelona Attack)
Remove Claw/Mask Shoryuken motion+Punch
Super Combo: Flying Barcelona Special Charge down backDelta motion+Kick (+Punch)
Super Combo: Rolling Izuna Drop Left motion or Right motion+Punch (after Flying Barcelona Special)
Ultra Combo: Bloody High Claw Charge down backDelta motion+Kick x3
Ultra Combo: Splendid Claw Charge backRight motionLeft motion then right motion+Kick x3


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Move Name Input
Spinning Piledriver 360+Punch
Banishing Flat Shoryuken motion+Punch
Double Lariat / Quick Double Lariat Punch x3 or Kick x3
Flying Power Bomb 360+Kick
Super Combo: Final Atomic Buster 360360+Punch
Ultra Combo: Ultimate Atomic Buster 360360+Punch x3
Ultra Combo: Siberian Blizzard In Air360360+Kick x3

Extra Characters for the Arcade Edition

Four extra characters have been added for the Arcade Edition of the game.




Move Name Input
Tourouzan Quarter circle forward+Punch (can be performed 3 times)
Kaihou Quarter circle forward+Kick
Byakko Soshoda Quarter circle back+Punch (Sf3 punch light to feint)
Zenpou Tenshin Half circle back+Kick
Senkyutai Shoryuken motion+Kick
Super Combo: Seiei Enbu Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Punch
Ultra Combo: Raishin Mahhaken Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch x3
Ultra Combo: Tenshin Senkyutai Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Kick x3




Move Name Input
Zesshou Hohou Quarter circle forward+Punch
Kobokushi Quarter circle back+Punch (Sf3 punch light to feint)
Zenpou Tenshin Half circle back+Kick
Tetsuzanko Shoryuken motion+Punch
Nishokyaku Shoryuken motion+Kick
Super Combo: Genei Jin Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch
Ultra Combo: You Hou Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch x3
Ultra Combo: Sorai Rengeki Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Kick x3

Evil Ryu

SSF4AE Evil Ryu

Evil Ryu.

Move Name Input
Hadoken Quarter circle forward+Punch
Shakunetsu Hadoken Half circle back+Punch
Shoryuken Shoryuken motion+Punch
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku / Airborne Arcade Modifier (Air)Quarter circle back+Kick
Ryusokyaku Half circle forward+Kick
Ashura Senku Shoryuken motion or Reverse Shoryuken motion+Punch x3 or Kick x3
Super Combo: Raging Demon Sf3 punch lightSf3 punch lightRight motionSf3 kick lightArcade-Button-HPunch
Ultra Combo: Metsu Hadoken Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch x3 (Punch hold Punch x3 to charge)
Ultra Combo: Messatsu-Goshoryu Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Kick x3


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Move Name Input
Gohadoken Quarter circle forward+Punch
Gorai Hadoken Half circle back+Punch
Goshoryuken Shoryuken motion+Punch
Tatsumaki Zankukyaku / Airborne Arcade Modifier (Air)Quarter circle back+Kick
Rakan Dantojin Half circle forward+Kick
Sekisei Jiraiken Shoryuken motion+Kick
Zanku Hadosho Arcade Modifier AirQuarter circle back+Punch
Super Combo: Raging Demon Arcade Modifier (Air)Sf3 punch lightSf3 punch lightRight motionSf3 kick lightArcade-Button-HPunch
Ultra Combo: Meido Gohado Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch x3
Arcade Modifier AirQuarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch x3
Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Kick x3
Ultra Combo: Tenchi Sokaigen Half circle forwardHalf circle forward+Punch x3

Other SSFIV Move Lists

List of moves in Super Street Fighter IV A-G
