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An Exceed is a type of special attack seen only in SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos, acting as each character's most powerful move.


To perform an Exceed, the player must have half of their health or less, and then input the respective motion. Exceed moves don't consume any meter, but they can only be used once per match.

List of Exceeds

Character Exceed
Akuma Raging Demon
Balrog Ultimate Wild Smash
Chun-Li Hazan Tenshou Kyaku
Dan Otoko Michi
Dhalsim Yoga Legend
Guile Sonic Hurricane
Hugo Gigas Breaker
Ken Shinryuken
Mai Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi
M. Bison Final Psycho Crusher
Ryu Shin Shoryuken
Sagat Tiger Genocide
Shin Akuma Misogi
Terry Rising Beat
Vega Red Impact
Violent Ken Shinbu Messatsu


  • Exceeds take after SNK fighting game mechanics, specifically Desperation Moves from Fatal Fury, Potential Power moves from the Real Bout Fatal Fury series, and the Desperation Command Moves of The King of Fighters, where they are powerful super attacks that are only available when a player has low health, or grow in power the less health one has.