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Ultimatum is a complete Sonic the Hedgehog story which appeared in Issue 245 of Sonic the Comic Online.



Sonic skids into Metropolis Zone to find an enormous crater and Mega Mack everywhere. After helping one trapped man out of his car, he calls the Kintobor Computer, who expects someone to take responsibility for the Mega Mack bomb soon. Sure enough, a transmission is broadcasted over every TV channel on Mobius. The terrorist has nineteen more Mega Mack bombs, and will detonate them unless Amy, Tails and Porker surrender themselves, alone and unarmed, on Flickies' Island in four hours. Kintobor traces the transmission to somewhere in the Hill Top Zone, and Sonic sprints off to check it out. Upon his arrival, he is unable to find the bomber, and Kintobor can't help, the Zone Leaders of Mobius refusing to host his sensors since The Inside Story was aired. Without warning, Sonic is suddenly zapped into unconsciousness by a taser. Back in the Control Centre, Porker is freaking out and tries to make a run for it. Just as he opens the door, he finds Sonic standing outside. He reassures the Freedom Fighters that it's all been taken care of, and it was 'just another small-fry loser'. A few seconds later, back in the Hill Top Zone, Sonic stirs after being woken by Kintobor, who tells him the base has been attacked, the gang are injured, and a new broadcast is airing. The terrorist informs Mobius that the Freedom Fighters have surrendered, he still has nineteen bombs and will target the Green Hill Zone in one hour if all Zone Leaders don't offer unconditional surrenders. And to make matters worse, he seems to be another Sonic....


The previous Sonic the Hedgehog story was The Night Before Christmas. The next story was Whodunit?.
