Sonic the Poster Mag is a spin-off series from Sonic the Comic, currently consisting of nine print editions and four as part of Sonic the Comic Online. Initially, they were purely marketed as a chance to obtain several giant pin-ups of the STC characters, whilst also containing a special feature. Later editions also published a lead Sonic the Hedgehog story (or Sega Superstars strip depending on the comic's theme), while STC-O includes a great many extra features, acting more like a "Special".
Two Poster Mags were dedicated to popular "non-Sonic strips" of the time, with Shinobi and Streets of Rage editions featuring a one-off story and a giant poster of the lead characters.
- Sonic the Poster Mag 1
- Sonic the Poster Mag 2
- Sonic the Poster Mag 3
- Sonic the Poster Mag 4
- Sonic the Poster Mag 5
- Sonic the Poster Mag 6
- Sonic the Poster Mag 7
- Sonic the Poster Mag 8
- Sonic the Poster Mag 9
- Sonic the Poster Mag 2004
- Sonic the Poster Mag 2005
- Sonic the Poster Mag 2006
- Sonic the Poster Mag 2007