Sonic the Comic Wiki

Black Dog Brew (currently known as Badly-Drawn Manchild on the Message Zone) is a member of staff at Sonic the Comic Online. He is perhaps best known for his Youtube series, the "Sonic the Comic Retrospective", in which he reviews past issues of themes of the comic.

He was first brought to wider attention in Sonic the Comic Online in the Control Zone of Issue 249. Megadroid commended his fan work and provided a link to the playlist, although he was forced to warn younger Boomers about the swearing. Black Dog Brew became a full member of STC-O when he produced a trailer for Issue 250 in Sonic the Summer Special 2009. The minute-long teaser included a variety of artwork from The Battle For Mobius, as well as snippets of older stories that led up to this point. The trailer was reused in Sonic the Back-to-School Special.
