Laser cannons were powerful laser weapons that were commonly outfitted to vehicles, starfighters, and starships. A laser cannon could be fixed in place or attached to a turret or ball-mounted swivel, allowing the weapon to aim and fire in many directions.
Card Text/Abilities[]
AT-RT only. *Please Note that English misprints of this card exist*
AT-RT Laser Cannon
Impact 3, Fixed:Front
- See Note 1
- Impact 3 (While attacking a unit that has Armor, change up to 3 results to results.)
- Fixed: Front (The defender must be inside your front arc.)
Note 1: In the original print run of the October 2022 501st Legion Battle Force Box (English), the ATRT Laser Cannon card was printed with 3 black dice, instead of 1 red and 2 black.