
Sure, some guy in a factory probably pieced me together originally, and someone else programmed me, so to speak. But then the galaxy itself forged me into who I am. Because we learn, Lando. We're programmed to learn. Which means we grow. We grow away from that singular moment of creation, become something new with each changing moment of our lives—yes, lives—and look at me: these parts. I did this. So maybe when we say the Maker we're referring to the whole galaxy, or maybe we just mean ourselves. Maybe we're our own makers, no matter who put the parts together.

——L3-37, to Lando Calrissian[来源]

L3-37,簡稱L3, 或作 Elthree,是一個女性的[1] hodgepodge[3] 機器人,與藍道·卡利森在一起,作為他的駕駛副手兩人感情很好。[2] She was a one of a kind droid, assembling and improving herself with scraps of other droids,[4] including her torso, which she pieced together from an old astromech.[1]

L3 was also built from already used protocol parts and was also an enlightened navigator.[5] She cared deeply about droid rights.[1][5]


L3-37 will be portrayed via motion-capture by 菲比·沃勒-布里奇 in 星際大戰外傳:韓索羅. Waller-Bridge's casting in the film was first announced on February 21, 2017.[6][2] Her name is a reference to LEET, the act of replacing certain letters of a word with numbers, often done on the Internet.[4]




