


Star Wars Journal: Darth Maul is a novel from the point of view of Darth Maul surrounding the events of The Phantom Menace. There are twelve entries that Maul has written for the Sith Archives. Each show his past, his plans, and his missions, ending where he plans to battle Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi on Naboo. An epilogue is made by Darth Sidious, reporting the supposed death of his Sith apprentice, as well as commenting on his failures and excellent skill as a swordsman.

This short novel is mixed in with The Wrath of Darth Maul.

Publisher's summary[]

I have followed the Sith path to power, drawing strength from hate. My vow is to defeat the Jedi. I have embraced the dark side…and the dark side has embraced me.

I have been chosen. My mission is clear.

I will have revenge.

My name is Darth Maul. This is my story.

Plot summary[]

Maul discusses being born on Iridonia and taken from home by Darth Sidious at a young age. In early chapters, he is depicted as sleeping on a hard floor in order to develop his feelings of rage. A pivotal step in his training is a confrontation divised by Palpatine to make Darth Maul hate his master. After a grueling mission, Sidious confronts Maul ostensibly to kill him, stating that he has had a better apprentice all along. Maul passes the test by lunging into a battle only to discover that his master's lightsaber is a training saber. Before describing his mission to Naboo, Maul explains his choice to build and wield a double bladed lightsaber, taking after Exar Kun.

Darth Sidious concludes the journal of Darth Maul after his apparent death on Naboo, summarizing the events leading to his apparent death. He concludes that his next apprentice will be flawless, unlike Darth Maul was. Sidious is then unsure of what to do with the journal, either to add it to the Sith archives or destroy it.


By type
Characters Organisms Droid models Events Locations
Organizations and titles Sentient species Vehicles and vessels Weapons and technology Miscellanea



Droid models



Organizations and titles

Sentient species

Vehicles and vessels

Weapons and technology



Notes and references[]

External links[]

Star Wars Journal
Anakin Skywalker Darth Maul Queen Amidala
Captive to Evil Hero for Hire The Fight for Justice