As PrincessLeia and her prince prepare for their weddingday on Arrochar, the uneasy feeling among the Rebels—especially Han Solo—grows. Meanwhile, Luke, on an alpine mission with local troops, discovers the Alliance's new "friends" aren't so friendly!
Princess Leia is to marry the Prince of
Arrochar, in exchange for obtaining a secure
base for the Rebels on his planet. But there
are those on both sides of the arrangement
who have their doubts, and Luke Skywalker
has been grounded for acting out his
frustrations about Leia's impending nuptials
during maneuvers with Rogue Squadron.
Meanwhile, Luke's squad commander,
Wedge Antilles, contends with local pilots
who are dissatisfied with the fighters
they've been provided, and Leia argues
with the Prince about her active role in the
Amidst this turmoil, Luke joins a team of
local alpine troops as part of a public
relations effort, and Han and Leia investi-
gate the unexpected arrival of an auto-
mated Imperial hauler—which, unnoticed,
leaves behind a probe droid…