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"The scomp link is busted, but this should get you moving for now."
Cal Kestis, repairing his droid, BD-1[6]

A scomp link,[6] also known as a data probe,[7] was an accessory that allowed an astromech droid[8] or BD unit[6] to plug into a computer via a socket.[9] Also, Imperial droids such as the KX-series security droid had one.[3] It consisted of an extendable arm with a rotating tip.[8] The clone trooper CT-1409 "Echo" had his right arm replaced with a scomp link by the Techno Union after sustaining heavy injuries from experimentation.[1] The Kaminoan-affiliated AZ-series surgical assistant droids also possessed scomp links, embedded into their collapsible arms.[10] Scomp links could also be used manually as an independent tool; Ezra Bridger utilized an old R-series scomp link as a lockpick in order to manually gain access to doors, though this process could take time and skill depending on the door's security.[11] The R2 series astromech droid R2-D2 was equipped with one.[7]

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Behind the scenes[]

Scomp links were identified as a data probe in the 2015 book Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary.[7]


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Notes and references[]
