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The A280 was a blaster rifle produced by BlasTech Industries, and was considered one of the best armor-piercing blasters produced during the Galactic Civil War.


Though much heavier than Imperial-issue rifles such as the E-11,[1] the A280 was a sturdy weapon and was reputed to be able to cut a fully armored stormtrooper in half at medium range. This weapon, along with its predecessor, the DLT-20A, were marketed as Longblasters. The A280 was different from the DLT-20A in that its galven circuits were clustered near the focusing crystal, giving the weapon a slight bulge at the midsection. This also provided the A280 with more power over a longer range.[1]

It could be equipped with a Novaless Soni-Optics Target Imager[1]


During the final years of the Republic, the A280 was the standard-issue rifle for the Planetary Security Forces and for Ranulph Tarkin's Republic Outland Regions Security Force like its Special Tactics troopers. After the Declaration of a New Order, the A280 became available for the black market.

A280 blaster rifle - SWGTCG

An Alliance soldier with an A280

Throughout the Galactic Civil War, these rifles were primarily utilized by the Alliance to Restore the Republic, in their fight against the Galactic Empire. Rebel soldiers wielded them during the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY,[3] and the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY.[2] Several of these rifles were stolen by Janse for the Rebels when he left BlasTech shortly before the latter battle.[4]

Despite being primarily utilized against them, the Empire also fought with A280s occasionally, and had two on a Blaster rack inside the Death Star II's command center in 4 ABY.[2]

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Behind the scenes[]

A280 Endor

The A280 as depicted in Endor Limited

The depiction of the A280 has varied over different sources. The image used in this article is that from Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary. Another version was depicted in the Endor Limited expansion of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game, and yet another in its original appearance in the The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook.



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