Star vs. the Forces of Evil Wiki

Usage instructions[]

Paste the following code into the top of an article, filling all known (or relevant) fields:

|name         = 
|image        = 
|first        = 
|last         = 
|voice        = 
|inspiration  = 
|fullname     = 
|alias        = 
|age          = 
|birthdate    = 
|gender       = 
|species      = 
|occupation   = 
|affiliations = 
|goal         = 
|home         = 
|family       = 
|pets         = 
|friends      = 
|minions      = 
|enemies      = 
|likes        = 
|dislikes     = 
|powers       = 
|weapons      = 
|fate         = 
|quote        = 
|signature    = 


Values are as follows:

Parameter Explanation
name Name to display at the top of the Infobox. If you leave this blank, it will default to {{PAGENAME}} and simply display the title of the page. If you specify a name, it will use that instead.
image The name of the picture to be displayed, without the brackets or the "File:" prefix. Size is fixed at 200px, so images in a 4:3 aspect ratio are preferred over widescreen images.

Example:   S1e1 mewni.png
instead of: [[File:S1e1 mewni.png]]
If the picture is not specified, it will use No Screenshot.png as a default.

first The first full episode the character appeared in. Use brackets around the episode title, but no quote marks. Example: [[Episode]]
last The last full episode the character appeared in. Same format as first above. Do not fill in if the character has only appeared once.
voice Character's voice actor. Include link to relevant page. If no page exists, link to Wikipedia. Examples: [[Creator]] or [[Wikipedia:Jeff Bennett|Jeff Bennett]].
inspiration If the character was inspired by some actual person or is a direct allusion to something, include that information here. For example, Gideon Gleeful was inspired by Benny Hinn. Again, use Wikipedia if appropriate.
fullname If the character's page name is not the same as their full name, include the full name here.
alias If the character is known by other names, please list them here. Only include serious names, not one-time jokes.
age If the character's age is known, list it here.
birthdate If the character's birth date is known, list it here.
gender List the character's gender (male or female) here.
species List the character's species here.
occupation If the character has a known occupation, please list them here.
affiliations List any groups or alliances the character is a member of here.
goal List the character's primary goals here. Use sparingly.
home List the character's place of residence here if notable.
family List family members here. Use <br /> between names if more than three listed.
pets List pets here. Use <br /> between names if more than three listed.
friends List friends here. Use <br /> between names if more than three listed.
minions List character's minions and servants here, if any.
enemies List enemies here. Use <br /> between names if more than three listed.
likes List notable things/places the character likes here. Use sparingly. Use <br /> between names if more than three listed.
dislikes List notable things/places the character dislikes here. Use sparingly. Use <br /> between names if more than three listed.
powers List any notable powers, abilities, or skills the character has here. Use sparingly. Use <br /> between names if more than three listed.
weapons List any preferred notable weapons here. Use sparingly. Use <br /> between names if more than three listed.
quote List any notable quote that reflects the character's personality here.
signature The name of the picture of the signature to be displayed, without the brackets or the "File:" prefix.