
Teresh was a minor member of the Lucian Alliance and aide to Anateo.



He was part of Anateo's strike force in his initially successful attempt to capture the Odyssey. After his team had seized control of the ship, Teresh took over the helm. After Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter had enabled Vala Mal Doran and Dr. Daniel Jackson to escape from the cargo bay, where most of the crew had been imprisoned, the two gained access to a Zat'nik'tel, and stunned Teresh when they reached the bridge. He was presumably imprisoned in the cargo bay after the Tau'ri crew regained control of their ship. (SG1: "Company of Thieves")


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Other equipment[]

  • Lucian Alliance uniform: To be added
  • Radio: To be added


Links and navigation[]

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Lucian Alliance
Members AnateoBalintCalvosCorrinDannicEvansFake Jaffa bounty hunterGavosGinnGragJupKarugKefflinKivaKozLucian Alliance HunterLucian Alliance Officer (Camelot)Lucian Alliance Officer (Off the Grid)Lucian Alliance ScientistLucian Alliance Soldier 1Lucian Alliance Soldier 2Lucian Alliance Soldier 3Lucian Alliance Squad MemberLucian Alliance TechnicianMasimMillicNetanOlanOranian LieutenantRamerisArvold RookerSimeonSlaviashSolekSzetoTasiaDavid TelfordTenatTereshVarroVashinVoshWorrel
Planets Ginn's planetHaidonIcarus-like planetLuciaLucian Alliance outpostP3D-042P6G-452RolanVarro's planet
Technology Lucian Alliance assault rifleDestiny lockpickLucian Alliance submachine gunLucian Alliance mineLucian Alliance naquadria bombLucian Alliance pistolLucian Alliance radio‏‎Lucian Alliance rocket launcherLucian Alliance stun grenade‏ • Lucian Alliance torture device‏‎ • Lucian Alliance uniform‏‎ • Space mine
Terms KassaSecond
Smallwikipedialogo This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Lucian Alliance characters in Stargate. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with SGCommand, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU Free Documentation License.