
The analysis device is a piece of equipment used by the Tau'ri.


This device was created by the Tau'ri to analyze items, for example, a star, in conjunction with an analysis computer.


Major Samantha Carter used the device to observe that HU-2340 had reached the star's heart and restored it. (SG1: "Red Sky")

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Tau'ri Equipment
Analysis computerAnalysis deviceAnalysis jarBinocularsCamcorderCamo kitCanteenCell phoneChem flareClimbing kitCombat tentDesktopDigital cameraDigital recorderDirectional microphoneEngineering kitEvidence kitFlareFlashlightGarage Door OpenerGeiger counterGlobal Positioning SystemGlow stickGrapple gunHandcuffsJamming deviceLaptopLighterLocator beaconLockpicking kitLong-range communication deviceMagnetic compassMagnifying glassMALP on a stickMetal detectorMonocularMP3 playerPeriscopePocket watchPolygraphPortable breathing unitQuarantine ContainerRadioRecorderRed phoneResearch kitSagan Institute BoxSatellite phoneScan deviceShacklesSubcutaneous locator beaconTabletTau'ri homing deviceTelescopeTentThermal blanketThermograph sensorUltraviolet unitUniversal Tricorder DeviceWalkmanWater purification tabletWristwatchZip tie