Amara was a female Ancient who lived on the Earth.
Background Information[]
Thirty million years ago, Amara was born to an Ancient woman, who desired a son and named her "Amara" out of resentment. At some point she became a follower of Origin, the Ori religion and was in contact with the Doci who instructed her to create a plague to wipe out the unbelievers in the Ancient population. She released this plague on two planets, Vis Uban and Elysium Pedion. She was left on the island Santorini, which was Atlantis' building site in a stasis pod whilst the rest of her people left Earth in Atlantis. Millions of years later, she was found by three Trust agents on Santorini the original site of the City-ship by Atlantis. They used Cassandra Fraiser to open her pod. (SG1: "Transitions")
When she was released from the pod, she used her amplifier bracelet to create an energy blast that took out the three Tau'ri members of the Trust. Cassandra Fraiser, whom had been captured by the group, was able to defend herself from the explosion by using her own powers.
Amara would later use her amplifier bracelet to create a wormhole from Stargate Command to Atlantis for her to go to the city to cure the Ancient contagion, running amok. She subsequently assisted Atlantis in uploading the computer virus that had been unleashed with the contagion to destroy the hive-ship currently attacking the city. She achieved Ascension as John Sheppard was taking a puddle jumper up to the ship to upload the virus directly, using her new powers to help Sheppard return to Atlantis. She also gave him her bracelet, with the task of submitting it to Cassandra in the future. (SG1: "Transitions")