
"It holds a piece of the Holy City of Celestis. It protects me; keeps me safe."

Adria's pendant, is a small pendant worn by the Orici, Adria, that is her primary method of protection.


Adria's pendant 1

Adria wearing her pendant

The pendant is said to contain a piece of the Holy City of Celestis. It is a potent defensive device that was capable of protecting the Orici from the weapon on the planet Dakara. It is unknown if it is more powerful than the personal shield emitters developed by the Lanteans. It also appears to possess holographic technology, allowing the leader of the Ori crusade to disguise herself in other forms. (SG1: "The Quest, Part 1", "Counterstrike") (SGA: "Hide and Seek")

It apparently contains a neural interface allowing Adria to control it mentally and is capable of extending its shield to encompass others. When converting a person into a Prior, the pendant glows with light engulfing a Human and turning them into one of the evolved preachers of the Ori. (SG1: "The Quest, Part 1", "The Shroud")

It's possible that this was Adria using her natural abilities rather than one given by the pendant.


The pendant was given to Adria at an unknown time when she reached adulthood. It protected her from the energy wave generated from the weapon at Dakara which was used to slay her followers on a recently converted planet. It continued to protect her when she laid siege from her Ori warship on the planet which continued to generate the energy waves. Their attempts to kill the Orici failed and she succeeded in eliminating that threat. (SG1: "Counterstrike")

Adria's pendant 2

The pendant's shield coming alive to protect the Orici.

During her quest for Merlin's weapon, she used the pendant to disguise herself as the villager Osric and followed SG-1 in hopes of finding the weapon. However, Dr. Daniel Jackson discovered the fact that she was not who she said she was, at which point she decided to end her deceptions and revealed her true form. At this point, members of SG-1 opened fire on her but their weapon's were ineffective at penetrating the shield generated by the pendant. It was later used to protect both her and SG-1 from a solid base hologram "Dragon" that was protecting Merlin's weapon. (SG1: "The Quest, Part 1")

The pendant was still worn by Adria when Daniel betrayed the Orici in an attempt to use the Sangraal against the Ori in their own galaxy. He lulled the Orici in a false sense of security at which point he knocked her unconscious with an energy blast from his hands. The Pendant was incapable of protecting Adria from Daniel Jackson but he mentioned that it took a lot of power to get past the pendant. (SG1: "The Shroud")

The device was taken from Adria when the Goa'uld Ba'al captured her. (SG1: "Dominion")

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Ori AdriaFlames of Enlightenment
Priors The AdministratorDamarisDociGerakDaniel JacksonPrior (Beachhead)Prior (Counterstrike)Prior (Arthur's Mantle)Prior (P3X-421)Prior 1 (The Ark of Truth)Prior 2 (The Ark of Truth)Prior 3 (The Ark of Truth)Prior (Ver Eger)Prior (Ver Isca)
Followers AdinaThe Administrator's wifeAllonHalstromJadinNursemaidOri commander (Line in the Sand)Ori Commander (The Quest)Ori soldier (The Quest, Part 1)Ori Warrior (The Ark of Truth)TominVillager (Avalon, Part 2)
Technology Adria's pendantAncient crystal power cellAraDial Home DeviceDoci's collar‏‎ • Ori armor‏‎ • Ori control console‏‎ • Ori energy beam weaponOri fighterOri force field • ‏‎Ori helmet‏‎ • Ori power generatorOri pulse weaponOri satelliteOri sensor‏‎ • Ori shield‏‎Ori staff weaponOri stun weaponOri warshipPrior staffPRIOR2 virusR-75SupergateTransportation rings
Terms Ancient contagionBook of OriginDay of ReckoningOri ArmyOriciOriginProstration
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Armors & Uniforms Anubis Guard armorArmored exoskeletonAturen armor‏‎ • Bentax's cuirassBentax's legendary armorChainmailEthloninan Army uniformGenii Army uniformJaffa armorJaffa helmetKull armorLeather armorLion mantleNecropolis Guard armorOlympian tunicOri armorOri helmetRa's MaskRand Protectorate uniformRenzette Combat RegaliaSarmak Stealth ArmorSatedan warrior armorSodan armor‏‎ • Talpai ArmorTraveler uniform‏‎Traz'tal Royal Stealth Suit
Other Protective ware Ancient environmental suitAncient pressure suitGas maskHardeshKelownan radiation suitPersonal shield emitterUnas necklaceWeapons cache vestWraith combat goggles
Other Adria's pendantAmplifier braceletAris Boch's gogglesAsgard hand deviceAtanik armbandBynarr's pendantCanon's ringDoci's collar‏‎Genii communicatorGoa'uld bodiceGoa'uld healing deviceGo'wye RibbonHalkyon beltHand clawsHara'keshHorn headdressHUD headsetInvisibility deviceKara keshKor mak braceletLinea's agitatorMaaynd GemMjolnir pendantNakesh GauntletOdai Ventrell's wrist deviceOlesian earpiecePendant of LarrisPersonal transmitter armbandQueen's pendantRaiden's kara keshRing remoteTransporter wrist deviceTraveler armbandVideo glassesWraith clothingWraith finger cotWraith homing necklaceWraith maskWraith tracking systemZa'tarc ring
Armors & Uniforms Ablative armorArmored float vestAtlantis expedition uniformBallistic vestBattle Dress UniformDesert Camouflage UniformFAU Riot SuitFAU Tactical armorFlight suitIcarus Base uniformMarine Corps Combat Utility UniformService Dress UniformSG Phoenix uniformSubdued Urban Digital Camo BDUTactical armorTactical helmetTactical vestTechnical ABUVest insert
Other Protective ware Battledress OvergarmentChemical Protective OvergarmentClimate Protection clothingDeep sea diving suitFiltration/Radiation maskG-suitHazmat suitMission Oriented Protective PostureNBC suitParachuteParkaRadiation suitSafety glassesSpace suitSuit, Contamination Avoidance and Liquid ProtectiveSunglassesWelding goggles
Other Dog tagEye of Ra medallionFuture glassesGlassesInfrared goggles • ‏‎Night vision gogglesPan-Cultural wardrobeRadioSock