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StarCraft Wiki
StarCraft Wiki

The Searing Crater is a landform on Char and a StarCraft II map. It was launched in season 3, 2011, and removed from the ladder in season 4, 2011.[1]

A rush map, it becomes less forward when the destructible rocks are cleared and new pathways open up.[2]

Currently Rich vespene geysers can be found on the map. It is possibly an error of a modification that occurred later, since the Rich vespene geysers were to be implemented in 2019[3][4] and debuted on the Thunderbird map in the 2nd season of 2019.


  1. ↑ David Kim. 2011-10-25. Season 4 - 1v1 Ladder Map Changes. Accessed on 2021-05-09.
  2. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. 2011-06-20. Season 3 Ladder Map Pool Updates. Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed 2011-06-20.
  3. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. 2019-01-10. StarCraft II 4.8.1 Patch Notes. Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed 2020-10-23.
  4. ↑ 2019-01-10. Team Liquid Map Contest 12 Accessed 2020-10-23.