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Salvage is an ability in StarCraft II allowing terran bunkers to be removed from play in exchange for a portion of their resource cost.

Game Effect[]

SC2 Salvage icon

Removes the structure and returns 75% of the structure's mineral and vespene gas cost. The process is cancelled with the structure takes damage. A bunker cannot be salvaged while units are still in it.

Hotkey V
Cost 5 seconds
v • e

Co-op Missions[]

In Co-op Missions, certain commanders can salvage their defensive structures:

Jim Raynor — bunkers and missile turrets.
Rory Swann — devastation, perdition and missile turrets.
Nova Terra — railgun and missile turrets.
Alexei Stukov — infested missile turrets.
Mira Han and Matt Horner — missile turrets.
Tychus Findlay — auto-turrets.
Arcturus Mengsk — supply bunkers, missile turrets and earthsplitter ordnance.

Salvage in Co-op Missions returns 100% of resources spent.


The following section contains information from a previous version of StarCraft II which is no longer valid.

Salvage originally gave back 100% of resources until Patch 1.3.3. Add-ons, missile turrets, supply depots, and sensor towers once could be salvaged.[1][2]


  1. ↑ 1) In the current build, for 100 energy, the Queen can heal a biological unit or building by 200 hit points.
    2) For 50 energy, the Terran Orbital Command can increase a supply depot's supply provided by +8 permanently.
    3) Terran Add-Ons, Bunkers, Sensor Towers, and Missile Turrets can be salvaged for 100% of its cost. Salvage currently takes 5 seconds to complete.
    4) Yes, the Banshee portrait is of a female pilot.
    5) Vespene gas can still become depleted from geysers. Most geysers have 2500 gas each.
    Karune. 2009-06-30. Karune: Can the queen heal? StarCraft II General Discussion Forum. Accessed 2009-06-30.
  2. ↑ Starcraft 2 Terran Demo at GenCon 2007. YouTube.