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The queen's nest is a zerg structure composed of a festering mound of living organisms that live off creep and provide queens with the abilities of Spawn Broodling and Ensnare as well as Gamete Meiosis. Nurtured by the queen herself, these "children" in turn willingly sacrifice themselves to serve the Swarm as required. Once the queen's nest is present, the lair can continue on its evolutionary path to become a full hive.[1]

Game Structure[]


Researched Abilities[]

Ensnare Icon SC1

All units in the 4 x 4 targeted area when Ensnare is used will have their movement speed reduced by half and attack cooldown increased by half. Cloaked units caught in the area will also be revealed for the spell's duration.

Hotkey E
Cost 75 Energy
Range 9
Purchased from Queen's nest
Hotkey E
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 80seconds
SpawnBrood Icon SC1
Spawn Broodling

Creates two broodlings from the targeted ground mechanical or organic unit. The target is instantly destroyed in the process. Archons, dark archons, and robotic units such as probes and reavers may not be targeted. Broodlings last a maximum of 180 seconds.

Hotkey B
Cost 150 Energy
Range 9
Purchased from Queen's nest
Hotkey B
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 80seconds

Researched Upgrades[]

GamMeiosis Queen Icon SC1
Gamete Meiosis
  • Increases queen maximum energy by 50.
  • Increases queen starting energy from 50 to 62.5.
Purchased from Queen's nest
Hotkey G
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 166seconds


In some builds of the StarCraft beta, the queen's nest was named the "hive." This name would be given to the final evolution of the hatchery.[2]

StarCraft II[]

NydusWarrens SC2 DevGame1

The former nydus warren/queen's nest

At some point, the queen's nest was in the StarCraft II game engine.[3] Its model was used by nydus warrens (now nydus network)[4] and was at one point represented by the roach warren.[5]



  1. ↑ Underwood, Peter, Bill Roper, Chris Metzen and Jeffrey Vaughn. StarCraft (Manual). Irvine, Calif.: Blizzard Entertainment, 1998.
  2. ↑ 2011-05-03, Blizzard Archive. "," accessed on 2018-07-03
  3. ↑ 2010-02-28, StarCraft II Beta Game Images. StarCraft Legacy. Accessed on 2010-06-02
  4. ↑ StarCraft II Zerg Gameplay sAvIoR vs HwaSin
  5. ↑ 2011, SC2: Roach Warren. Deviantart, accessed on 2011-07-01