This article is a transcript of the Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years episode "To Pop a Bubble" from season 2, which aired on July 10, 2024.
- [SpongeBob and Patrick are waiting excitedly at the counter in the General Store.]
- Patrick: [banging fists on counter] Gimme, gimme, gimme!
- Mr. Krabs: [puts two paper bags on the counter]
- SpongeBob and Patrick: Ooh. [look at each other and gasp] Thank you! [take the bags and leave, laughing]
- Mr. Krabs: [deadpan expression]
- SpongeBob and Patrick: [dancing with their bags, then wave them around]
- Patrick: [falls down and gets back up]
- SpongeBob: [jumps in the air]
- Patrick: Oh, boy, oh, boy! I got the last super rare, first edition holographic Kamp Koral [takes the bag off to reveal a shiny yam] yam!
- SpongeBob: [gasps, close-up of yam] Wow.
- Patrick: [eats the yam, light coming from his mouth every time it opens]
- SpongeBob: Huh? [flinching, then Patrick swallows] Whew. I guess that's why they're so [pokes Patrick's belly] rare.
- Patrick: Meh, more like medium-rare.
- SpongeBob: [takes bubble soap bottle out of bag] I can't wait to try my new bubble soap. [close-up of the soap bottle as Patrick looks in awe] Watch and be stupified.
- Patrick: Way ahead of ya, buddy. [goes braindead]
- SpongeBob: [stirs the bubble wand into the bottle, then blows a bunch of bubbles, which circle around Patrick]
- Patrick: Ooh. [dancing and laughing, then claps as a bigger bubble comes by and takes him into the air; laughs and looks around] Whoa! I can see my house from here. [laughing, bubble pops mid-air, falls and screams, making his yam exit and re-enter his mouth] [stomach growls] SpongeBob, I'm starving. I haven't had anything to eat since that yam. Can you blow up some bubble food for me?
- SpongeBob: [stirring wand in bottle] Aw, of course, Patrick. [blows a very long submarine sandwich] How about a [taps sandwich] bubmarine sandwich? [laughs]
- Patrick: Wow! [takes a bite out of the sandwich, which makes it pop] Huh? [eats some more, which still pops, growls then eats most of the remaining sandwich] [stomach growls, burps out a bubble] Bubbles aren't very filling.
- SpongeBob: [falls down after the remaining part of the sandwich pops] Hmm. Ooh. What's more fulfilling [squashes a bubble] than [holds the bubble in his hands in the shape of a heart] friendship? [blows a bubble camper out of the bubble]
- Patrick: [laughs in awe]
- [The bubble camper grows a kerchief, a butt, and a hat.]
- SpongeBob: Say hello to our new camper, camper Bubble Buddy!
- Patrick: A tasty new friend. [opens his mouth to eat Bubble Buddy]
- SpongeBob: [takes Bubble Buddy] Patrick, no!
- Patrick: [bites on SpongeBob, ripping off a part of him]
- SpongeBob: You wouldn't eat a fellow camper, would ya?
- Patrick: [shakes head] No. Of course not. [puts SpongeBob's bitten off piece back onto him, rubs growling stomach] But I'm still hungry. Hey, let's go to the [points] canteen!
- [The wind suddenly blows Bubble Buddy away.]
- SpongeBob: Camper Buddy! [running in place] Go on ahead, Patrick. I'll catch up with you later. [runs after Bubble Buddy being swept by the wind] Come on, Buddy, wait for me!
- Patrick: Stupid bubble. I should've eaten him when I had the chance. [pops a bubble with a fork]
- [Bubble transition to SpongeBob chasing after Bubble Buddy. Bubble Buddy lands directly in the center of a target near some javelins.]
- SpongeBob: [stops, wipes head] Phew.
- Larry: [off-screen] Sponge bro! Incoming!
- SpongeBob: [looks up and panics] Yipe! [picks up Bubble Buddy and screams as several javelins land on the bullseye]
- Mo: [tosses a javelin, which hits SpongeBob]
- SpongeBob: [off-screen] Yowch!
- Tall Tail and Craig: Huh?
- Larry: Be practicin' when we're practicin' our javelin throws, bro. [laughs and approaches SpongeBob with Bubble Buddy] Speakin' of bro, who's the new bro, [takes the javelin from SpongeBob's head] bro? Looks pretty swole.
- SpongeBob: Bros, [spins Bubble Buddy in place] say hello to camper Bubble Buddy. [lifts up Bubble Buddy's arm] Bro fist!
- Larry, Tall Tail, Craig, and Mo: [bro fisting Bubble Buddy] Bro!
- Larry: [sees the bubbles on his claw] Huh, that's quite a slippery grip you got there, buddy. [shakes claw] Well, I hate to break up the bro fab short, but we gotta get back to practicin'. [tries to pick up a javelin, but his claw slips] Huh? [grabs the javelin repeatedly, slipping and making it launch into the air and hitting his tail off-screen] Ouch! [whimpers]
- [Pan over to Mo, who accidentally tosses a javelin backwards.]
- Tall Tail and Craig: [scream and dodge the javelin]
- Plankton: [sips ladle in canteen kitchen] Huh? [drops ladle and wipes his tongue] This soup came out worse than a javelin to the face. [screams as he ducks under the javelin hitting the wall] Well, I feel like the point still stands.
- Craig: [rubs bubbly hands together] My turn! [tries to grab a javelin, but it slips and hits a moose snail behind a rock] Hm?
- Moose snail: [moves from behind the rock, roars, and takes Craig]
- Larry: Hey, bros. [picks up javelin] I think it's time for some bubble poppin' [Mo and Tall Tail appear] practice.
- SpongeBob: [blows a bubble watch] Huh, look at the time. [takes Bubble Buddy and runs away]
- Larry: [stabs two bubbles with the javelin]
- [Bubble transition to later that day, where SpongeBob takes Bubble Buddy inside the Dinghy cabin.]
- SpongeBob: [laughs and dances with Bubble Buddy, points as Squidward is heard playing music] Oh, you just have to meet Mr. Tentacles. [takes Bubble Buddy's hand and knocks on Squidward's door]
- Squidward: [looks behind and growls, then opens the door] Not interested. [shuts the door]
- SpongeBob: [holds the door open] Wait! Mr. Tentacles! Don't you wanna meet our new friend, [barges in] camper Bubble Buddy?
- Squidward: [his clarinet pokes partly into Bubble Buddy] Um.
- SpongeBob: Aw, isn't that cute? Camper Bubble Buddy wants to play the clarinet, too. [squeezes Bubble Buddy to make him play the clarinet]
- Squidward: [takes back his clarinet, which now has bubbles on it] Give me that! [clears throat, plays the clarinet, which causes bubbles to fly everywhere] Huh? [the bubbles pop, which makes several things fall in his room, growls while he menacingly smacks the clarinet in his hands] Maybe I'll play you a little pop music.
- SpongeBob: [sweating] Uh, we gotta go! Bubbles need their beauty sleep. [takes Bubble Buddy out with him]
- Squidward: [stabs four bubbles with his clarinet] Ha!
- SpongeBob: [wipes sweat] Phew! Time to go Bubble Buddy beddy-bye. [blows a bubble bed for Bubble Buddy to sleep on] Good night, my sultan of suds. [kisses Bubble Buddy, flips in the air to take off his clothes, and lands in bed] Soapy dreams. [turns the light off and begins snoring]
- Patrick: [glares at Bubble Buddy from under SpongeBob's bed] Dumb bubble.
- [Cut to an open shot of the Dinghy cabin, where a pop is heard. It turns daytime.]
- Patrick: [drooling from the bottom of SpongeBob's bunk]
- SpongeBob: Morning, Patrick.
- Patrick: Huh? [begins sleeping on his other side] Morning, GumBerb.
- SpongeBob: [laughs] Morning, Bubble Buddy. [screams and pulls at his face upon seeing Bubble Buddy was popped] Bubble Buddy! [yelps as he sees more bubbles and suds on the walls, gags, then notices more bubbles and suds everywhere else, screams, then jumps off the bed] Camper Buddy has been popped! Don't you worry, [picks up some bubbles] buddy. I won't rest until I find the culprit. [snaps fingers] But first, I must gather my suspects.
- Patrick: [snores]
- [Bubble transition to multiple bubble letters being sent out of the Dinghy cabin to the other cabins. One enters the Pontoon cabin, where Larry notices the letter as he is lifting a dumbbell.]
- Larry: [gets up] What the bro? [touches the letter, which turns into a tape recording of SpongeBob's voice]
- SpongeBob's voice: Hello. [split-screen of Larry, Mo, Craig, Squidward, and Patrick listening to the recording] You are cordially invited to the Dinghy cabin, to discuss a matter of life and death. There will also be snacks.
- Patrick: Oh, snacks? [the others look at Patrick]
- Squidward: Hm.
- Patrick: [barging into the cabin, leaving the others to fall to the floor] Snacks! Snacks! Snack--! [rubs his hands together before the bubble sandwich pops] Oh, not again.
- Larry, Craig, Mo, and Squidward: [wiping themselves off as they get up and grumble]
- SpongeBob: [hiding against the door in a detective outfit, blows his pipe to sound a horn and let out a bubble stream] Well, I'm sure you're wondering why I gathered you all here today. [sucks on pipe]
- Mo, Craig, Larry, and Squidward: Not really.
- Patrick: Yes.
- SpongeBob: Oh, no reason. Except that our new friend camper Bubble Buddy has been [zoom in to where Bubble Buddy was popped] popped. And the pop-etrator is here in this [points to the floor] cabin.
- Mo, Craig, Larry, and Patrick: [gasp]
- Squidward: This is so stupid.
- SpongeBob: [appears behind a nervous Patrick] And the culprit is... [moves away from Patrick]
- Patrick: Phew.
- SpongeBob: [gets on top of Larry and points to him] Counselor Larry!
- Larry: B-B-Bro?
- SpongeBob: [flashback to Larry's bubbly claw, voiceover] Larry was bummed out after camper Buddy ruined his javelin practice.
- Larry: [growls, cut to him with a javelin in the Dinghy cabin late at night]
- SpongeBob: [voiceover] So angry, that he snuck into the Dinghy cabin and viciously popped camper Buddy with a javelin.
- Larry: [pops Bubble Buddy with the javelin, end of flashback]
- SpongeBob: [holds out handcuffs] Larry is the popper.
- Larry: [holds out claws] No way, sponge bro. [sweating] Larry was hiking all night with his fellow jocks tryin' to find our lost javelins. Right, bros?
- Craig: [holding out hands] It's true, bro.
- Mo: [holding out hands] Totally, bro.
- Craig: Huh? [notices a javelin stuck in the back of his neck] Found one.
- Mo: Yeah!
- SpongeBob: Uh, really? Well, I, uh, I knew it wasn't [points] you. But now I know who the true popper was. It was Squid-- [gets ready to point]
- Squidward: [not looking up from his magazine] Don't even think about it.
- SpongeBob: --ard, [points with both hands] Patrick!
- Craig, Mo, and Larry: [gasp off-screen]
- Patrick: Huh?
- SpongeBob: Yes, Patrick, who so desperately wanted to eat Bubble Buddy. And we all know that Patrick gets very hungry in the middle of the night, and needs his midnight snack.
- Patrick: [shrugging] I didn't try to eat camper Buddy. [happily] I tried to pop him! [flashback to last night, voiceover; seen on the ceiling] That night, when everyone was doing the night-night, [he falls and screams, then appears behind Bubble Buddy] I snuck up on that sneaky bubble, and when the time was right, [strangles Bubble Buddy] I jumped him! [Bubble Buddy slips out of his hands, then he tries to punch him] But that bubble was more slippery than, uh, a really slippery thing. [pins down Bubble Buddy and continues punching] I gave it everything I had, but he was one tough bubble. [gets tired while punching] No matter what I did, I couldn't pop him. [passes out and climbs onto his bed, lying on his stomach as Bubble Buddy lands on his; end of flashback] [looks at his arms] These babies' soft nubs can't pop anything.
- Patrick's arms: [cry like babies during a close-up]
- Patrick: [sighs]
- SpongeBob: Oh, [snaps fingers] barnacles! I'm out of suspects. Now we'll never know who popped Bubble Buddy.
- Sandy: [off-screen] I can figure out who the bubble killer is.
- All except Sandy: Huh?
- Sandy: [enters from her tube]
- Patrick: [off-screen] Oh, Sandy did it!
- Sandy: [stomps] Oh, I didn't do it. But I [pulls out magnifying glass] can solve this mystery. [puts the magnifying glass up to her eye] All you have to do is follow the clues. [looks in Larry's mouth] Hmm. Hmm. Mm-hmm. [inspects Squidward's magazine] Hmm. [catcall plays as the magazine unfolds to reveal a large photo of a clarinet]
- Squidward: [nervous, snatches back the magazine]
- Sandy: [looking around] Ah, hm. [looking under the bed] Mm-hmm. Ah-ha! I know who popped that bubble feller. It was... [points] SpongeBob!
- SpongeBob: [gasps]
- Mo, Craig, Larry, Squidward, and Patrick: SpongeBob?!
- SpongeBob: Me?!
- Sandy: Yes, SpongeBob, who has a darn full habit of playin' [holds out a sea mule tail with a bow] pin the tail on the sea mule in his sleep.
- Mo, Craig, Larry, and Squidward: [look at their rear ends] Oh, yeah.
- Patrick: [blows on the tail attached to his face, laughs]
- SpongeBob: [laughs, holding sea mule tails] You guys, I would never-- [gasps as he notices the tails in his hand and drops them] It was me! I popped Bubble Buddy! [jumps onto where Bubble Buddy was popped and sobs]
- Mo: [to Craig] This is a load of barnacles.
- SpongeBob: [banging fists while sobbing, soaking in the suds]
- [Inside SpongeBob's body, the bubbles move around to form something inside.]
- SpongeBob: [still sobbing, the bubbles exit his body]
- Mo, Craig, Larry, and Patrick: Whoa.
- Squidward: [continues reading his magazine]
- [Bubble Buddy begins to form on top of SpongeBob's body and floats above him.]
- SpongeBob: [gets tapped on by Bubble Buddy while sobbing] Hold on. [Bubble Buddy taps on him again, raises head] Can't you see I'm still in the fourth stage of grief? [gasps] Camper Buddy, you're alive!
- Mo, Craig, Larry, and Patrick: [cheer]
- Squidward: Oh, brother.
- SpongeBob: [gets up] I'm sorry, camper Buddy. [turns around] Here, you can pop me if you like. Then we'll be even.
- Bubble Buddy: Don't mind if I do. [pops SpongeBob with a sea mule tail, splattering him all over everyone]
- Larry and Mo: Ew.
- Patrick: [licks some of SpongeBob's goo off his face] Mm.
- SpongeBob: [looks at himself as a splat on the floor] I guess we popped that case wide open. [laughs as the camera irises out on him]