"The Krusty Sponge" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season 5. In this episode, Mr. Krabs makes the Krusty Krab SpongeBob-themed after a critic praises SpongeBob's work.
- Squidward Tentacles
- King Neptune (mentioned)
- SpongeBob SquarePants
- Eugene H. Krabs
- Gene Scallop (debut)
- Bob Preflumster (debut)
- Barbara (debut)
- Kittens (debut)
- Goat (mentioned)
- Incidentals
- Musician 3 (debut)
- Incidental 108
- Incidental 27
- Incidental 41
- Incidental 31
- Incidental 42
- Incidental 14
- Incidental 67
- Incidental 47
- Incidental 46
- Incidental 49
- Incidental 40
- Fred
- Incidental 37B
- Incidental 105
- Incidental 107
- Incidental 30
- Incidental 30A
- Incidental 65
- Incidental 37A
- Incidental 6
- Incidental 63
- Incidental 45
- Incidental 2
- Incidental 3
- Incidental 8
- Incidental 106
- Incidental 13
- Incidental 12
- John
- Steven
- Incidental 9
- Incidental 25
- Incidental 64
- Incidental 10
- Incidental 68
- Incidental 73
- Incidental 93
- Sandals
- Incidental 151
- Incidental 48
- Incidental 150
- Incidental 36
- Incidental 152
- Incidental 102
- Incidental 69
- Charlie
- Incidental 104
- Incidental 92
- Incidental 155
- Incidental 84
- Old Man Walker
- Incidental 17
- Scooter
- Incidental 153
- Incidental 7
- Incidental 60
- Incidental 85
- Incidental 119
- Incidental 94
- Incidental 21
- Prison guard 2
- Mrs. Tentacles (mentioned as "mommy")
- Horace A. Whopper (debut)
One day at the Krusty Krab, Squidward notices that SpongeBob is not filling orders, so he goes to investigate with Mr. Krabs in the beginning of the episode. Mr. Krabs discovers that SpongeBob has the "1,000-yard stare" before asking him what the problem is. They then discover a mini-calendar in his hat that has the current date circled, and it said "Important food critic visits Krusty Krab." Squidward remarks only a moron would worry about that, in which both Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob are both in shock. Squidward states his point was proven and leaves.
Soon, Gene Scallop (the food critic) walks through the doors. As he is having his first glimpse of the restaurant, Squidward rudely talks to him, and nearly drives him away with other rude comments. Mr. Krabs stops him and SpongeBob serves him a Krabby Patty. Gene then takes a bite and leaves the restaurant, causing Mr. Krabs to lose hope.
SpongeBob, Mr. Krabs, and Squidward watch as Gene gives his review on the Krusty Krab, only to soil it. He says that the Krusty Krab smells "like the rear end of a goat" and that "you could find livelier help in a graveyard." The customers hear the review and begin to leave in displeasure. However, an excited Gene says that the Krusty Krab is a big success because of the Krabby Patty he had and SpongeBob is no square when it comes to cooking, ending with a good review. The customers come back pleased and prepared to eat. With things okay, SpongeBob is relieved and goes to cook while Mr. Krabs gets a money-making idea.
The next day, SpongeBob goes to work and sees a new sign at the Krusty Krab, reading "The Krusty Sponge." He also sees a long line and Squidward in a SpongeBob costume as the restaurant's mascot. SpongeBob is oblivious to the costume and compliments him on his shoes, but Squidward immediately scares him off with a hiss. Tyler the fish asks Squidward for his autograph, but Squidward says no because he has no use of his arms, and he accidentally slaps Tyler, disappointing Mr. Krabs, especially when he wouldn't pay for an autograph. Mr. Krabs then assigns Squidward to cook while SpongeBob finds out that his new job is to run a train outside the Krusty Krab, which Mr. Krabs charges customers to ride.

Mr. Krabs overly obsessed with SpongeBob themed items.
Mr. Krabs has Squidward cook and bathes in his money before Squidward tells him of a delivery man here to see him. It is shown he has continued to order more SpongeBob-related items such as drinking straws, coasters, bibs, ice cubes, and other things as Squidward questions if he is going too far. Mr. Krabs insists Squidward while showing clear signs of delusion, and later has Squidward (who has managed to cook) serve the new Spongy Patties, which are actually tainted Krabby Patties that look like SpongeBob since they couldn't fit in the fridge with the ice cubes. When Squidward questions him on serving rotten meat, Krabs at first seems to realize his point before he doubles the price for them.
When SpongeBob is out of energy from driving the train, he stops pedaling, but his passengers do not care in the slightest at how obviously exhausted he is and believe that he is an impersonator of SpongeBob. They soon threaten to riot if not given a ride. Using this distraction, SpongeBob manages to slip away after putting his statue in his place. He enters the Krusty Krab and discovers Mr. Krabs had gotten all kinds of new products customized to look like SpongeBob.

The customers are sick from the Spongy Patties.
He also discovers that the new Spongy Patties are making people sick by turning them yellow with green spots (resembling SpongeBob) and giving them terrible stomach pains. SpongeBob gets Mr. Krabs to come out and when he sees the customers, he thinks he is invaded by zombies who want to eat his money and tries to protect his fortune. However, SpongeBob stops him and explains they are actually his customers who ate the Spongy Patties. A customer eats his sick friend's patty and is disgusted. He confronts Mr. Krabs over it and the latter meekly explains it's a Spongy patty before the customer gets sick as well. A distraught SpongeBob tells Mr. Krabs that he has poisoned all of his customers with the rotten patties. Mr. Krabs is shocked and guilty as he realizes what he has done. Before he can fix his mistake, he is immediately arrested by the angry customer who is actually a cop.
In court, Mr. Krabs feels remorseful and guilty about his actions. The jury, headed by Gene Scallop, finds him guilty, and Mr. Krabs accepts the charges. Just as Mr. Krabs is about to go to prison, he realizes the Judge has a SpongeBob gavel, and he turns out to be a huge SpongeBob fan. Mr. Krabs makes a deal with the judge that SpongeBob goes back to cooking while Squidward has to ride the Judge around on the Krusty Sponge Fun Train for the rest of the day if Mr. Krabs does not want to go to prison. Squidward depressingly drives the Judge around, and the Krusty Krab returns to normal, as the episode ends.
This episode was confirmed following the credits of "Sing a Song of Patrick" on February 19, 2007.[1]
It was added to the United States Copyright Catalog alongside its sister episode on March 2, 2007.[2]
Model sheets[]
( ‣ ) Production music |
( • ) Original music |
( ◦ ) SpongeBob music |
• Drunken Sailor - Nicolas Carr [title card]
‣ The Achterhoek Dances - Jan Rap [opening]
• New Vibe Hits - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob not moving]
• The Pollywog Strut - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony ["Well, his spatula's still warm."]
‣ Dramatic Impact (6) - Ivor Slaney [Krabs enters]
‣ Someone Coming - Raymond C. Jones ["He's got the thousand-yard stare."]
• New Vibe Hits - Nicolas Carr ["Important food critic visits Krusty Krab?!"]
• Nude Sting - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob and Krabs shivering]
‣ High Noon - John Anthony [Gene Scallop enters]
‣ The Tip Top Polka/The Cliff Polka - Chelmsford Folk Band ["Well, hello!"]
‣ High Noon - John Anthony [Gene walks up to the register]
‣ The Tip Top Polka/The Cliff Polka - Chelmsford Folk Band [Gene's about to leave]
‣ The Gunfighter - Franco Micalizzi, Roberto Predagio [SpongeBob makes Gene a Krabby Patty]
• Bikini Bottom News Theme - Nicolas Carr [news on TV]
• Steel Licks 22 - Jeremy Wakefield [customers start to leave]
‣ Keel Row - Brian Peters [Gene praises SpongeBob]
‣ Hollywood Glitz [#12] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [new sign]
‣ The Tip Top Polka/The Cliff Polka - Chelmsford Folk Band ["Just making a few cosmetic changes."]
‣ When Daylight Shines Captain Lenoe's - The Folk Players ["Captain! My spatula is missing, sir!"]
• Steel Licks 46 - Jeremy Wakefield [Krabs puts Squidward on grill duty]
• Caliope Theme - Nicolas Carr [train ride]
• Goofy Conversation 2 - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [Squidward in the kitchen]
• Caliope Theme - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob getting tired at the train ride]
• Goofy Conversation 2 - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [Squidward enters Mr. Krabs' office]
‣ The Rake Hornpipe - Robert Alexander White [boxes of SpongeBob merchandise]
‣ The Achterhoek Dances - Jan Rap [rotten yellow patties]
• Caliope Theme - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob gets tired at the train ride]
• Tension Bits - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [everyone yelling at SpongeBob]
‣ Furtive Footsteps - Paddy Kingsland [SpongeBob sneaks away]
‣ Drama Link (D) - Hubert Clifford [SpongeBob screams]
‣ House Of Horror [#10.3] - W. Merrick Farran [zombies]
• New Vibe Hits - Nicolas Carr [Krabs having dinner with his money]
‣ Cellar Search - Philippe Pares ["Great Neptune's mother's stockings!"]
• Steel Licks 78 - Jeremy Wakefield [sick customers]
‣ Drama Link (D) - Hubert Clifford ["Mr. Krabs, what have you done?"]
• Steel Licks 41 - Jeremy Wakefield [Krabs arrested]
‣ People's Court - Alan Stanley Tew [Krabs in court]
‣ Funeral Music - Alfred Kluten [Krabs found guilty]
• Hgliss & Bell - Nicolas Carr ["Eh, hang on a second there, judge."]
• Lap Steel - Nicolas Carr ["Permission to approach the bench, Your Honor."]
‣ The Tip Top Polka/The Cliff Polka - Chelmsford Folk Band [SpongeBob back in the kitchen]
• Caliope Theme - Nicolas Carr [ending]
- This episode is available on the Season 5 Volume 1, SpongeBob's Atlantis SquarePantis, SpongeBob's Pest of the West (UK version), First 100 Episodes, 2-Movies-Edition Volume 2, Really Big Box Set, SpongeBob's Legendary Adventures, The Ultimate SpongeBob Box Set, SpongeBob SquarePants Vol. 7, The SpongeBob Super Square Collection, Complete Fifth Season, From the Beginning, Part 2, The SpongeBob SquarePants Collection, Welcome Aboard, The SpongeBob SquarePants 8 Season DVD Collection, Favorite Episodes Volume 2, The Best 200 Episodes Ever, The Fifth & Sixth Seasons, and The Best 300 Episodes Ever DVDs.
- This episode was paired up with "Squid Wood" during the original American airing, but has since been re-airing with "Sing a Song of Patrick."[3]
- The title card background is similar to those of "Club SpongeBob," "Wet Painters," "Have You Seen This Snail?," and "Selling Out."
- This episode's title card has a plate, even though it fits another season 5 episode, "The Krusty Plate," more, which has a similar title.
- The calendar in SpongeBob's Krusty Krab employee hat has a lion on it. This is the Zodiac sign Leo, which indicates it was between July and August 23.
- When it is revealed that SpongeBob is petrified because he is worried about an important food critic's visit, Squidward says, "Only a complete moron would worry about what some critic has to say." In other episodes, Squidward himself is worried about what other critics have to say about his art.
- Gene Scallop has a similar appearance to the DJ in the Thug Tug from The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie.
- Despite his last name, Gene Scallop is not actually a scallop.

Gene Shallots fact.
- According to the episode's Bubble Burst Trivia Facts found on Season 5 Volume 1 DVD special features, Gene Scallop could have been named Gene Shallots, since shallots are also food, albeit not seafood.
- The sign next to Squidward says, "As Seen on TV," a reference to the episode of the same name.
- The SpongeBob costume that Squidward wears is based on the actual SpongeBob costume, since he is unable to use his actual arms like the real costume and its arms are like sticks.
- The music heard at the Krusty Sponge Fun Train is a carnival version of the SpongeBob SquarePants Theme Song.

Mr. Krabs having a back issue.
- When Mr. Krabs escorts the SpongeBob boxes into his kitchen, he is seen spasming, as to indicate that he either pulled a muscle or cracked his back.
- This was first seen and mentioned in "The Lost Mattress."
- The combination of spots and yellow skin is a reference to chickenpox and yellow fever, both of which show symptoms on a person's skin similar to the effects of Pretty Patties in the episode "Patty Hype."
- Bikini Bottomites thought they were zombies before in the episode "Once Bitten."
- The changes Mr. Krabs made were:
- New Krusty Sponge sign.
- Krusty Sponge Fun Train.
- Krusty Sponge napkins.
- Tangy Sponge Sauce.
- Mild Bobby Sauce.
- SpongeBob drinking straws.
- SpongeBob Coasters.
- SpongeBob Bibs.
- SpongeBob ice cubes.
- Spongy Patties (which were really rotten patties).
- SpongeBob costumes.
- Two of Mr. Krabs' outfits from this episode return later on. He is seen in his black-and-white striped swimwear in "Buff for Puff" and his date outfit in "The Flower Plot."
- This is the first episode with the Bikini Bottom News to feature news crew members other than the Realistic Fish Head and Perch Perkins.
- This is the first episode to play the track "New Vibe Hits."
- This is the second episode where Mr. Krabs goes to court. The first is "Krabs vs. Plankton."
- Some fish from that episode are seen in the court.
- This is the third episode where the theme from The People's Court can be heard. The first is in "Krabs vs. Plankton," and the second is in "Driven to Tears."
- During the SpongeBob Showoff marathon, this episode was paired up with "Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost."[4]
Dub facts[]
- In the Bahasa Malaysia dub, the word "prison" is replaced with "river."
- In the Welsh dub, Gene Scallop is named Dudley Dwr.
- In the Croatian dub, this episode is called "Spužva Bobova Poslastica," which would translate, if it was the name of the restaurant, to "SpongeBob's Confectionery."
Cultural references[]
- Gene Scallop is a caricature of Gene Shalit and is portrayed by him as well.
- The Krusty Sponge's monument of a giant SpongeBob statue holding a giant Krabby Patty is a spoof of the Big Boy Restaurants chain.
- When Mr. Krabs is in the courtroom with the poisoned customers, the music from the reality TV show The People's Court can be heard.
- In the beginning, Incidental 108 and Incidental 27 are standing behind Musician 3, but in the next scene, Incidental 41 gets his order taken.
- Incidental 41 is at a table while watching the news report, but the table has no seats, and he appears to be sitting in midair.
- When Squidward is hissing at SpongeBob, his mouth is shown, even though the part of the SpongeBob costume (the Krusty Krab employee hat) doesn't have a hole for it.

The sign is missing.
- Squidward in the SpongeBob costume is seen standing near the "As Seen on TV" sign, but when the kid comes to ask for his autograph, the sign is gone.

Incidental 105's miscolored lip.
- When Mr. Krabs is showing Squidward the SpongeBob napkins:
- Incidental 64's eyes are see-through.
- The lighter area of Incidental 105's body above his lips is miscolored like the rest of his body.
- When the train is first shown in the second to last car, Norma's daughter is gray, but in the next shot she is blue.
- When Mr. Krabs is talking about condiments, one of them reads "Tangy Sponge Sauce," but he calls it "Tangy Spongy Sauce" instead.
- When Mr. Krabs tells SpongeBob to look at the line of customers waiting for the train, his animation abruptly loops as he puts his left arm down.
- When Squidward is cooking Krabby Patties with his nose, the grill is on the opposite side of the kitchen. Although, earlier in the episode, the grill is in its original area.
- It is likely that the grill was simply moved.

Mr. Krabs' weirdly placed eyestalks.
- Right before Mr. Krabs throws the Spongy Patty on the grill, his eyestalks are placed much farther down than usual.
- When Incidental 47, a female fish says, "That's the worst SpongeBob costume I've ever seen," she has a masculine voice.
- Even though the Spongy Patties make the fish yellow with green spots, when Jimmy Gus is shown in the stands, he is normal with yellow spots.
- In the courtroom scene, Gene Scallop says: "We, the jury, find the defendant, Eugene A. Krabs, guilty of all charges," but Mr. Krabs' middle name starts with H. It is possible that since Gene Scallop doesn't know Krabs very well (other than poisoning his customers, including Gene Scallop himself), he thought A was Krabs' middle initial.
- At the end, with Squidward driving the judge on the Krusty Sponge Fun Train, and SpongeBob behind the grill, it is not mentioned if there is still a cashier at the Krusty Krab.

The incorrect writers are listed.
- In the Welsh dub, Luke Brookshier, Tom King, and Steven Banks are all listed as writers of this episode, even though none of them wrote this episode.[5]
- Brookshier and King are also erroneously listed as storyboard directors.
- Even Tom Yasumi is credited as animation director instead of Andrew Overtoom.
- This credit is actually for its sister episode, "Sing a Song of Patrick."
Names in other languages[]
Language | Name | Meaning |
Russian | Красти Спанч Krasti Spanch |
The Krusty Sponge |
Spanish (American) | La esponja cascaruda | The Krusty Sponge |
Spanish (European) | El Esponja Crujiente | The Krusty Sponge |
- ^ The Krusty Sponge/Sing a Song of Patrick - SBMania Forums
- ^ From the United States Copyright Office catalog: Public Catalog - Copyright Catalog (1978 to present) - Basic Search [search: "Spongebob Squarepants : no. 89."]. United States Copyright Office.
- ^ Nickstory - July 24, 2007
- ^ https://ytv-schedule-archives.fandom.com/wiki/July_31,_2009
- ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id3k0AQwXL0
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