Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

Peanut worms are Mrs. Puff's pets who appear in the episodes "Growth Spout" and "Pet the Rock."


They are light and dark tan and look like big peanuts with long eyestalks. They squirt out gooey light green liquid as a form of self-defense when provoked.

Role in series[]

"Growth Spout"[]

They are all in Mrs. Puff's vegetable garden when Mr. Krabs tries to steal them, as he has to give food to Pearl, who is having her growth spurt and is getting hungrier by every moment. Mr. Krabs thinks that the peanut worms are regular peanuts, but he then finds out that they are peanut worms upon being spit liquid at by them.

"Pet the Rock"[]

They are seen as one of the pets waiting to be purchased at Pets!.

