Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

Norblock Five is an alien who appears in Patchy's final segment in the episode "Atlantis SquarePantis."


Norblock Five is a short alien. He has pink lips and slimy brown skin with orange spots. He has three eyes on eyestalks, each with four eyelashes.

In promotional artwork, he has arms and three eyelashes on each eye instead of four.

Role in episode[]

He plays with a machine called a "Shrinkatron" and shrinks Encino in the process. When Patchy finds out, Norblock Five's parents bring Encino back to its normal size.

Later, Norblock Five uses the Shrinkatron to make Potty giant.



  • Two of the puppets used to portray Norblock Five and his family are now decorations in Vincent Waller's office.[1]

