Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

Hoodoo Guru the Voodoo Villain, or Hoodoo Guru for short, is a character who appears in the episodes "Swamp Mates" and "Karen for Spot."


He is a buff green man with a voodoo mask for a head. He also wears orange gloves, a kelp skirt, green boots and a brown belt with a skull in the middle. When he is seen as a shadowy figure, he wears some dark blue clothing; his cloak and fedora with a red line, and also wears red gloves and scarf. He has the power of voodoo and can use voodoo dolls to control people and make them do his bidding. He is a big fan of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, as shown by his collection of superhero figurines from the show.

Role in series[]

"Swamp Mates"[]

He steals Bubble Bass' Wonder Whale figurine for his collection, but Patrick and Bubble Bass end up retrieving it back and return home.

Sleepy Time 057
"I can turn into a skyscraper!"
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"Karen for Spot"[]

Hoodoo Guru is seen hanging out with Man Ray and the Dirty Bubble at the Doomsday Device Expo in Shell City. He is shown wearing a lanyard and holding a shopping bag.
