Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
You think i'm special!
"You think I'm special!"

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Time cards are used throughout SpongeBob SquarePants to represent how much time has passed within an episode, performed by the French Narrator. They are identified as time cards by Patrick in "Wet Painters" when he tells SpongeBob to hurry up since he is all out of time cards, breaking the fourth wall. So far, the record for the most time cards in an episode is five, in "Rock-a-Bye Bivalve."

The first time card ever used was "3 Days Later..." in "I Was a Teenage Gary," although the French Narrator did not read it. He would later read the next card, "2000 Years Later" seen in the very next episode, "SB-129" and so on. The "Twenty Years Earlier" time card in "License to Milkshake" is not read either.


SpongeBob SquarePants[]

Picture Text Episode Season
I Was a Teenage Gary 063
3 Days Later... (unspoken)
"I Was a Teenage Gary" 1
SB-129 059
2000 Years Later
"SB-129" 1
Imitation Krabs 133
6½ Hours Later
"Imitation Krabs" 2
Shanghaied 052
A Few Inches Later
"Shanghaied" 2
Band Geeks 066
Day Two
"Band Geeks" 2
Band Geeks 078
Day Three
"Band Geeks" 2
Band Geeks 091
Day Four
"Band Geeks" 2
Krusty Love 154
A Few Moments Later
"Krusty Love" 2
Squid on Strike 199
One Eternity Later
"Squid on Strike" 2
My Pretty Seahorse 034
Three Days Later
"My Pretty Seahorse" 3
My Pretty Seahorse 114
Twelve Seconds Later
"My Pretty Seahorse" 3
As Seen on TV 040
3:28 AM
"As Seen on TV" 3
Can You Spare a Dime 123
Three Weeks Later
"Can You Spare a Dime?" 3
Can You Spare a Dime 125
Many Months Later
"Can You Spare a Dime?" 3
Can You Spare a Dime 127
So much later that the old narrator got tired of waiting and they had to hire a new one (Dee Bradley Baker's voice)
"Can You Spare a Dime?" 3
Rock-a-Bye Bivalve 125
"Rock-a-Bye Bivalve" 3
Rock-a-Bye Bivalve 130
Tomorrow for Sure...
"Rock-a-Bye Bivalve" 3
Rock-a-Bye Bivalve 132
"Rock-a-Bye Bivalve" 3
Rock-a-Bye Bivalve 134
"Rock-a-Bye Bivalve" 3
Rock-a-Bye Bivalve 160
12:00 Midnight
"Rock-a-Bye Bivalve" 3
Wet Painters 066
One Hour Later
"Wet Painters" 3
Wet Painters 068
Two Hours Later
"Wet Painters" 3
Wet Painters 070
Three Hours Later (Patrick: "Can you move it along? I'm all out of time cards.")
"Wet Painters" 3
Party Pooper Pants 131
Please Stand By (While Patchy pulls himself together, let's see how SpongeBob's party is shaping up.)
"Party Pooper Pants" 3
Ugh 034
"Ugh" 3
The Great Snail Race 107
Two Hours Later
"The Great Snail Race" 3
Mid-Life Crustacean 085
8:01 PM
"Mid-Life Crustacean" 3
Born Again Krabs 016
The Next Day
"Born Again Krabs" 3
Krabby Land 033
"Krabby Land" 3
SpongeBob Meets the Strangler 115
Twenty Minutes Later
"SpongeBob Meets the Strangler" 3
SpongeBob Meets the Strangler 128
Six Hours Later
"SpongeBob Meets the Strangler" 3
Pranks a Lot 072
Several Bad Puns Later
"Pranks a Lot" 3
Patrick the Snowman 023
70 Years Later
"Patrick the Snowman" Shorts
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie 480
"The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie" Movies
Skill Crane 082
Six Hours Later...
"Skill Crane" 4
Funny Pants 182
Later That Same Evening
"Funny Pants" 4
Mrs. Puff, You're Fired 123
Several Days Later
"Mrs. Puff, You're Fired" 4
Ghost Host 097
6 Months Later...
"Ghost Host" 4
Squidtastic Voyage 177
Two Hours Later
"Squidtastic Voyage" 4
Hocus Pocus 033
4 to 6 Weeks Later
"Hocus Pocus" 4
Driven to Tears 017
One Minute, Thirty Seven Seconds Later...
"Driven to Tears" 4
Driven to Tears 179
One Debt to Society Later...
"Driven to Tears" 4
The Pink Purloiner 044
One Pair of Pants Later...
"The Pink Purloiner" 4
The Pink Purloiner 129
Eight Hours Later...
"The Pink Purloiner" 4
The Original Fry Cook 148
298 Frozen Patties Later...
"The Original Fry Cook" 5
Breath of Fresh Squidward 028
3 Hours Later
"Breath of Fresh Squidward" 5
Slimy Dancing 188
"Slimy Dancing" 5
Sing a Song of Patrick 074
The Next Day
"Sing a Song of Patrick" 5
Le Big Switch 102
Meanwhile at the Krusty Krab
"Le Big Switch" 5
Pat No Pay 024
10 Seconds Later
"Pat No Pay" 5
BlackJack 098
346 Minutes Later
"BlackJack" 5
BlackJack 125
Much, Much, Much Later
"BlackJack" 5
The Inmates of Summer 072
3 Days Later
"The Inmates of Summer" 5
The Inmates of Summer 123
Opening Night...
"The Inmates of Summer" 5
SpongeHenge 134
"SpongeHenge" 5
SpongeHenge 192
3000 Years Later
"SpongeHenge" 5
Krabby Road 150
One Week Later...
"Krabby Road" 6
Nautical Novice 028
7:59 A.M.
"Nautical Novice" 6
Not Normal 094
Three Weeks Later...
"Not Normal" 6
Gone 159
3 Days Later...
"Gone" 6
Sun Bleached 108
Two Hours Later... (shown twice)
"Sun Bleached" 6
No Nose Knows 104
48 Hours Later
"No Nose Knows" 6
Plankton's Regular 038
8 Hours Later...
"Plankton's Regular" 6
Porous Pockets 122
The Following Thursday...
"Porous Pockets" 6
Cephalopod Lodge 179
5 Minutes Later...
"Cephalopod Lodge" 6
Squid's Visit 039
24 Hours Later
"Squid's Visit" 6
To SquarePants or Not to SquarePants 042
Much Later
"To SquarePants or Not to SquarePants" 6
To SquarePants or Not to SquarePants 049
Much, Much Later....
"To SquarePants or Not to SquarePants" 6
No Hat for Pat 109
7 Hours Later...
"No Hat for Pat" 6
No Hat for Pat 195
"No Hat for Pat" 6
Toy Store of Doom 080
Several Song Filled Hours Later...
"Toy Store of Doom" 6
Chum Bucket Supreme 057
A Few Minutes Later...
"Chum Bucket Supreme" 6
Chum Bucket Supreme 061
A Little Longer Than a Few Minutes Later
"Chum Bucket Supreme" 6
Chum Bucket Supreme 106
Two Hours Later
"Chum Bucket Supreme" 6
Chum Bucket Supreme 160
3 Days Later
"Chum Bucket Supreme" 6
Chum Caverns 167
(sniffles) 15 Minutes Later...
"Chum Caverns" 6
The Curse of Bikini Bottom 195
Several Months Later...
"The Curse of Bikini Bottom" 7
A Day Without Tears 057
Thousands of Tears Later
"A Day Without Tears" 7
One Coarse Meal 115
16 Paranoia Filled Days Later
"One Coarse Meal" 7
Gary in Love 133
Two Hours Later
"Gary in Love" 7
The Monster Who Came to Bikini Bottom 028
Much, Much Later...
"The Monster Who Came to Bikini Bottom" 7
The Monster Who Came to Bikini Bottom 065
"The Monster Who Came to Bikini Bottom" 7
The Curse of the Hex 134
Many Hours Later...
"The Curse of the Hex" 7
The Great Patty Caper 395
75 Years Later
"The Great Patty Caper" 7
Buried in Time 064
2 Hours Later
"Buried in Time" 7
Enchanted Tiki Dreams 027
One Extremely Annoying Shift Later...
"Enchanted Tiki Dreams" 7
Tunnel of Glove 045
Two Very Boring Minutes Later...
"Tunnel of Glove" 7
Tunnel of Glove 057
Three Hours Later...
"Tunnel of Glove" 7
Krusty Dogs 034
One Weiner Later...
"Krusty Dogs" 7
Krusty Dogs 066
The Following Day...
"Krusty Dogs" 7
Drive Thru 059
"Drive Thru" 8
Drive Thru 087
"Drive Thru" 8
Drive Thru 106
Just Then...
"Drive Thru" 8
A Friendly Game 029
Brief Construction Montage (shown twice) (What follows is a brief construction montage; We hope you enjoyed this brief construction montage)
"A Friendly Game" 8
Frozen Face-Off 035
Meanwhile, Back in the Lowlands...
"Frozen Face-Off" 8
Frozen Face-Off 340
One Frozen Wasteland Later...
"Frozen Face-Off" 8
Patrick's Staycation 077
One Hour Later
"Patrick's Staycation" 8
Patrick's Staycation 186
5 Hours Later...
"Patrick's Staycation" 8
Two days later... in Sandy's Vacation in Ruins
Two Days Later.....
"Sandy's Vacation in Ruins" Shorts
Ghoul Fools 379
Later, in the void...
"Ghoul Fools" 8
Plankton's Good Eye 035
Approximately 10 Hours Later...
"Plankton's Good Eye" 8
The Way of the Sponge 062
Early the Next Morning...
"The Way of the Sponge" 8
Restraining SpongeBob 070
One Shift Later...
"Restraining SpongeBob" 8
Are You Happy Now 107
Two Weeks Later...
"Are You Happy Now?" 8
Planet of the Jellyfish 192
Eleven Minutes Later...
"Planet of the Jellyfish" 8
Free Samples 132
Five Minutes Later...
"Free Samples" 8
For Here or to Go 084
A Lot of Boring Math Later...
"For Here or to Go" 8
Chum Fricassee 054
Twenty-Four Hours Later...
"Chum Fricassee" 8
Chum Fricassee 126
One Week Later...
"Chum Fricassee" 8
Hello Bikini Bottom! 375
One Long Angry Line Later...
"Hello Bikini Bottom!" 8
License to Milkshake 146
Twenty Years Earlier... (unspoken)
"License to Milkshake" 9
Squid Baby 112
72 Hours Later...
"Squid Baby" 9
Don't Look Now 053
Two Hours Later
"Don't Look Now" 9
Yeti Krabs 075
Just Then...
"Yeti Krabs" 9
Yeti Krabs 076
...By Sheer Coincidence...
"Yeti Krabs" 9
SpongeBob You're Fired 149
The Next Morning...
"SpongeBob You're Fired" 9
2ndFilm Sponge Out of Water Deleted Scene (242 Explosions Later...)
242 Explosions Later...
"The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water" Movies (Cut)
The Executive Treatment 124
"The Executive Treatment" 9
Sanctuary! 095
The Next Morning...
"Sanctuary!" 9
Patrick! The Game 034
Many Tic Tacs Later...
"Patrick! The Game" 9
Larry's Gym 078
"Larry's Gym" 9
Larry's Gym 087
End of Flashback
"Larry's Gym" 9
Larry's Gym 191
The (Very) Next Evening...
"Larry's Gym" 9
Mall Girl Pearl 179
One Hour Later...
"Mall Girl Pearl" 9
Goodbye, Krabby Patty 184
The Next Day...
"Goodbye, Krabby Patty?" 9
Goodbye, Krabby Patty 193
"Goodbye, Krabby Patty?" 9
Snail Mail 020
4 to 6 Days Later...
"Snail Mail" 9
Snail Mail 044
4 to 6 More Days Later...
"Snail Mail" 9
Pineapple Invasion 089
The Next Morning...
"Pineapple Invasion" 9
Pineapple Invasion 101
Moments Later...
"Pineapple Invasion" 9
Pineapple Invasion 115
More Moments Later...
"Pineapple Invasion" 9
Salsa Imbecilicus 134
One Semester Later...
"Salsa Imbecilicus" 9
Salsa Imbecilicus 155
Ahhh... Graduation Day
"Salsa Imbecilicus" 9
Mermaid Pants 156
One Hour Later... (Realistic Fish Head's voice)
"Mermaid Pants" 10
Code Yellow 025
Five Minutes Later...
"Code Yellow" 10
Mimic Madness 071
80,000 Impressions Later... (Would you please stop imitating me? It is starting to get very annoying.)
"Mimic Madness" 10
House Worming 056
3,000 Wup-Poos Later...
"House Worming" 10
House Worming 112
Soon After...
"House Worming" 10
Snooze You Lose 089
Later... (shown twice)
"Snooze You Lose" 10
Snooze You Lose 140
Moments Later...
"Snooze You Lose" 10
SpongeBob's Place 154
The Next Morning...
"SpongeBob's Place" 10
Plankton Gets the Boot 075
Many Unbearable Hours Later...
"Plankton Gets the Boot" 10
Plankton Retires 114
82 Kilometers Later...
"Plankton Retires" 10
Bike Safety Tips 10
A Little Later...
"Bike Safety Tips" Shorts
Out of the Picture 151
3 Hours Later...
"Out of the Picture" 10
The Clam Whisperer 154
One Season Later...
"The Clam Whisperer" 11
Krabby Patty Creature Feature 055
Many Secret Patties Later...
"Krabby Patty Creature Feature" 11
Krabby Patty Creature Feature 121
Moments Later...
"Krabby Patty Creature Feature" 11
Squid Noir 053
One Nap Later...
"Squid Noir" 11
Scavenger Pants 133
One Very Long Digestive Tract Later...
"Scavenger Pants" 11
Scavenger Pants 164
Six Months Later...
"Scavenger Pants" 11
Grandmum's The Word 061
One Pathetic Sob-Story Later...
"Grandmum's the Word" 11
Shopping List 163
"Shopping List" 11
Whale Watching 188
Many, Many Minutes Later...
"Whale Watching" 11
Plankton Paranoia 014
Three Hours Later...
"Plankton Paranoia" 11
Plankton Paranoia 061
The Next Morning...
"Plankton Paranoia" 11
Appointment TV 039
One Shift Later...
"Appointment TV" 11
Appointment TV 148
The Next Day...
"Appointment TV" 11
The Grill is Gone 101
Zee Next Morning...
"The Grill is Gone" 11
Bubbletown 136
"Bubbletown" 11
The Ballad of Filthy Muck 073
The Next... (coughs and gags) The Next Morning...
"The Ballad of Filthy Muck" 12
The Krusty Slammer 177
Later That Night...
"The Krusty Slammer" 12
The Krusty Slammer 186
The Next Day...
"The Krusty Slammer" 12
Gary's Got Legs 104
One Weekend of Pampering Later...
"Gary's Got Legs" 12
Plankton's Old Chum 195
Several Days Later...
"Plankton's Old Chum" 12
Broken Alarm 088
1 Hour Later...
"Broken Alarm" 12
Broken Alarm 095
Late Again...
"Broken Alarm" 12
Broken Alarm 102
You Get the Idea!
"Broken Alarm" 12
Karen's Baby 185
Eight Semesters Later...
"Karen's Baby" 12
Dirty Bubble Returns 020
6 Months Later... (Realistic Fish Head's voice)
"Dirty Bubble Returns" 12
Biddy Sitting 158
"Biddy Sitting" 12
5,000 Celebrities Later
5,000 Celebrities Later...
"SpongeBob's Big Birthday Blowout" 12
(Trailer only)
SpongeBob's Big Birthday Blowout 158
One Little Boost to the Surface Later...
"SpongeBob's Big Birthday Blowout" 12
The Goofy Newbie 058
A few minutes later... (training announcer's voice)
"The Goofy Newbie" 12
The Goofy Newbie 074
One hour later... (training announcer's voice)
"The Goofy Newbie" 12
The Goofy Newbie 184
Five Billion Years Later (robotic voice)
"The Goofy Newbie" 12
Pat Hearts Squid 145
Zee Next Morning...
"Pat Hearts Squid" 12
The Hankering 087
"The Hankering" 12
Plankton's Intern 110
Later That Night...
"Plankton's Intern" 12
Kooky Cooks 053
Zee Next Evening
"Kooky Cooks" 12
Kooky Cooks 189
One Operation Later...
"Kooky Cooks" 12
Escape from Beneath Glove World 014
One Million, Zillion, Jillion, Dillion, Cotillion Times Later...
"Escape from Beneath Glove World" 12
The SpongeBob Movie Sponge on the Run 213
Meanwhile... (Meanwhile, in the palace of King Poseidon, ruler of the seven seas...)
"The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run" Movies
Goofy Scoopers 041
Zee Next Morning...
"Goofy Scoopers" 13
Goofy Scoopers 077
"Goofy Scoopers" 13
Pat the Dog 077
One Hour Later
"Pat the Dog" 13
SpongeBob's Road to Christmas 028
Seven Months Later...
"SpongeBob's Road to Christmas" 13
SpongeBob's Road to Christmas 384
The Next Christmas
"SpongeBob's Road to Christmas" 13
There Will Be Grease 061
Several Long Days Later
"There Will Be Grease" 13
The Big Bad Bubble Bass 076
Many, Many Toys Later...
"The Big Bad Bubble Bass" 13
Plane to Sea 078
Twelve Sleepless Hours Later...
"Plane to Sea" 13
You're Going to Pay...Phone 042
The Next Morning...
"You're Going to Pay...Phone" 13
Abandon Twits 026
The Next Morning...
"Abandon Twits" 13
Abandon Twits 073
Many Frame-building Attempts Later...
"Abandon Twits" 13
Abandon Twits 108
Even More Boat-building Attempts Later...
"Abandon Twits" 13
Salty Sponge 137
One Day Later...
"Salty Sponge" 13
Karen for Spot 139
One Humongous Meal Later...
"Karen for Spot" 13
Arbor Day Disarray 064
A Little While Later...
"Arbor Day Disarray" 13
Ain't That the Tooth 019
Later That Night...
"Ain't That the Tooth" 13
Ma and Pa's Big Hurrah 058
One-- (clears throat) Entrée Later
"Ma and Pa's Big Hurrah" 13
Ma and Pa's Big Hurrah 070
4 PM (4 o'clock in the Afternoon)
"Ma and Pa's Big Hurrah" 13
The Flower Plot 097
Several Bouquets Later...
"The Flower Plot" 13
SpongeBob on Parade 037
Ten Hours Later...
"SpongeBob on Parade" 13
Delivery to Monster Island 030
80 Minutes Later...
"Delivery to Monster Island" 13
Ride Patrick Ride 142
Many Memories Later...
"Ride Patrick Ride" 13
Sir Urchin and Snail Fail 177
One Week Later...
"Sir Urchin and Snail Fail" 13
Friendiversary 094
Later That Evening (Happy friendiversary)
"Friendiversary" 13
Dopey Dick 060
Later... (Fishmael Tentacles' voice)
"Dopey Dick" 13
Plankton and the Beanstalk 136
"Plankton and the Beanstalk" 13
Spatula of the Heavens 098
"Spatula of the Heavens" 13
Spatula of the Heavens 119
Many, Many Unbearable Moments Later...
"Spatula of the Heavens" 13
Gary's Playhouse 049
The Next Morning...
"Gary's Playhouse" 13
Gary's Playhouse 121
Many Adorable Hours Later...
"Gary's Playhouse" 13
Allergy Attack! 133
Several Days Later...
"Allergy Attack!" 13
Allergy Attack! 192
Much Later...
"Allergy Attack!" 13
Big Top Flop 194
One Week Later...
"Big Top Flop" 13
One Beautiful Christmas Morning Later
"Twas the Night Before Spongemas" Stand-alone special
Single-Celled Defense 046
Many Versions Later...
"Single-Celled Defense" 14
Buff for Puff 130
One Week Later...
"Buff for Puff" 14
SpongeChovy 135
Many Meeps Later...
"SpongeChovy" 14
SpongeBob's Super Bowl Party 175
Many Plays Later
"SpongeBob's Super Bowl Party" Stand-alone special
SpongeBob's Super Bowl Party 333
Many Superstitions Later
"SpongeBob's Super Bowl Party" Stand-alone special
PL-1413 049
2,000 ish Years Later...
"PL-1413" 14
The Dirty Bubble Bass 176
Many Buckets Later... (spoken by Realistic Fish Head)
"The Dirty Bubble Bass" 14
Saving Bikini Bottom The Sandy Cheeks Movie 167
14 Hours Later...
"Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie" Movies
Saving Bikini Bottom The Sandy Cheeks Movie 938
Days Later...
"Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie" Movies
Sandy's Country Christmas 160
"Sandy's Country Christmas" 14
Unidentified Flailing Octopus 186
Many Repressed Memories Later...
"Unidentified Flailing Octopus" 15
Bad Luck Bob 077
The Next Morning...
"Bad Luck Bob" 15
The Sandman Cometh 008
One Nap Later
"The Sandman Cometh" 15
The Sandman Cometh 025
24 Sleepless Hours Later
"The Sandman Cometh" 15
The Sandman Cometh 118
Several Days Later
"The Sandman Cometh" 15
Biscuit Ballyhoo 191
One Journey Through Space Later...
"Biscuit Ballyhoo" 15
Stuck in an Elevator 153
Much Tranquility Later...
"Stuck in an Elevator" 15
Dome Alone 052
Many Invitations Later
"Dome Alone" 15
Dome Alone 183
Six to Eight Weeks Later
"Dome Alone" 15
Wary Gary 058
Two Weeks Later
"Wary Gary" 15
Pinned 052
One Hour Later
"Pinned" 15
Pinned 135
Many Hours Later
"Pinned" 15

Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years[]

Picture Text Episode Season
Sugar Squeeze 047
Not Much Later...
"Sugar Squeeze" 1 (Kamp Koral)
Cabin of Curiosities 064
Nine Hours Later...
"Cabin of Curiosities" 1 (Kamp Koral)
Midnight Snack Attack 067
Many Hours of Funtime Later...
"Midnight Snack Attack" 1 (Kamp Koral)
Hard Time Out 072
One Minute Later...
"Hard Time Out" 1 (Kamp Koral)
Hard Time Out 194
Later That Day...
"Hard Time Out" 1 (Kamp Koral)
Squisery 054
Many Chilly Hours Later...
"Squisery" 1 (Kamp Koral)
My Fair Nobby 078
The Next Day...
"My Fair Nobby" 1 (Kamp Koral)
Help Not Wanted 032
One Full Day of Fatherly Fun Later...
"Help Not Wanted" 1 (Kamp Koral)
Night of the Living Stench 054
One Smelly Week Later...
"Night of the Living Stench" 1 (Kamp Koral)
The Jelly Life 194
One Week Later...
"The Jelly Life" 1 (Kamp Koral)
Kamp Kow 122
The Next Day...
"Kamp Kow" 1 (Kamp Koral)
Reveille Revolution 045
The Next Morning, Like Every Morning...
"Reveille Revolution" 1 (Kamp Koral)
Reveille Revolution 112
Stupid Early the Next Morning...
"Reveille Revolution" 1 (Kamp Koral)
Reveille Revolution 175
The Very Next Day...
"Reveille Revolution" 1 (Kamp Koral)
Prickly Pests 043
The Next Morning...
"Prickly Pests" 1 (Kamp Koral)
Deep Sea Despot 044
One Minute Later...
"Deep Sea Despot" 1 (Kamp Koral)
Deep Sea Despot 135
The Next Morning...
"Deep Sea Despot" 1 (Kamp Koral)
The Taste of Defeat 080
The Next Morning...
"The Taste of Defeat" 1 (Kamp Koral)
Scaredy Squirrel 186
One Week Later...
"Scaredy Squirrel" 1 (Kamp Koral)
Five Times the Fun 080
Meanwhile, Deep in the Kelp Forest...
"Five Times the Fun" 2 (Kamp Koral)
Nut Madness 128
237 Holes Later...
"Nut Madness" 2 (Kamp Koral)
Un-Breaking and De-Entering 161
Many Hours Later...
"Un-Breaking and De-Entering" 2 (Kamp Koral)
Un-Breaking and De-Entering 193
Many Boring Hours of Cleaning Later...
"Un-Breaking and De-Entering" 2 (Kamp Koral)
Swimmin' Holed 116
Ten Minutes Later
"Swimmin' Holed" 2 (Kamp Koral)
Lords of the Larp 037
Later That Day...
"Lords of the Larp" 2 (Kamp Koral)
Lords of the Larp 052
Several Soda-Fueled Hours Later
"Lords of the Larp" 2 (Kamp Koral)
Lords of the Larp 069
The Next Level
"Lords of the Larp" 2 (Kamp Koral)
Mascot Mayhem 046
Many Meeps Later...
"Mascot Mayhem" 2 (Kamp Koral)
Putt Up or Shut Up 026
13 Seconds Later
"Putt Up or Shut Up" 2 (Kamp Koral)
Putt Up or Shut Up 143
Many, Many Painful Holes Later
"Putt Up or Shut Up" 2 (Kamp Koral)
Who's Complaining 048
Several Weeks Later
"Who's Complaining?" 2 (Kamp Koral)
Patrick's Star 062
A Couple of Hours Later...
"Patrick's Star" 2 (Kamp Koral)
Cretins of the Night 007
One Movie Later
"Cretins of the Night" 2 (Kamp Koral)

The Patrick Star Show[]

Picture Text Episode Season
Bummer Jobs 112
Two Idiots Later...
"Bummer Jobs" 1 (The Patrick Star Show)
Squidina's Little Helper 049
"Squidina's Little Helper" 1 (The Patrick Star Show)
Squidina's Little Helper 057
Later Still...
"Squidina's Little Helper" 1 (The Patrick Star Show)
Squidina's Little Helper 074
More Later-er...
"Squidina's Little Helper" 1 (The Patrick Star Show)
Just in Time for Christmas 154
The Next Morning...
"Just in Time for Christmas" 1 (The Patrick Star Show)
X Marks the Pot 196
Zee Next Day in a Parallel Universe
"X Marks the Pot" 1 (The Patrick Star Show)
Host-a-Palooza 037
The Next Day...
"Host-a-Palooza" 1 (The Patrick Star Show)
Host-a-Palooza 191
The Next Day...
"Host-a-Palooza" 1 (The Patrick Star Show)
The Drooling Fool 183
One Soggy Week Later...
"The Drooling Fool" 1 (The Patrick Star Show)
The Patterfly Effect 136
Many Attempts to Fix the Past Later...
"The Patterfly Effect" 1 (The Patrick Star Show)
Home ECCH! 092
Many, Many, Many, Forks Later...
"Home ECCH!" 1 (The Patrick Star Show)
Stuntin' 145
The Next Day...
"Stuntin'" 1 (The Patrick Star Show)
Super Stars 172
One Nanosecond Later...
"Super Stars" 2 (The Patrick Star Show)
10 & 1 Toilets 055
Many Disorderly Days Later...
"10 & 1 Toilets" 2 (The Patrick Star Show)
The Commode Episode 067
Ten Minutes Later...
"The Commode Episode" 2 (The Patrick Star Show)
Tying the Klop-Knot 083
Many Heartfelt Traditions Later...
"Tying the Klop-Knot" 2 (The Patrick Star Show)
Cleanin' House 032
Six Messy Days Later
"Cleanin' House" 2 (The Patrick Star Show)
The Fun Bucket 030
"The Fun Bucket" 3 (The Patrick Star Show)
Who's The Dummy Now 119
Twelve Years Later...
"Who's the Dummy Now?" 3 (The Patrick Star Show)
Who's The Dummy Now 194
The Next Morning...
"Who's the Dummy Now?" 3 (The Patrick Star Show)
Patrick Show Land 179
Many Amusements Later...
"Patrick Show Land" 3 (The Patrick Star Show)
A Patty in Time 035
6 Hours Later...
"A Patty in Time" 3 (The Patrick Star Show)
Patty Poo 150
Later that Same Whoopsie-Doodle Day
"Patty Poo" 3 (The Patrick Star Show)
Patty Poo 190
Meanwhile Back on the Patrick Show...
"Patty Poo" 3 (The Patrick Star Show)
15 Minutes Ago...
"Patrickle Jokes" 3 (The Patrick Star Show)
The Next Morning...
"Something Stupid This Way Comes" 3 (The Patrick Star Show)


Picture Text Episode Season
Two Weeks Later... time card in SpongeBob SquarePants Typing
Two Weeks Later...
"SpongeBob SquarePants Typing" Video game
Limited Time Only!
"Kraft SpongeBob SquarePants Macaroni and Cheese" Promotional
15 Minutes Later PPP
15 Minutes Later (unspoken)
"Plankton's Patty Plunder" Online game
A Few Hours Later...
"SpongeBob's Game Frenzy" App game
Much Later... (unspoken)
"SpongeBob's Game Frenzy" App game
A Little Later... (unspoken)
"SpongeBob's Game Frenzy" App game
Twelve Seconds Later Minecraft DLC
Twelve Seconds Later...
"Minecraft x SpongeBob DLC" Minecraft DLC
Three Annoying Songs Later... Minecraft DLC
Three Annoying Songs Later...
"Minecraft x SpongeBob DLC" Minecraft DLC
A Very Boring Walk Later... Minecraft DLC
A Very Boring Walk Later...
"Minecraft x SpongeBob DLC" Minecraft DLC
One Scary Road Later... Minecraft DLC
One Scary Road Later...
"Minecraft x SpongeBob DLC" Minecraft DLC
Spoiler Alert! time card
Spoiler Alert!
"The Cosmic Shake" Meet the Bikini Bottomites Trailer only
A Few Seconds Later CS
A Few Seconds Later...
"The Cosmic Shake" Video game
A Few Seconds Later CS2
A Few Seconds Later...
"The Cosmic Shake" Video game
One Loading Screen Later CS
One Loading Screen Later...
"The Cosmic Shake" Video game
One Loading Screen Later CS2
One Loading Screen Later...
"The Cosmic Shake" Video game
47 Seconds Later
47 Seconds Later
"The Cosmic Shake" Video game
One Hour Later CS
One Hour Later
"The Cosmic Shake" Video game
Two Hours Later CS
Two Hours Later
"The Cosmic Shake" Video game
Three Hours Later CS
Three Hours Later
"The Cosmic Shake" Video game
Many Moments Later CS
Many Moments Later...
"The Cosmic Shake" Video game
An Eternity Later CS
An Eternity Later...
"The Cosmic Shake" Video game
Powerwash Time Card
A Few Moments Later
"PowerWash Simulator SpongeBob SquarePants Special Pack‎" Launch Trailer only
Eleven Minutes Later...
"SpongeBob's Crazy Carnival Ride" Amusement ride
RobloxScreenShot20240120 183027849
One Load Screen Later...
"SpongeBob Simulator" Video game
SBSPE Pic 10
A Few Moments Later
"Brawl Stars x SpongeBob SquarePants Event" Video game
Several Bad Puns Later
Several Bad Puns Later
"The Patrick Star Game" Video game
One Pair of Pants Later...
One Pair of Pants Later...
"The Patrick Star Game" Video game
3000 Years Later TPSG
3000 Years Later
"The Patrick Star Game" Video game
Twelve Sleepless Hours Later
Twelve Sleepless Hours Later
"The Patrick Star Game" Video game
A Few Moments Later
"Plankton: The Movie" Movie trailers

This list is incomplete, but you can help Encyclopedia SpongeBobia by expanding it.


  • "Rock-a-Bye Bivalve" is the episode with the most time cards, having five. In fact, it has more time cards than the entirety of season 1.
  • A time card reading "The Next Day..." mistakenly appears during the closing credits on disc 4 of The Complete Ninth Season.
  • The most common time card is "Two hours later," which has a total of nine appearances in the show, appearing in "Wet Painters," "The Great Snail Race," "Squidtastic Voyage," "Sun Bleached" (shown twice), "Chum Bucket Supreme," "Gary in Love," "Buried in Time" (shown with the number instead of the word), and "Don't Look Now."
    • If not counting a specific time to be said later, then "Later" is one of the two most common time cards, which also has nine appearances in the show.
    • The "70 Years Later" time card is spoken by Stephen Hughes instead of the French Narrator.
    • This does not count the other "Later" time cards such as:
      • "Later, in the void..."
      • "Later That Night," etc.
  • The time card "So much later that the old narrator got tired of waiting and they had to hire a new one" is the longest of all of the time cards in the series, with 19 words and 69 letters.
  • The time card "The Next Day" in "Born Again Krabs" is the only time card so far to feature characters. It has SpongeBob, Patrick, Mr. Krabs, and Squidward in the corners.
    • If counting not only characters that are in the time card itself, then "Mimic Madness" is the second time where a time card features a character.
  • The "One Eternity Later" time card displays the longest passage of time in the series: an eternity.
  • The "Three Hours Later" time card in "Wet Painters" is the first one in the series to be held by a character, being Patrick. It would be followed by "One Little Boost to the Surface Later" in "SpongeBob's Big Birthday Blowout," which was held by the French Narrator.
  • The time cards "Just Then..." and "...By Sheer Coincidence..." in "Yeti Krabs" is by so far the only instance in which more than one time card was represented in one phrase.
  • The "Uhhh..." time card is the shortest time card with 4 letters, "Later..." being the second with 5 letters.
  • The "The Next Morning..." time card in "Sanctuary!" is the same pattern as SpongeBob's pineapple, with a magenta aura.
  • The "Two Hours Later" time card from "Don't Look Now" is the last time card to not use an ellipsis at the end. All time cards starting with the "Just Then..." and "...By Sheer Coincidence..." time cards from "Yeti Krabs" have an ellipsis at the end. This would be the case until the "Five Billion Years Later" time card in "The Goofy Newbie."
  • The "70 Years Later" (Patrick the Snowman), "Meanwhile" (The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie), "2 Days Later" (Sandy's Vacation in Ruins), "A Little Later..." (Bike Safety Tips), and "Meanwhile..." (The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run) time cards are (currently) the only time cards without a season.
  • The very first time card from "I Was a Teenage Gary" (3 Days Later...) and the time card, "Twenty Years Earlier..." from "License to Milkshake" are the only time cards that the French Narrator doesn't read.
  • The "Brief Construction Montage" time card in "A Friendly Game" is read differently than what it reads in the two instances in the episode it is used.
    • In the first use of the card, the French Narrator reads, "What follows is a brief construction montage." In the second, he reads, "We hope you enjoyed this brief construction montage."
  • The episodes "Sun Bleached," "A Friendly Game," and "Snooze You Lose" are currently the only episodes to display the exact same time card more than once.
  • In some dubs, the time card "3 Days Later..." time card from "I Was a Teenage Gary" is read out.
  • Season 1 is the season with the least time cards, having two.
  • Season 13 is the season with the most time cards, having 33.
  • The "80,000 Impressions Later..." time card in "Mimic Madness" has SpongeBob reading this, imitating the French Narrator, who says, "Would you please stop imitating me? It is starting to get very annoying."
  • The "The Next Evening..." time card in "Larry's Gym" is read as "The Very Next Evening..."
  • The "Later" time card in "SpongeHenge," although by coincidence, is reminiscent of Toonami's sign off bumper, which also reads, "Later." However, the bumper is not read out loud.
  • The "One Weiner Later..." title card is misspelled, and should read, "One Wiener Later..." However, "weiner" is sometimes considered an alternate spelling.
  • The time card "One Hour Later..." from "Mermaid Pants" and "6 Months Later..." from "Dirty Bubble Returns" is read by the Realistic Fish Head rather than the French Narrator.
  • The "70 Years Later" time card from "Patrick the Snowman" is the only time card to be narrated by Nigel Thornberry from The Wild Thornberrys.
The Garfield Movie Time Card -1

A SpongeBob-style time card seen in The Garfield Movie, one of the two seen. Jon was on hold with the animal rescue shelter trying to locate Garfield behind a thousand callers.


The second timecard is seen here, where Garfield passes time with Vic.


A SpongeBob-style time card in the Amphibia season 2 episode "The First Temple."

SpongeBob Time Card Reference in Milo Murphy's Law

A SpongeBob-style time card in the Milo Murphy's Law season 1 episode "Fungus Among Us."

SpongeBob Time Card Reference in TTG!

The way Cyborg says "A half hour later..." in the Teen Titans Go! episode "DC" is reminiscent of the French Narrator narrating the time cards.


SpongeBob Time Card Reference in Amphibia


SpongeBob SquarePants Time Card Reference in Milo Murphy's Law

  • The time cards in the SpongeBob style have been very popular internet memes among YouTubers. They were even parodied in the Disney Channel shows Milo Murphy's Law season 1 episode "Fungus Among Us" which the episode title shares the same title to a season 5 episode as their time card also had a voice similar to the French Narrator and the Amphibia season 2 episode "The First Temple." It was also shown twice in The Garfield Movie, where Vic was trying to talk to Garfield in the dead mall scene, and also when Jon was calling the animal rescue shelter only to be on hold behind a thousand callers. Both time cards were not narrated. In the Teen Titans Go! episode "DC," the way Cyborg says "A half hour later..." is reminiscent of the French Narrator narrating the time cards.
  • In "The Goofy Newbie," the "A few minutes later" and "One hour later" time cards" are read by a training announcer while "Five billion years later" time card is read by a robotic voice.
  • The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water is the only movie so far not to have a time card. However, it did have a scrapped one reading "242 Explosions Later..."

Time card design trivia[]

  • The pattern of the time card, "Epilogue" from "No Hat for Pat" would be reused for the ninth-season episode, "Mall Girl Pearl," except the title card was pink with magenta instead of green.
  • The "Meanwhile" time card in "Ugh" is actually written on a prehistoric wall, with drawings of two jellyfish and prehistoric hand prints.
  • The "75 Years Later" time card in "The Great Patty Caper" has the same background as the title card for the first-season episode, "Pizza Delivery."
  • The background of the "One Extremely Annoying Shift Later..." time card in "Enchanted Tiki Dreams" would be reused for the title card for the ninth-season episode, "The Executive Treatment."
  • The "One Long Angry Line Later..." time card in "Hello Bikini Bottom!" has the same background as the title card for the sixth-season episode, "House Fancy." It is also the last time card to be standard definition.
  • The time card, "Twelve Seconds Later" in "My Pretty Seahorse" has an edited version of the first-season episode, "Help Wanted" title card.
    • Likewise, the "Three Days Later" time card has the same background as the title card in "Squidville."
  • The "Several Song Filled Hours Later..." time card in "Toy Store of Doom" uses the same background as the title card of "Squid Wood," and "Patrick's Staycation, afterwards."
  • The "2000 Years Later" time card from "SB-129" uses a recolored version of the background from the title card of "Pickles."
  • The "A Few Inches Later" time card in "Shanghaied" would be later reused in the background and font for the title card of "Patrick SmartPants."
  • The "Twenty Minutes Later" time card from "SpongeBob Meets the Strangler" uses the same title card background from "Graveyard Shift."
  • The "Three Weeks Later" time card from "Can You Spare a Dime?" uses the same title card background for "Jellyfish Hunter."
  • The "Day Three" time card in "Band Geeks" uses the same background and font color from the title card of "I Was a Teenage Gary," which is the episode with the very first time card.
  • The "One Eternity Later" time card from "Squid on Strike" has the same background as the title card of "The Paper."
  • The "Many Months Later" time card from "Can You Spare a Dime?" uses a recolored version of the title card background from "Walking Small."
  • The "Two Days Later" time card from the short "Sandy's Vacation in Ruins" has exactly the same title card background as "No Hat for Pat."
  • The time card "The Following Thursday..." in "Porous Pockets" has the same background from the title cards of "Naughty Nautical Neighbors" and "Summer Job."
  • The "Meanwhile..." time card from "Drive Thru" uses a recolored version of the "Hall Monitor" title card background.
  • The "Several Bad Puns Later" time card from "Pranks a Lot" uses a recolored version of the "Opposite Day" title card background.
  • The background of the "4-6 Weeks Later" time card from "Hocus Pocus" would be reused for the title card of "Pat No Pay."
  • The "346 Minutes Later" time card in "BlackJack" is the same background for the title card of "Mrs. Puff, You're Fired" except its saturation is a little bit pale and has vignette on it.
  • The "5 Billion Years Later" time card from "The Goofy Newbie" uses same the font color as "SB-129"s title card except slightly recolored.
  • The "The Next Day..." time card from "Appointment TV" uses the same background as the "The Following Day..." time card from "Krusty Dogs", except it's higher in contrast and slightly more hue.
  • The "One Hour Later" time cards from "Wet Painters" and "Patrick's Staycation" are exactly the same, except the latter's is slightly zoomed in and recolored.
    • The "One Hour Later" time card from "Pat the Dog" is also the same, but in widescreen.
    • "Mall Girl Pearl" and "Mermaid Pants" however, used the same fontwork, except that both are arranged differently and have full stops at the end.
  • The "6 Months Later" time cards from "Ghost Host" and "Dirty Bubble Returns" are exactly the same, except the latter's is zoomed out slightly and recolored.
  • The "7:59 A.M." time card from "Nautical Novice" and The "One Shift Later... time card " from "Restraining SpongeBob" are uses the same title card background from "Wormy" but without bubbles.



Spongebob Time Cards

SpongeBob time card compilation [incomplete]
