Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

"Patty Hype" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season 2. In this episode, SpongeBob creates Pretty Patties.



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SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs giving a Krabby Patty and a soda to a poor Incidental 42.

The Krusty Krab, having gone without a customer for 36 whole days, is filled with dust, cobwebs, and even a skeleton. An emaciated Incidental 42 crawls in, claiming that he has not had any sustenance in three days. After confirming Incidental 42 can pay, Mr. Krabs has SpongeBob bring him a meal. However, Incidental 42 refuses, saying that there is no pizzazz in the Krusty Krab, and resumes searching for food, water, and atmosphere. Mr. Krabs remains skeptical, but then he overhears a conversation between Tom and Fred about a talking dog at the Shell Shack (unseen though) and realizes that what he needs is a gimmick to attract customers. SpongeBob tries to share an idea, but Mr. Krabs ignores him and decides instead to bury himself alive, which easily draws in a crowd. When news of the talking dog singing reaches them, though, they quickly leave leaving Mr. Krabs buried in the hole.

SpongeBob remains ignored by Mr. Krabs, who desperately racks his brain for an answer, until he appears from the heavens heralding to Mr. Krabs his idea. Finally having his attention, SpongeBob shows him a green patty. Mr. Krabs is disgusted, thinking that the patty is spoiled, and tries to incinerate it. SpongeBob then removes his fire-proof suit to reveal Pretty Patties, Krabby Patties painted in "six designer colors." Mr. Krabs and Squidward laugh at this notion, mocking SpongeBob with other ridiculous novelties such as sequin milkshakes and bow-tie French fries. Deeply hurt, SpongeBob leaves his job as a fry cook and vows to open his own restaurant and prove them wrong, making them laugh all the more.

Pretty patties

"Pretty Patties!"

With Patrick's help, SpongeBob sets up a stand in front of his house to sell his Pretty Patties, though it initially seems unsuccessful. He tries to give passerby Incidental 40 a Pretty Patty, who laughs at its green color. SpongeBob is about to give up when Incidental 40 notices a Patty in purple, his favorite color, and proclaims Pretty Patties to be the best idea ever.

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"Isn't this great?"

News of the skyrocketing sales of Pretty Patties reaches Mr. Krabs at a rundown Krusty Krab. But to Krabs' shock, SpongeBob admits on TV he and Patrick didn't know what to do with the money they're making on process. They had thought about burying, shredding, or even burning it, all of which would disturb Mr. Krabs, but they set up a "Free Money" stand to give the money back to the customers so they can keep purchasing the Pretty Patties. Mr. Krabs incredulously decides to take a look and stumbles on thousands of customers surrounding the stand, clamoring for their turn. Mr. Krabs notes that he has never had a line before, much less the 46,853 customers that SpongeBob is currently waiting on. Finally making it through the crowd, Mr. Krabs meekly congratulates SpongeBob on his success. While proud of what he has achieved, SpongeBob admits he misses his days at the Krusty Krab. Seeing an opportunity, Mr. Krabs persuades SpongeBob to give him the rights to his Pretty Patty stand in exchange for the key to the Krusty Krab. Utterly entranced with his fortune, SpongeBob starts frolicking inside and outside his new restaurant.

The next day, as Mr. Krabs prepares to rake in the dough, the customers all angrily arrive, demanding refunds. They complain that the Pretty Patties had an unfortunate side effect: whatever color was eaten is what color part of the customer's body and tongue became. Incidental 42, demonstrating a glow-in-the-dark tongue while turning off the light, states that all 46,853 of them want their money back, but under the cover of darkness, the cheapskate Mr. Krabs has hightailed it.

The customers form an angry, rainbow-colored mob and begin chasing Mr. Krabs, leaving a rainbow trail behind them. He runs to the Krusty Krab and attempts to unlock the door, but remembers that he gave his key to SpongeBob, who is currently preoccupied with the sound of his beloved squeaky pickles. Mr. Krabs unsuccessfully tries to get SpongeBob's attention who cannot hear him over making the pickles squeak while the mob continues to chase him.




Model sheets[]



  • Designed by Todd White.[1]


 ) Production music
 ) Original music
 ) SpongeBob music

  On the Beach - Kapono Beamer [Title card]
  Kona Angel - The Surfdusters [Opening]
  The Tip Top Polka/The Cliff Polka - Chelmsford Folk Band ["Hold on, me bucko, food's on the way!"]
  Hawaiian Link (B) - Richard Myhill ["Food! Water! Atmosphere!"]
  Dramatic Climax - Mike Sunderland ["Money walking!"]
  Thats It ! - Nicolas Carr [Mr. Krabs gets an idea]
  Here Comes The Band! (A) - Dick Stephen Walter [Mr. Krabs buries himself alive in front of the crowd]
  Steel Licks 22 - Jeremy Wakefield [Later...]
  Here's Adieu Sweet Lovely Nancy (B) - Tim Laycock, Robert Alexander White [Mr. Krabs trying to think of an idea]
  Heavenly Voices (A) - David Farnon [SpongeBob dressed as an angel]
  Heavenly Harp - Nicolas Carr [Harp overlays "Heavenly Voices (A)"]
  Snr. Drum Climax - Nicolas Carr [Drum roll]
  The Circus Comes To Town! - Dick Stephen Walter ["Ta-da!"]
  Showtime (C) - Robert Sharples ["Pretty Patties, available in six designer colors."]
  Hawaiian Cocktail - Richard Myhill [Mr. Krabs and Squidward make fun of SpongeBob's Pretty Patties]
  Puka A - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob opens his own restaurant]
  Steel Licks 33 - Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob getting old]
  Death Bell - Nicolas Carr [Tombstone]
  The Rake Hornpipe - Robert Alexander White [Patrick climbs into SpongeBob]
  Hawaiian Link (B) - Richard Myhill ["Mr. Krabs was right! What am I gonna do with all these?!"]
  Grand Orchestral Fanfare - Gregor F. Narholz ["Pretty Patties is the best idea ever!"]
  Dreamy Serenade - Len Ranle [Mr. Krabs watching TV]
  Stop Press - Vivian Kennard [Bikini Bottom News]
  Scotland the Brave/The Rowan Tree - Rob Mathieson [Plaid Pretty Patty]
  Vibe & Harp Hits - Nicolas Carr ["How can you make money with such a stupid idea?"]
  Arnold Is Back 2 - Gregor F. Narholz ["We tried burying it, shredding it and burning it."]
  Flight in Panic 1 - Gregor F. Narholz [Mr. Krabs runs outside]
  Steel Licks 33 - Jeremy Wakefield [Line of customers]
  Botany Bay (b) - Robert Alexander White ["Isn't this great, Mr. Krabs?"]
  Tri-Ding - Nicolas Carr [Mr. Krabs gets an idea]
  Footsteps of Horror - W. Merrick Farran ["I bet you miss Squidward, and the grill, and the crow's nest."/SpongeBob skips and hops happily]
  Idea Sting - Nicolas Carr ["Uh... yes, I do, lad."]
  Glamorous Affair A - John Fox, Otto Sieben [Mr. Krabs gives SpongeBob the Krusty Krab key]
  Nostalgic Romance - Gregor F. Narholz [SpongeBob overjoyed]
  On the Beach - Kapono Beamer [The next day]
  King Kong Coming - Gregor F. Narholz [Everyone demands a refund]
  12th St Rag - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [Ending]





  • This episode was originally going to premiere on January 6, 2001 at 10:45am,[3] but was pulled for a rerun of "Suds."[4]
  • When SpongeBob is cleaning the Krusty Krab near the beginning, the Krusty Krab drive-thru window is shown.
  • On the Krusty Krab window, along with the picture of a Krabby Patty, there are also pictures of fries and a soda. In other episodes, there is only the Krabby Patty poster.
  • Fred's name originated from this episode which at first started out as a generic one time name used for Incidental 1, until it later in the series became his confirmed name.
  • After SpongeBob quits his job as a fry cook and vows to open his own restaurant, Squidward does not appear again for the remainder of the episode despite being mentioned by Mr. Krabs.
  • Various episodes show Bikini Bottom to have anywhere from no people to over 500 people living there. Many surrounding cities must have had to come to Bikini Bottom to obtain a Pretty Patty, as there were over 46,853 customers.
  • After giving sacks of free money to the Bikini Bottomites, Patrick does not appear again for the remainder of the episode.
    • After Mr. Krabs comes to see SpongeBob, Patrick's stand is no longer seen either.
    • Patrick most likely left due to Mr. Krabs becoming the new owner or Mr. Krabs fired him due to not wanting his money to be given away for free.
  • Pretty Patties come in a different variety of colors, such as:
    • Red
    • Purple
    • Yellow
    • Green
    • Fuchsia
    • Orange
    • Plaid
  • Like some fish food, especially goldfish food, Pretty Patties change the color of the fish who eat it.
With bags

Some Incidentals with other color palettes.

Incidental 6's yellow eyes in Patty Hype

Incidental 6 with yellow eyes in the crowd.

Patty Hype 192

Some more Incidentals with other color palettes, including the Incidental 112 with Mrs. Puff's color palette (bottom right).

  • In the scenes where there are crowds of Incidentals carrying SpongeBob with the keys to the Krusty Krab or surrounding Mr. Krabs, many Incidentals' color palettes are used on other Incidentals' models.
    • Mrs. Puff's color palette is used on Incidental 112's model. Her dress changes from blue to red and back, whereas Mrs. Puff's dress is blue with a red skirt.
    • Incidental 6's eyes keep switching between yellow and white. Also, when talking to Fred in front of the Krusty Krab, Incidental 6's whole body color is a lot lighter green than usual.
    • Several Incidentals have clones in the crowd.
    • Incidental 37A's skin changes two times. His teal face changes to purple when he starts talking to Mr. Krabs. Then his whole skin including his face turns into the same color what Mrs. Puff had when Mr. Krabs ran away from the stand.
  • Snr. Drum Climax is just a drum roll sound from a very known e-MU Proteus 2 Orchestral keyboard module, which can be heard in various TV shows, mostly in Teletubbies and Thomas & Friends (seasons 3-7). It's possible that Nicolas Carr had played SpongeBob tracks with this module.

Confused Mr. Krabs meme.

  • The scene where everyone wants a refund from the Pretty Patties has become a popular internet meme. More particular, the part where the camera focuses on Mr. Krabs as he frantically looks around. The meme is titled "Confused Mr. Krabs." The image is edited with a distorted spiral starting at the edges.
    • The scene with Mr. Krabs running from the mob while showing SpongeBob playing with pickles is also popular, with someone replacing the mob with something else, such as Galeem's light beams from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
    • The scene where Mr. Krabs uses a flamethrower to destroy a Pretty Patty also became popular on YouTube.
  • SpongeBob was the one who made the painted patties, yet Mr. Krabs gets chased by the crowd at the end.
  • This episode and "Wormy" were banned in some countries, due to Wormy's face being a horsefly close-up frightening young viewers.[5] This episode could have been paired with another episode instead of "Wormy" in those countries since there is no scary content in "Patty Hype."
  • This is the first episode for a few things:
Bill Reiss in Patty Hype

Bill Reiss.


Patty Hype - Background error

The painted background's white border is visible in this shot at the top of the screen for a few seconds.

Patty Hype 050

SpongeBob's holes aren't colored properly, and the flamethrower has no trigger.

  • At the beginning of the episode, when Incidental 42 crawls into the Krusty Krab, he says he needs food, water, and atmosphere. He would not need water because he is already underwater, so he is not dehydrated.
  • When Mr. Krabs grabs SpongeBob down from his rope after SpongeBob says, "Mr. Krabs, I have an idea," one can see the white, uncolored border of the painted background at the top of the screen. It gets pushed out of view as Mr. Krabs pulls SpongeBob down.
  • Mr. Krabs' flamethrower has no trigger.
    • In the same scene, when SpongeBob wears his protective suit as Mr. Krabs tries to burn the green patty, SpongeBob's holes are briefly colored the same as his skin instead of darker.
  • When SpongeBob wakes up and says, "Patrick! How long have we been sitting here?" his pineapple vanishes.
  • In some frames throughout the episode, Patrick can be seen with his original M-shaped eyebrows from season 1 or drawn unevenly.
Patty Hype 117

SpongeBob and Patrick are just heads without bodies behind their stand.

  • When SpongeBob holds the patties, they can be seen in the following order: green, red, purple, orange, pink, and yellow. However, after Incidental 40 says, "Purple is my favorite color," the red and purple patties are swapped.
Patty Hype 087

Patrick's M-shaped eyebrows.

  • Before SpongeBob gets interviewed, on the aerial view of their stand, he and Patrick are just heads without bodies, behind their stand. During the interview, however, they are in front of their stand, full body.
    • Also, in the same aerial view of their stand and on the ground, the houses on Conch Street are nowhere to be seen and are no longer seen for the remainder of the episode.
  • Part of Mr. Krabs' claw overlaps the "Enter" sign when he falls after hitting the back of the line.
Polish 20200218 075037318

Incidental 62 has a transparent and uncolored shirt.

  • In the long line leading to the Pretty Patties, Incidental 62's shirt is left transparent and uncolored.
  • Mr. Krabs says that he has never had a line before, though there is a line at the Krusty Krab.
  • If SpongeBob gave Incidental 30 a Pretty Patty after he asks who #46,853 is, the "Now Serving" sign should have flipped to #46,854, but it does not, and even Incidental 42 says that 46,853 of them want their money back.
    • In the same scene during the "Now Serving" sign, SpongeBob's house is mirrored in an afar shot.
  • In the former Turkish dub, Scottish fish's lines have no audio, and is left undubbed.[7][8]
  • The Scotsman Fred's body under his kilt including his legs were turned plaid by the pretty patties, but before he pulled his kilt up to reveal his plaid body, his legs were their normal color.
  • When Mr. Krabs is being chased by everyone while SpongeBob is squeaking pickle slices, the Chum Bucket and the road are nowhere to be seen.
    • The same error is present in the opening scene, when the thirsty customer crawls into the Krusty Krab, and when SpongeBob vows to start his own stand when Mr. Krabs and Squidward make fun of the Pretty Patties.
  • In the scene where the customers carry SpongeBob over their heads to the Krusty Krab, Old Man Walker can be seen standing up straight and is not sitting in his wheelchair. Also, another old lady who normally walks with a cane or sits in a wheelchair can be seen without any of them in the scene when they confront Mr. Krabs.
  • When three customers complain about their tongues, the woman in the middle shows her tongue to have polka dots on it, but when she says "and look at our tongues" along with two other male customers, her tongue appears normal with no splotches on the top.
  • When SpongeBob throws the buns into the air, not all of them can be seen on the ground. Some have disappeared, while others bounce away in different directions.
  • When Incidental 42 shows Mr. Krabs his glow-in-the-dark tongue, a lamp switch appears on the top left corner of the screen which is not there in any other scene.

Names in other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Polish Burgerowa jazda Burger / Patty Ride
Russian Красивые котлетки
Krasivyye kotletki
Beautiful Patties
Spanish La promoción de la Cangreburger The Crabburger Promotion
Spanish (American) Los colorburgers The Colorburgers



The PRETTY PATTY IRL! 🍔 - SpongeBob


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