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Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

This article is a transcript of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "A Cabin in the Kelp" from season 12, which aired on October 12, 2019.

  • [The episode begins at Mrs. Puff's Boating School. Sandy, Karen, and Mrs. Puff are getting ready for a camping trip in the kelp forest.]
  • Mrs. Puff: [laughs while reading a camping brochure] We are going to have so much fun! A weekend in a cabin in the woods with the Gal Pals!
  • Sandy, Karen, and Mrs. Puff: Gal Pals! Yeah!
  • [Mrs. Puff takes out a Krabby Patty and goes to eat it.]
  • Karen: [takes the Krabby Patty from Mrs. Puff] Oh a Krabby Patty! [squeezes its juice in the boatmobile's engine] Perfect.
  • Mrs. Puff: [grossed out] Ugh.
  • Karen: The engine needed greasing. [closes the boatmobile's hood]
  • Sandy: [lassos the trailer towards her] Congratulations, Mrs. Puff! [hooks the trailer on the boatmobile] Your boat and trailer just got hitched! [puts a bride tiara and groom hot on both the boatmobile and trailer, throws some confetti and shares a good laugh with Karen and Mrs. Puff]
  • Mrs. Puff: [checks her watch] Hmm, I wonder what's keeping our newest Gal Pal?
  • [Meanwhile, the newest member of the Gal Pals, Pearl Krabs, is skipping down the road with her backpack.]
  • Pearl: This is gonna be so funny. The Gal Pals will obviously try to prank the newbie, but this newbie is gonna prank them right back. [laughs]
  • SpongeBob: [pops out of Pearl's backpack] Boo! Who likes eggs? [laughs]
  • Pearl: Not now, SpongeBob. [stuffs SpongeBob back in her backpack] Wait until you're around the campfire. And you're supposed to act scary, not lame.
  • SpongeBob: Oh scary. Got it! Wait until the fire then make with the scary. [makes goofy faces and weird noises]
  • Pearl: [pushes SpongeBob in her backpack] Keep working on it. [meets up with Sandy, Karen, and Mrs. Puff]
  • Sandy: Here comes our newest member!
  • Sandy, Karen, Mrs. Puff, and Pearl: Gal Pals! Yeah!
  • [The four girls share a good laugh.]
  • Sandy: Here, let me get your bag. [takes Pearl's backpack and throws it in the trailer]
  • [The girls stuff the trailer with many camping supplies: tents, sleeping bags, sporting equipment, lanterns, pillows, extra blankets, umbrellas, food, a grill, swimwear, and suitcases with extra clothing. SpongeBob peaks his eyes out through all those camping supplies just as the trailer door closed.]
  • SpongeBob: Nice and cozy.
  • [The girls climb in the boatmobile and begin driving away to the kelp forest.]
  • Sandy, Karen, Mrs. Puff, and Pearl: ♪We're Gal Pals and, yes, we shall conquer the world one day! We're no sea bunnies, we're smart and funny and we demand equal pay! We'll shout "Gal Pals" right into your ear canal and bang it on a drum! We're sweet and nice, but take our advice cross us and you'll be chum!♪
  • [The girls' singing comes to an abrupt halt when they see a moose snail in the middle of the road. They let the moose snail cross and drive away while sharing another good laugh.]
  • Mrs. Puff: Ooh, this is gonna be so much fun! We're gonna have a real adventure with our newbie, aren't we, ladies?
  • [Sandy, Karen, and Mrs. Puff snicker quietly together. Pearl makes a nervous laugh and share another good laugh with the others. Pearl quietly snickers to herself for the prank she planned on her own. Suddenly, the trailer hits a bump and gets unhooked by the boatmobile. The trailer skidded off the road and rolls down into a ditch filled with mud. SpongeBob, feeling sick, climbs out of the trailer, slips on the mud, and gets a bit messy. He wrings the mud off him.]
  • SpongeBob: Where am I? [climbs out of the mud pit and finds himself in the kelp forest] Huh? All right, I'll just sit tight and wait to hear from Pearl. I've got the trailer, so there's plenty of food and blankets. [the trailer full of camping supplies sink in the mud; he growls and kicks a pebble] Barnacles! Now what am I gonna do? [sticks his hands in his pockets and finds a peanut] Hey, a peanut! A lucky peanut! Mm, I'm not gonna go hungry out here. I'm gonna survive! [his voice echoes] Wait a minute, I can't eat this peanut. You're my lucky peanut. [giggles] I've got a lucky peanut! [his voice echoes again]
  • [Meanwhile, the girls made it to the cabin they rented for their camping trip.]
  • Mrs. Puff: Here we are.
  • Sandy: [notices the trailer is gone] Uh-oh, looks like we lost something.
  • Pearl: [gasps] Oh no, my backpack! This is the worst thing that could ever happen! [cries a river of tears]
  • Karen: [comforts Pearl] Aww, there, there, sweetie. It's just a backpack. We can buy you a new one. It's not like losing a friend.
  • Pearl: [stops crying with mascara runs down her face and whimpers; to the audience.] She must be psychic. [resumes crying]
  • Sandy: Aww, heck, we'll just have to rough it! [opens the door and sees the cabin a complete mess; there are bones, algae, toadstools, cobwebs, a wolfworm who steals a bone and runs off, and the floor and ceiling are decaying] All right, gals, let's not just hang here like mama's washing! Time to gussy up the place!
  • [The scene changes to the cabin looking good as new. It now has a radio with stereo equipment, new wallpaper, a lamp, some beanbag chairs, a sofa, a dining table with chairs, a chandelier, some new windows, and a refrigerator filled with many kinds of food.]
  • Karen: Good thing we have a Texas tornado among the Gal Pals. Who knew you could use a jellyfish as a recharger. [grabs a jellyfish and recharges herself with its stingers] Oh, yeah. [sighs and faints]
  • Sandy: Yep, nature always provides.
  • Mrs. Puff: [sets a cornucopia with food in it on the table] Hey, where's the newbie?
  • [Pearl is outside the cabin trying to contact with SpongeBob on her cellphone.]
  • Pearl: Oh...Oh, please, SpongeBob, be all right. [dials the number on her cellphone]
  • [Meanwhile, SpongeBob is exploring the kelp forest by swinging on vines like a jungle man.]
  • SpongeBob: [making goofy jungle noises while swinging] I'm Sponge-zan of the brine apes! [swings on several vines, crashes into a tree, and falls in a bush; then he hears ringing sounds and takes out the peanut] Oh, my lucky peanut's ringing. [pulls a human ear out of his head] Hello? [hears ringing in his other pocket, takes out a shellphone and answers it] Shell-lo? [laughs]
  • Pearl: SpongeBob! Oh, thank Neptune, you're still alive.
  • SpongeBob: Don't worry, Pearl, I'm still gonna do the prank. I just have to find your cabin. Are there any landmarks I can head to?
  • Pearl: Uh, well, there are a lot of trees.
  • SpongeBob: Trees, perfect! I'll just follow the trees. [hangs up the shellphone] Are you sure you didn't ring, too, lucky peanut? Hello, hello? Ugh, bad reception. No peanut bars. [the peanut shows connection bars on it; he puts it in his pocket and goes to follow the trees] Follow the trees! Follow the trees, follow the trees, follow the trees, follow the trees, follow the trees, follow the trees...
  • [As time passes, day turns to nighttime. The girls are sitting together around the campfire drinking kelp cocoa.]
  • Mrs. Puff: [slurps some kelp cocoa] Oh, this kelp cocoa is delicious.
  • Karen: [scans her kelp cocoa] Yeah, my sensors indicate an agreeable flavor. [dumps her kelp cocoa on the ground]
  • Sandy: [grabs a flashlight] Okay, Gal Pals, [turns it on and leans it to her helmet] it's time to initiate our newest member. [turns it off and puts a Gal Pal necklace on Pearl]
  • Mrs. Puff: You are now a Gal Pal.
  • Pearl: That's it? Just this necklace? No swats or parading around in my PJ's? No tryin' to scare me with urban legends?
  • Sandy: Why would we do that?
  • Karen: Yeah, we like you.
  • Mrs. Puff: We haven't had a forth member since that incident with Flibberty Gibbet. I—[gets her mouth shut by Sandy]
  • Sandy: Puff! Shh.
  • Pearl: Who's "Slippery Giveth"?
  • Sandy: Oh Flibberty Gibbet. She was the fourth member of our group. We had a fight with her years ago right here at this very cabin one dark and stormy night. [thunder crashes in her eyes]
  • Mrs. Puff: We don't even remember what the fight was about.
  • [While Sandy, Karen, and Mrs. Puff explain, their shadows tell every detail of the argument they had with Flibberty Gibbet.]
  • Sandy: It sure was a humdinger of an argument!
  • Karen: She went bananas and vowed to destroy any and all the Gal Pals. [the green line on her screen turns red]
  • Mrs. Puff: Then she just ran off into these woods!
  • Sandy: Some say she's still out there, all hot-headed and waiting to get her revenge. [hides in her suit]
  • Karen: That's her pendant you're wearing.
  • Pearl: [looks at the pendant and sees Flibberty Gibbet's name on it] "Flibberty Gibbet"?! [screams in fear, takes off the necklace and throws it away] Why did you give me that? Why did you take me here?! [Sandy, Karen, and Mrs. Puff laugh; Pearl blushes and laughs as well] Thanks gals, you got me. But I knew you were gonna prank me.
  • Karen: Sure you did.
  • Mrs. Puff: You should have seen your face.
  • Sandy: We got you good!
  • [While the girls are talking, a creepy hand comes out and takes the pendant.]
  • Pearl: [laughs] Mm, Gal Pals.
  • [All of a sudden, the girls hear scary sounds from within the trees. Sandy, Karen, and Mrs. Puff huddle together in fear.]
  • Sandy: [gasps] What was that?
  • Pearl: 'Kay, you can stop trying to scare me. I know Flipperty Giblets is a prank.
  • Karen: Flibberty Gibbet is partly true.
  • Mrs. Puff: She was a Gal Pal. We did have a fight with her.
  • Sandy: And she did run off into these woods.
  • Pearl: Wait, that was all the parts!
  • [The scary sounds are getting louder. Sandy, Karen, and Mrs. Puff quiver in fright.]
  • Mrs. Puff: Quick, let's hide in the cabin!
  • Pearl: Wait, it—it's okay. It's only SpongeBob. I asked him to make noise and prank you. All right SpongeBob, you can come out! I'm canceling the prank!
  • [The bubbles transition to SpongeBob still following the trees. But it turns out that he's only walking back and forth from one tree to the other.]
  • SpongeBob: [laughs quietly and touches a tree] There's another tree. [skids to the tree next to it] And another tree. Wow, following the trees really works. [touches the trees between him] Tree, tree, tree, tree.
  • [Back at the cabin, the girls are still sitting by the campfire.]
  • Mrs. Puff: So SpongeBob thinks he can prank us, huh? We'll prank him right back. [begins to go insane] We can rig up the cabin with trap doors, flying ghosts, and a thousand cadavers in a zombie ballroom! [covers her mouth after realizing she's losing her composure] Ooh, what am I saying?
  • Sandy: Let's scale it down a smidge.
  • Karen: Yeah, let's hide behind this tree and scream when he shows up.
  • [The girls hide behind a nearby tree and giggle.]
  • Sandy: You coming, Pearl?
  • Pearl: Well I'm certainly not staying by myself in the dark. [joins the girls in hiding behind the tree to prank SpongeBob]
  • Sandy: Shh, he's coming. Wait for it. Now!
  • [The girls jump out and make a loud, scary scream. However, it turns out that it was just a scary old lady, not SpongeBob. The old lady roars angrily.]
  • Sandy, Karen, Mrs. Puff, and Pearl: Flibberty Gibbet! [scream as they run into the cabin and try to hold the door shut]
  • Mrs. Puff: It's her! Oh s—she looks like she's been in the woods too long!
  • Sandy: I have a plan. We'll run out the back door and into Puff's boat. Count of three. One, two, three!
  • [The girls run from the door and scream. The old lady breaks through the front door and roars. The girls run out the back door and jump into the boatmobile.]
  • Karen: Let's go!
  • [Just then, SpongeBob jumps out and makes scary noises.]
  • SpongeBob: Rawr! Hmm? [shrugs and skips to the cabin's front door]
  • Sandy, Karen, Mrs. Puff, and Pearl: No, no! SpongeBob, don't go in!
  • SpongeBob: [sees the girls] Oh, hello.
  • [The old lady grabs SpongeBob and drags him in the cabin. SpongeBob's screaming is heard from the inside. The girls scream in horror.]
  • Sandy: Gal Pals, we have to save SpongeBob!
  • Sandy, Karen, Mrs. Puff, and Pearl: [whimpering] Gal Pals.
  • [The girls break through the front door to rescue SpongeBob. But, to their relief and surprise, the old lady turns out to be a sales lady giving SpongeBob pinecones on a stick.]
  • SpongeBob: Wow! [the old lady gives SpongeBob a pinecone on a stick] Ooh, another pinecone on a stick! I love it. [takes it and gets another one from the old lady] Wow! [takes another pinecone on a stick] I'm gonna get one of these for each of the Gal Pals.
  • Sandy, Karen, Mrs. Puff, and Pearl: [confused] Huh?
  • Sandy: [laughs in relief] It's only a cabin-to-cabin country sales lady. Not Flibberty Gibbet at all.
  • Flibberty Gibbet: [off-screen] Did someone say my name? [the girls turn and see her for real this time] Hi, gals!
  • Sandy, Karen, Mrs. Puff, and Pearl: Flibberty Gibbet! [scream as they run out of the cabin and into the woods]
  • Flibberty Gibbet: I—I just wanted to say all's forgiven!
  • SpongeBob: [follows the girls] Hey wait, you'll need my lucky peanut!
  • Sandy, Karen, Mrs. Puff, and Pearl: Gal Pals! [crash onto the screen.]
  • [The words "The End" is shown and the episode ends.]