"Lucky and the Thin Ice" is forty-fourth episode of Spirit Riding Free and the fifth episode of the seventh season.
Plot Synopsis
Snowy tracks point the PAL to an injured traveler -and the realization that he wasn't alone. Can they find his young daughter before it's too late?
In late April, snow hits Miradero. The PAL are seen sliding down the snow on sleds. But then, they find an knocked over wagon with an injured traveler, moving into the frontier, named Hank McWayne, who is looking for Daisy. They mistake Daisy as the guy's horse, Ruby. While Hank is resting in Prescott House, a search party is organized at the Schoolhouse.
The PAL go back to where they found the wagon, Lucky remembers Ruby trying to lead her somewhere earlier and start in that direction. They soon discover footprints which they follow. They nearly get killed by icicles, and Pru nearly hurts herself when she falls out of a tree when getting a bird's eye view. When Spirit eventually spots Daisy, Lucky finds herself trapped on a frozen lake with her. The lake not being completely frozen, Lucky and Daisy are pressed for time as it begins to crack. Abigail calls the search party to come quickly over to help with her whistle. Lucky offers some words of encouragement to Daisy. Pru throws a rope from Chica Linda's saddle over to them. They put it around Boomerang's saddle and Abigail starts to pull Daisy off the cracking ice. Daisy's life is saved, but Lucky then falls through. Spirit, Chica Linda and Boomerang begin smashing the ice with their hooves and they eventually break it, allowing Pru and Abigail to pull Lucky out, saving her life, but she then faints and has to be carried back by the search party.
Lucky wakes up later that evening, to find her friends and dad asleep, they wake up, happy to see Lucky alright. Lucky gets thanked by Daisy and Hank McWayne, and Daisy lets her keep the doll saying that she is now a frontier girl. The episode ends with Kate letting Spirit into the house.