Spam Obliteration and Prevention — це група користувачів Фандому, які зголосилися допомогти в боротьбі зі спамом і вандалізмом. У них є додаткові права і інструменти, за допомогою яких вони можуть знайти та вилучити спам.
Ви можете повідомити про спам і вандалізм на SOAP Wiki. Перед тим, як залишити повідомлення, будь-ласка, прочитайте правила вікі.
SOAP володіють усіма повноваженнями, що доступ��і адміністраторам, але відразу на усіх вікі. У них також є додаткові інструменти, які допомагають їм оперативно і ефектно знаходити і видаляти спам. Важливо пам’ятати, що вони не замінюють локальних адміністраторів і не вважаються головніше їх. Вікі-спільнота та його користувачі несуть відповідальність за свою вікі і за завдання спільноти, а команда SOAP допомагає тільки з боротьбою зі спамом відразу на багатьох вікі або видалення вандальних редагувань на покинутих чи неактивних вікі.
VegaDark is a dedicated user who has helped deal with vandalism since 2009. He can be found on the FANDOM IRC support channel, and the Spanish Central. If you need help, please contact VegaDark via the links to the right.
Callofduty4 has been editing on Fandom since 2008 and joined SOAP in 2012. He can be seen editing mainly on the Call of Duty Wiki. Feel free to use the contact links on the right if you need.
TyA has been editing Fandom since March 2010 and joined SOAP in August 2012. In case of global thermonuclear war, or really any issue, feel free to contact him using the links to the right.
Jr Mime first edited on January 24th 2012 and joined SOAP on January 20th 2014. You can regularly see him at Community Central. Jr Mime is one of the two existing Narwhals on Fandom.
Lady Lostris has been an active member of Fandom since 2011 and SOAP since November 4th, 2014. You can always find her on the English Avatar wiki. Don't hesitate to contact her if you need any help with building your community.
RainA has been editing on Fandom since April 2012 and joined SOAP in May 2019. They are a huge fan of anime and mostly edit German anime wikis, such as the Attack on Titan Wiki. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.
Tono555 has been editing on Fandom since May 2014 and joined SOAP in May 2019. He spends most of his time on either the English or Spanish Avatar Wikis. If there's anything you need help with, feel free to ask!
Tokina8937 is an editor who joined on Fandom on May 2013 and who joined SOAP on June 2020. She spends some time on the VOCALOID Wiki where she is in charge of some maintenance tasks. She also analyzes a lot what is surrounding her. Feel free to ask her any question!
Miss Toki joined Fandom on 22nd May 2018 as account. She joined VSTF team on 8th June 2020 (before the rename to SOAP on 4th August 2020). Feel free to contact her in her wall if you have questions.
DSquirrelGM has been a long-time contributor on Gamepedia and member of GRASP for a number of years, and joined SOAP in June 2020 as part of the VSTF/GRASP merge.
Frisk is a contributor to a few of Gamepedia wikis since 2013. He became involved in the wiki community and joined GRASP in 2018. He became a SOAP member in an effort to bring GRASP and VSTF groups together in June of 2020.
Jesto95 is a part of Gamepedia´s Esports Wiki Team since 2018 and joined GRASP on the 6th June 2020. 2 Days later he also joined SOAP , as part of the Merge Process between Fandom and Gamepedia.
GotenSakurauchi has been editing on Fandom since 2012 and joined SOAP in 2022. He can be seen on the Symphogear Wiki or any other wiki he moderates as well in Discussions on Community Central. Feel free to contact him if you have any questions.
Barb joined Fandom in the beginning of 2015. He began editing in the German Clash of Clans Wiki where he became an admin later. In November 2022, he became part of the SOAP team.
Green has been in Fandom since 2016. He was a part of Vanguard and ConVol team, and joined SOAP on January 2024. Spends a lot of his free time helping out spanish wikis.
Lucy has been on Fandom since 2016 but became especially active in 2021. She is a Fandom Discord moderator who joined SOAP in January 2024. Lucy is an admin of Disney Speedstorm Wiki and helps multiple wikis through Fandom Discord.
Moviesign is a former Wiki Representative and long time Fandom editor (since 2011). He is an inaugural member of Fandom Stars and he joined SOAP after the WR program was terminated.
Anti (ASF) has been on Fandom since April 2015 and joined SOAP in January 2025. They edit mostly on the Russian portal, but sometimes they come to other language wikis.
SOAP Bot is an automated and experienced spam and vandalism fighting robot. It has global permissions and is used to delete nonsense spam pages and automatically revert vandalism.
{{SOAPMembers}} is a template that helps present a grid containing information about members of the SOAP team. To add your info, add a new {{SOAPCard}} and fill it out.
name means your real life name (if you wish to provide it)
description tells something about yourself which can be as humorous or serious as you choose
skype indicates your skype nick
lang gives your fluency in whichever languages you know. Please be sure to include your Babel rating for each language. (For example: "ES-N" indicates native fluency in Spanish; "DE-1" means you have only basic German.)
image is a standard File:, or you can use the extimage syntax below.
Note that extimage should be in a particular format in order to show up correctly. Go to the File page on which your image can be found. Then, click on your image until you get to the "natural" or "real" URL for that image. It'll look something like this:
Усіх колишніх членів команди SOAP можна знайти ось тут.
Що не є SOAP[]
Хоча користувачі SOAP мають деякі інструменти, які зазвичай приписують співробітникам Фандому, вони не співробітники. Щоб зв’язатися зі співробітниками Фандому, використовуйте цю форму.
Хоча SOAP має доступ до деяких інструментів адміністратора, вони не адміністратори, і важливо зазначити, що вони не замінюють і не «перевершують» локальних адміністраторів. Місцева спільнота та місцеві адміністратори відповідають за свої завдання, пов’язані з вікі, і SOAP є «лише» для того, щоб допомогти з очищенням спаму між вікі та скасуванням вандалізму на тихих або неактивних вікі. Якщо були вжиті дії щодо вікі, де адміністратор був неактивним на момент вандалізму, блок SOAP завжди може бути переглянутий та змінений локальним адміністратором.