Martin Roy Cheek
Martin Roy Cheek (born 1960), British botanist.
Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AB, United Kingdom (in 2004, 2013, 2015)
IPNI standard form: Cheek
Taxon names authored
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- Cheek, M.R. & Jebb, M. 2001. Flora Malesiana 15. Nepenthaceae. 164 pp. Noordhoff-Kolff N.V., Djakarta. ISBN 90-71236-49-8. PDF Reference page.
- Cheek, M., Williams, S.A. & Etuge, M. 2003. Kupea martinetugei, a new genus and species of Triuridaceae from Western Cameroon. Kew Bulletin 58(1): 225–228. DOI: 10.2307/4119366
. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Cheek, M.R. & Becker, R. 2004. A new species of Myosotis L. (Boraginaceae) from Cameroon, with a key to the tropical African species of the genus. Kew Bulletin 59(2): 227–231. JSTOR Reference page.
- Sosef, M.S.M., Wieringa, J.J., Jongkind, C.C.H., Achoundong, G., Azizet Issembé, Y., Bedigian, D., van den Berg, R.G., Breteler, F.J., Cheek, M., Degreef, J., Faden, R.B., Goldblatt, P., van der Maesen, L.J.G., Ngok Banak, L., Niangadouma, R., Nzabi, T., Nziengui, B., Rogers, Z.S., Stévart, T., van Valkenburg, J.L.C.H., Walters, G., & de Wilde, J.J.F.E. 2006. Check-list des plantes vasculaires du Gabon. Scripta Botanica Belgica 35: 1–438. ISBN 90-72619-69-2 PDF (title & pp. 400–401). Reference page.
- Cheek, M. & Dorr, L. 2007. Sterculiaceae. 134 pp. In Beentje, H.J. (ed.), Flora of Tropical East Africa. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens. ISBN 978-1-84246-185-3 Online (JSTOR). Reference page.
- Cheek, M. & Etuge, M. 2009. Allophylus conraui (Sapindaceae) reassessed and Allophylus ujori described from Cameroon Highlands of West Africa. Kew Bulletin 64(3): 495–502. DOI: 10.1007/s12225-009-9139-x
. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Cheek, M. & Etuge, M. 2009. Deinbollia oreophila (Sapindaceae), a new submontane species from Western Cameroon and adjoining Nigeria. Kew Bulletin 64(3): 503–508. DOI: 10.1007/s12225-009-9132-4
. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Cheek, M.R. & Jebb, M.H. 2013. Recircumscription of the Nepenthes alata group (Caryophyllales: Nepenthaceae), in the Philippines, with four new species. European Journal of Taxonomy 69: 1–23. DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2013.69
Reference page.
- Cheek, M., Lopez Poveda, L. & Darbyshire, I. 2015. Ledermanniella lunda sp. nov. (Podostemaceae) of Lunda-Norte, Angola. Kew Bulletin 70(Article number: 10): 1–5. DOI: 10.1007/S12225-015-9559-8
Reference page.
- Cheek, M., Magassouba, S., Howes, M.J.R., Doré, T., Doumbouya, S., Molmou, D., Grall, A., Couch, C. & Larridon, I. 2018. Kindia (Pavetteae, Rubiaceae), a new cliff-dwelling genus with chemically profiled colleter exudate from Mt Gangan, Republic of Guinea. PeerJ 6, p.e4666. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4666
Reference page.
- Cheek, M., Tsukaya, H., Rudall, P.J. & Suetsugu, K. 2018. Taxonomic monograph of Oxygyne (Thismiaceae), rare achlorophyllous mycoheterotrophs with strongly disjunct distribution. PeerJ 6(6, e4828): 1–34. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4828
. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Cheek, M., Alvarez-Aguirre, M.G., Grall, A., Sonké, B., Howes, M.J.R. & Larridon, I. 2018. Kupeantha (Coffeeae, Rubiaceae), a new genus from Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. PloS one 13(6), p.e0199324. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199324 Reference page.
- Cheek, M., Etuge, M. & Williams, S.A. 2019. Afrothismia kupensis sp. nov. (Thismiaceae), Critically Endangered, with observations on its pollination and notes on the endemics of Mt Kupe, Cameroon. Blumea 64(2): 158–164. DOI: 10.3767/blumea.2019.64.02.06
. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Cheek, M., Molmou, D., Magassouba, S. & Ghogue, J.-P. 2022. Taxonomic revision of Saxicolella (Podostemaceae), African waterfall plants highly threatened by Hydro-Electric projects. Kew Bulletin 77: 403–433. DOI: 10.1007/s12225-022-10019-2
Reference page.
- Joyce, E.M., Appelhans, M.S., Buerki, S., Cheek, M., de Vos, J.M., Pirani, J.R., Zuntini, A.R., Bachelier, J.B., Bayly, M.J., Callmander, M.W. & Devecchi, M.F., Pell, S.K., Groppo, M., Lowry, P.P. II, Mitchell, J., Siniscalchi, C.M., Munzinger, J., Orel, H.K., Pannell, C.M., Nauheimer, L., Sauquet, H., Weeks, A., Muellner-Riehl, A.N., Leitch, I.J., Maurin, O., Forest, F., Nargar, K., Thiele, K.R., Baker, W.J. & Crayn, D.M. 2023. Phylogenomic analyses of Sapindales support new family relationships, rapid Mid-Cretaceous hothouse diversification, and heterogeneous histories of gene duplication. Frontiers in Plant Science 14: 1–14. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1063174
Reference page.
- Cheek, M. & Luke, W.R.Q. 2023. A taxonomic synopsis of unifoliolate continental African Vepris (Rutaceae). Kew Bulletin 78(4). DOI: 10.1007/s12225-023-10120-0
Reference page.
- Cheek, M., Soto Gomez, M., Graham, S.W. & Rudall, P.J. 2023 ['2024']. Afrothismiaceae (Dioscoreales), a new fully mycoheterotrophic family endemic to tropical Africa. Kew Bulletin 79(1): 55–73. DOI: 10.1007/s12225-023-10124-w
. Reference page.