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Dinobryon divergens



Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Diaphoretickes
Cladus: Tsar
Cladus: Sar
Infraregnum: Heterokonta
Phylum: Ochrophyta
Subphylum: Phaeista
Infraphylum: Limnista
Classis: Chrysophyceae
Ordines: Chloramoebales – Chromulinales – Chrysosaccales – Chrysosphaerales – Heterogloeales – Hibberdiales – Hydrurales – Ochromonadales – Parmales – Synurales – Thallochrysidales

Genera (incertae sedis): Aurosphaera – Gilsonichrysis – Myxochrysis – Parachrysostomum – Peltomonas – Phaeobotrys – Phanulithus – Randersenia

Genus (nomen dubium): Clathromonas



Chrysophyceae Pascher, 1914



Similar groups:



Primary references


Alternative classifications


Pascher (1914)


Division Chrysophyta

Fritsch (1935)


Fritsch, F.E. The Structure and Reproduction of the Algae. Vol. I. Introduction, Chlorophyceae. Xanthophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Dinophyceae, Chloromonadineae, Euglenineae, Colourless Flagellata. 1935. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. From Sharma (1986), [1], [2].

Class Chrysophyceae

Smith (1938)


From Smith, G.M. (1938). Cryptogamic Botany, vol. 1. Algae and fungi. McGraw-Hill, New York, [3].

Division Chrysophyta

Bourrely (1957)

  • Bourrelly, P. 1957. Recherches sur les Chrysophycées: morphologie, phylogénie, systématique. Revue Algologique, mémoire hors-séries 1: 1–412. Reference page

Class Chrysophyceae

Bourrelly (1968)


Bourrelly, P. Les algues d'eau douce. Initiation à la systématique. Éditions Boubée. Tome II. Les algues jaunes et brunes. Chrysophycées, Phéophycées, Xanthophycées et Diatomées, 1968, [4]. Réimpression revue et augmentée, 1981.


  • Chromophytes
    • Class Chrysophycées
      • Subclass Acontochrysophycidées
        • Order Phaeoplacales
        • Order Stichoglhroeales
        • Order Chrysosacales
        • Order Rhizochrysidales
      • Subclass Hétérochrysophycidées
        • Order Chromulinales
        • Order Ochromonadales
      • Subclass Isochrysophycidées
        • Order Isochrysidales
        • Order Prymnésiales
      • Subclass Craspédomonadophycidées (= Craspédomonadines = Choanoflagellés)
        • Order Monosigales
          • Family Monosigacées
          • Family Salpingoecacées
          • Family Phalanstériacées
    • Class Phéophycées
    • Class Xanthophycées
    • Class Diatomophycées (= Bacillariophycées)

Starmach (1985)


Starmach, K. (1985). Chrysophyceae und Haptophyceae. In: Süsswasserflora von Mitteleuropa, Bd. 1. VEB Gustav Fisher Verlag, [5]. From Preisig (1995), [6].

Class Chrysophyceae

Kristiansen (1986)


Kristiansen, J. 1986. The ultrastructural bases of chrysophyte systematics and phylogeny. CRC Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. 4: 149–211. From Preisig (1995), [7].

  • Class Chrysophyceae

Cavalier-Smith (1993)


From Kingdom Protozoa and its 18 phyla


van den Hoek et al. (1995)


van den Hoek, C., Mann, D.G. & Jahns, H.M. (1995). Algae: An Introduction to Phycology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, [8].


Preisig / Moestrup (1995)


Preisig, H. R. (1995). A modern concept of chrysophyte classification. In Chrysophyte Algae, ed. C. D. Sandgren, J. R. Smol, and J. Kristiansen, pp. 49–50, [9]

Moestrup, Ø. (1995) Current status of chrysophyte 'splinter groups': synurophytes, pedinellids, silicoflagellates. In Chrysophyte Algae, ed. C. D. Sandgren, J. R. Smol, and J. Kristiansen, pp. 75-91.

"Chrysophyceae and 'splinter groups'"

  • Class Chrysophyceae (Pascher, 1914, nom. descrip.; Hibberd, 1976, nom. typificatum)

David J. Patterson (1999)


From The Diversity of Eukaryotes


Preisig & Andersen, in Lee et al. (2000)


Preisig, H.R. & Andersen, R.A., 2000. Chrysomonada (Class Chrysophyceae Pascher, 1914). In: Lee, J.J., Leedale, G.F. & Bradbury, P. An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Society of Protozoologists/Allen Press: Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A, 2nd ed., vol. 2, p. 693-730, [10]. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), [11].

In “protozoa”, “stramenopiles

Kristiansen & Preisig (2001)


Kristiansen, J. & Preisig, H.R. 2001. Encyclopedia of Chrysophyte Genera. Bibliotheca Phycologica, Band 110. J. Cramer, Berlin/Stuttgart. See Brands, S.J., 1989-2015, [12].

Adl et al. (2012)



Vernacular names

Deutsch: Goldbraune Algen
eesti: Koldvetikad, Krüsofüüdid
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