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Pakistan's SUPARCO signed in October 2008 a contract with China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC) for the on orbit delivery of the PakSAT 1R communication satellite. The DFH-4 based satellite will have a service life of 15 years and was launched in 2011 on a CZ-3B/G2 booster.

By the end of 2011, Pakistan plans to replace PakSAT 1 with the new communications satellite PakSAT-1R which will be manufactured exclusively for Pakistan. The satellite will support all conventional and modern Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) applications. The satellite will have a total of up to 30 transponders: 18 in Ku-band and 12 in C-band. To ensure high degree of reliability / availability of the system, two fully redundant Satellite Ground Control Stations (SGCS) would be established in Karachi and Lahore, one to act as the main and the other as backup respectively.

Nation: Pakistan
Type / Application: Communication
Operator: SUPARCO
Contractors: CAST
Equipment: 18 Ku-band transponders, 12 C-band transponders
Configuration: DFH-4 Bus
Power: 2 deployable solar arrays, batteries
Lifetime: 15 years
Mass: 5120 kg
Orbit: GEO
Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
PakSAT 1R 2011-042A 11.08.2011 Xi LC-2 CZ-3B/G2


  • Xinhua report 16.10.2008
Further PakSAT missions:

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