Wolves Witches and Giants, narrated by Spike Milligan, is a children's cartoon series of humorous adaptations of classic fairy tales, featuring a collection of villains including the wily wolf, a wicked witch and an enormous giant. It was written by musician Ed Welch, based on an LP, also performed by Milligan. The Directors and Producers were Simon & Sara Bor of Honeycomb Animation. There were 4 series of 13 episodes and 3 specials produced for ITV from 1995-99. Reruns ran on Discovery Kids (UK) until its defunct in 2007 and was revived by CITV in 2008 where it still runs.
TV Show Intro[]
Sound Effects Used[]
- Hollywoodedge, Baby Cries TE018001 (Heard twice in "Babes in the Wood".)
- Hollywoodedge, Funny Sgl Chicken CRT011001 (Heard once in "The Little Red Hen".)